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Seanbaby invites Brockway and guest, Lydia Bugg, onto the ol' podcast ranch to watch Playing It Straight, the 2000s reality show about hunting gay people for sport. That's really what it's about! It was a lawless era!


Billy Whitehouse

I thought maybe the cowboy thing was playing off Brokeback Mountain but that came out a year after. So now we know that Brokeback Mountain was inspired by this show.

Scribbler Johnny

An anti-gay show that hates straight people just as much? Yep, that's a time capsule. That was an era that hated all humans.

Scribbler Johnny

I always thought it was inspired by the South Park independent films joke where all the movies were about gay cowboys eating pudding.

Gene Richardson

"There's a gay noid in the house and you've gotta catch him" made me cackle laugh. What a fucking sentence.


So, I opened the Wikipedia for this show, and it includes a cheat sheet for who is and isn’t gay, and that knowledge adds some layers to these proceedings.

Nicholas Mathews

Some Fox TV exec definitely floated the idea of changing the name of this ranch to "Flaming Saddles." The fact that they didn't means they either had an ounce of self restraint while making Playing It Straight, or the budget couldn't manage a ranch re-naming and a million dollar prize.


I was in college at the time and I knew Luciano's sister as this was airing


This episode almost killed me cos I kept giggling on while benching. Thanks, jerks!


Extra fancy French toast being straight but cakes being gay made me turn it off. I’ll legit try myself if I don’t.

Gene Richardson

Warning: the complete episode 8 does not seem to exist on the internet except as a Russian dubbed version. We got almost to the end of it and it ended without any warning.