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The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 4 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Lincoln County. Some corn was harmed in the making of this episode (but not a lot).


joe dude

woooo bigfeets day

Kevin Lynch

The invasive Hellhound is scaring away farm workers so they call in the even more invasive hillbilly AIMS Team to take care of it. it’s the Mountain Monsters Mongoose Solution

Matt Edwards

But then how do you get rid of the AIMS crew? I guess they can be chased off by a bigfoot.

Brendan McGinley

Finally, it's a right proper Bigfootin' ag'in.


I feel like Hans Moleman saying Boo-urns, but I thought Willy and Bill did a darn fine job with that trap.

Former Fish Farmer

All right folks. Time to blow some minds with my vast store of completely useless information! It is time to tell the tale of the legendary Kornwolf. The Kornwolf was an old Germanic field spirit or daemon, in the shape of a huge wolf or hound, that supposedly lurked in cornfields and hunted children who strayed into the rows against their parents instructions. You find the Kornwolf story wherever you find German immigrants. Now, I know what you are about to ask and yes, yes there are other kinds of Farm Wolves. Pretty much every kind of field crop had it's own Evil Spirit Wolf. Including my very favorite of all Werewolf/Demon Wolf/Devil Dog breeds. The terrifying Kartoffelwolf. Also know as the Potato Wolf. Also, ALSO known as the only wolf demon I'm pretty sure I could take in a fight.


I'm with Jason. On paper this trap is fine. If the plan is to chase the monster then a long tube with a net in the middle isn't the worst idea. The issue is that they still haven't figured out that they need to fake making multiple traps. The trap/pincer combo is 1000% more plausible if you're corralling bigfoot into a general area rather than trying to drive/bait it into one specific 2'x2' spot. We know it won't work because the cryptid always goes on the attack the second they encounter it but at least then they can say they were overpowered rather than outwitted. It also gives the witnesses and investigation something to actually do. Instead of learning that the thing is eight hucklefeet tall and leaves footprints after they've already fought it and placed their traps, they can start placing traps right away and use witnesses/footprints to determine where additional traps are placed and how they should blend them into the environment.


And then if you click on the sheepsquatch link it shows not the wampa from Star Wars, but an AI generated image of a sheep bigfoot. Phenomenal.


Ehm, I just found out that AIMS crew has something common with Bigfoot... They fall down... https://youtube.com/shorts/GsTQrHWO8zI?si=_gs5t70xVTsh3hcD