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Popsicle Pete. Some websites don't even let you speak his name. We call those websites "survivors."

But that's not you!

Buy his shirt, wear his image, taunt your fate!


Nicole London

Holy shit I forgot about Popsicle Pete!! I welcome the darkness back into my life.

Dave Dalrymple

I still have my quickly-discontinued shirt with the original art. It slowly radiates dark energy, poisoning this world and bringing it ever closer to calamity.

Jeff Orasky

I am afraid to wear mine. Both for the obvious reason and because I know I can't replace it.


Ah, my old friend Ice Pop Paul. I look forward to spreading the darkness.


Yay! Although I notice when I select US as the country for shipping on the checkout page, DC isn't listed as one of the state options? Just wanted to let you guys know so the Dogs in the District don't miss out on their shirts!