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Just as the prophecy foretold, it’s new BIGFEETS shirt day! We’ve got hot new artwork looking for a chest to inhabit:

Take a look at how incredible this is, real high quality stuff:

Where else are you going to get a shirt with 2.5 Shaqs and mothman on it? Not at Nordstrom’s, that’s for sure. I’ve got the no trespass paperwork and lawyer fees to prove it!

Don’t forget we also just got this BIGFEETS hoodie!

So go check out the new stuff, the art is really neat, and I think you’ll enjoy it.


Pee-Wee's Uncle

Fuck this. The shirt should have all of you accidentally pointing guns at each other.


Well. Yep. I officially love every choice here.


You’re just gonna ignore that they successfully captured the hog beast of Pete’s Animals for Rent?