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The Bigfeets boys are officially reunited and stronger than ever!

We watch as the AIMS team, befuddled as ever, fumble around Appalachian forests in search of the ever elusive Thunder Bros, or... maybe they're trying to evade them? There's literally no way of knowing! Grab your cheapest axe and tune in to this episode of BIGFEETS!


Jeremy Haring

I keep forgetting that the pieces of an apocolyptic weapon are strewn around the woods where I live.

Christopher Burke

The night after listening to this I had a nightmare about the Bigfoot Apocalypse. This was presumably my brain coping with what might have happened had the AIMS Team failed. But in the dream I had no idea of the why. I only knew that whenever a child made noise, moments later a Bigfoot would burst through the wall like the Kool aid man and rip the child apart, dooming mankind to life deep underground. Thank goodness for their unexpected moderate degree of competence!