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It’s Hot Dog Appreciation Day, where we take a few moments away from furiously hunting down psychic karate masters to mock their books, and instead turn to the incredible community that has arisen around our psychic karate author hunts.

Let’s check in on The Comments:

First we have to pick up some questionable jerky and bootleg Mount Doo over in Sissyneck Corner. Let’s see how he’s doing after watching Lydia’s Poopsie Slime Surprise column:

Ingrid also sees troubling consequences from the breach Lydia left open when she pulled Poopsie Slime Surprise through to our world.

Godek long ago gave up the fight and joined our site. It’s the only place he gets regular attention. Not like his wife, who’s attended more regularly than a Mormon church.

Djonin has some follow-up questions about Brockway’s column on Sensei Rainbow and the Dojo Kids:

We would watch that show if Danny could stop remixing language long enough to get a line out.

Over in The Discord, one of our Hot Dog Supremes, redchronos, received their first cursed artifact and foolishly disregarded all warnings to only look at it alone, in a tarnished mirror, and always through natural light:

There’s a dangerous discussion that tears apart every single fandom eventually. It finally happened to us. It was time to debate… which Animorphs Seanbaby and Brockway would be.

Luckily Science God Q Alchemy knew the only question that brings every community back together:

Our Discord is a thriving and active community that has grown entirely beyond our control and will consume Tokyo unless the power of friendship can stop it. They play tabletop RPGs, host their own movie nights, and gellaho does a weekly live bookread of the Steele series, the pulp novels about a cyborg mercenary with a human dick. It is very important: His dick is still human! gellaho ripped the many emotional states of Steele from his various book covers -- from Screaming Leftward to Screaming Diagonal Leftward.

And Djonin’s here again to interpret Steele’s facial sign language:

Josh contemplates the greater nature of human progress:

And gellaho comes diving back in dick-first to start a conversation nobody was ready for. Well, almost nobody...

You did it, Ferroday! You saved us all. You scooped us from the inferno and ran, breathless, from the very mouth of hell all the way up to the lip of a volcano, where you tossed us in again.

We need a palate cleanser here. Let’s do something fun and easy:

All right, that’s enough of a break. Time to jump back into the Wrong Dimension by writing their new favorite TV series:

Dick Wolf knows there’s no winning in this rotten world, but Ferroday is going to do it anyway.  Whether it was Pepsiman’s carbonated jizz, or Sekiro’s depressed, multi-orgasmic sex workers, Ferroday dominated this extremely sticky week. This was the horniest fortnight in our Discord history! Now, let’s never have another. Ferroday has won custody of what used to be humanity’s most precious artwork, before the likes of gellaho got hold of it.

For further debasing the cultural legacy of man, gellaho will be entirely deconstructed and his parts used to build a killer cyborg that will relentlessly hunt his own family and friends to the ends of the Earth. It will not have a human dick. This is important: It will not have a human dick!

You folks are, as always, the best. And if anyone ever questions that, you call us. We’ll put Dick Wolf, Wolf Dick on the case. He always gets his man. What he does with him… is better left unsaid.


Jeff Orasky

Was there ever a Steele and Penetrator cross over? I remember seeing some Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Super Mysteries on the bookstore shelves... can I get something like that for Steele and Penetrator? The cover art alone will be worth the price.