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Welcome, 🌭s, to your day of appreciation. We’re awesome. We know that. We know it so hard that we sculpt each other from processed ham and symbolically devour one another every spring. It’s a beautiful ceremony. It’s about rebirth. But this isn’t about us. This is about you. Did you know you’re awesome? Because you are. We have proof!

First let’s check in on Sissyneck Corner, where most people have lost a foot to diabetes, but that don’t stop ‘em dancin’!

He got a visit from Ghost of Sissyneck Future when Brockway wrote about Mike Loveless, host of Isn’t That Something?

And in the rare Q&A, Sissyneck confirms that Christ does not fuck with K-Cups.

There comes a time in every child’s life when they get a Silverhawk instead of a He-Man, and they come to understand a fundamental new part of the world in exchange for their innocence. Sissyneck puts it better…

Now let’s move on to the Comments where Robert Lee finds redemption in the works of Bobbi Dempsey.

We actually just checked and this holds up. Purely on a technical level, 1,001 Sexcapades To Do If You Dare is better than Severance.

Christopher Horne tries to wrangle a knighthood for Brockway, but it brings Clementine Danger to a painful understanding:

It’s true: You need to stop and appreciate the giggles now, before somebody pivots them to augmented reality walrus NFTs.

Katherine just read the Don Diebel article with that pickup line. That one. She thought nobody would be here to share the horror with her, but she’s wrong. That’s what makes us a community, Katherine – all of our vaginas have clamped shut in solidarity.

Flippant Sausage just spoiled Act 3 of Brockway’s masterwork…

And Flippant Sausage will meet the minotaur. He will answer its riddle. He will be the solution to the question only asked in blood.

Matthew Harris just had a stark revelation about the growing wealth gap while reading 1900HOTDOG, which is actually our mission statement.

We’re not sure if Emilio Colon got lost on the way to a better website but he’s welcome to stop and rest a while, and regale us with the tale of Michael Oliver, New Jersey Ranger.

Next it’s time for Weekend Updape with Gellaho! Let’s introduce ourselves (no eye contact, butt elevated in submission) to the new ape Gellaho wrangled for us this month! Only one, but it is an ape of learning and distinction.

You do not want to see Scholar Ape defend its thesis. And by “thesis” we mean “your genitals” and by “defend” we mean “attack.”

Now on to the Discord, where Haraka keeps jokingly coming up with terrible bodies for Brockway and he earnestly accepts all of them, anything, for the love of God.

1900HOTDOG isn’t a place of learning, but sometimes it is a place where you get taught. Javo and Some Kind of Wizard would like to demonstrate:

If you didn’t know Gellaho does weekly readings of hilariously terrible books every Friday at 5PM ET in the book-dorks channel of the Discord, now you know that. And your life is richer for it. Join him and folks like Mo to discuss fun stuff like Hardy Boys books!

To Hot Dog is a thing of high effort. We worship obscure and exceedingly strange material that requires hours of explanation to understand, and then more hours of explanation to get the jokes we make about it. It’s the highest difficulty fandom, but Adrienne has it on lock. From her Barbarian Brothers pendant…

To her special Dogg Zzone panic button.

To her fantastic outside-the-box solutions to our Patreon issues.

Now it’s time for The Great Annual Hot Dog Drag! Now held weekly.

DJ Ashba, in his Hot Topic Frankenstein hat and fractional goatee, looking like the Muppet Babies version of Rob Zombie, had the nerve to call somebody else “uncool.”

As you can see the Drag is devolving into real baseless character assassination toward the end, implying that DJ Ashba prowls the mall for inappropriately young women when there’s absolutely no basis-

This Hot Dog Drag has been officially certified and can now safely be entered into court record.

Clementine Danger tried to use the powers of Hot Dog for good…

And it worked! Ozzie found exactly that.

There’s no hilarious turn here. It was just a nice moment. Apparently you can use this community’s skill at finding things like outtakes of Steven Seagal shitting his pants and point it at something nice and it still works. Amazing.

Speaking of bizarre community expertise, DoctorPaprika could only think of one publication to debut his stunning new research:

Djonin realized every Barbarian Fashion Check is just brainstorming a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure character, and it works perfectly.

It’s time for the Great Annual Hot Dog Drag! Now held biweekly. This time it’s Larry King… ‘s phone.

It’s always a good time to mock Men’s Rights Activists. Javo puts them up, SpottyReception puts them down.

Speedboy the Wonder J has tried over and over again to warn rural Virginia about Ogre Washington, but they’re just not ready to hear the truth.

Ferroday is getting too close to the truth and must be stopped.

Cyberzone missed his calling as a 1990s stand-up comedian hurled forward in time to a world confusing and terrifying for him.

This next one requires some setup: Brockway has been cyberstalking a delusional karateman named Sensei Dave Seeger, and publishing articles on his deeply obscure failed projects that only up to 20 human eyes have ever seen before. Then Javo realized one of the children from Sensei Rainbow and the Dojo Kids was baby Paul Dano, our country’s most twisted Riddler! This role was, of course, not on his IMDB profile. Sensei Rainbow and the Dojo Kids had double digit views when Brockway found it. Plus it would ruin Paul Dano’s life: It would be his very first acting role, by several years. Putting the credit in the most prominent place, right at the start of his profile. It would haunt him forever. It would be his Gay Karate Man.

We had to make it happen.

DeltaFoxtrot and Javo jumped through the many, many hoops IMDB puts up on the route between truth and ruination. And then IMDB set those hoops on fire and demanded they do it all again, backwards and crippled with gas pain. Our heroes were not deterred. It took weeks, but they did it. They god damn did it.

This month our community has ruined a major celebrity’s life in the name of Hot Dog. There’s no beating that. Congratulations, Javo and DeltaFoxtrot! You’re the winners!

You’re the new joint custodians of the Prince Photo:

So it seems each instance of vandalization was actually a seal, meant to keep the murderous rampage of Princebot 1999 at bay. Each month we lose one. There are not many left. We dread the day those powerful Keith David kneepads come off, for that is the day it will be truly free. Much like Clementine Danger, our previous winner, we hope we are an artistic smear on a tennis court before that day comes.

You folks are, as always, the best. And if anyone ever questions that, you call us. We’ll put their darkest secrets on fucking IMDB, we’ll do it! We’re crazy!


If these images are borked, you can read this article and every other one on the much better in every way 1900HOTDOG.COM.


Christopher Horne

Congratulations everyone, especially Clementine for “alley-oop”-Ing (apologies if I’ve misused your term, America) our comment into hotdog legend. Waaay better than a knighthood… speaking of which, maybe we could start our own order as Her Highness is ignoring my pleas? The Knights Hotdoggiér maybe sounds like a thing…

Jeff Orasky

I was really enjoying the quality entries this Appreciation Day and then came to the end. That's it. We're done. Nobody will ever top getting imdb to recognize Paul Dano in that piece of insanity. I think it might be time to retire the Prince picture.

Clementine Danger

Yay, Javo and DeltaFoxtrot are coming to the compound! You'll like it here! We get popsicles every eighth weekday! My blood feels fine!

Christopher Horne

We did… We sure did! I guess the underdog… was the Hotdog all along! [High five and freeze frame to credits]


Congratulations, everyone! Javo and DeltaFoxtrot, good luck with the assassins Paul Dano will inevitably send.


well for me I have a appreciation for learning about new things I am listening to the Tokyo Nights on youtube right now and it is pretty boogie! it is a new music experience for me but i agree with this person in the comments: "I think it would be great for a couple of anime themed Halloween parties."

Alpha Scientist Javo

You would genuinely not believe how long it took. Brockway wasn't joking when he said we were on it for weeks.


I just want everyone to know that I appreciate sissyneck for warning me of the dangers of single serve coffee brewers.


It’s true. Javo sent imdb screenshots, a summary and a link to the actual video and they still refused to accept it. Delta jumped in to see if imdb was just spiting Javo and they started putting him through similar BS.

Clementine Danger

City pop is perfect hot dog bops. Joyful, stupid, nostalgic, glitzy, completely out of synch with the zeitgeist and cooler for it. I've come around on being a little embarrassed by my love for it. I will bring that city pop glitter into your life. I will sing along, loudly, problematicly. Racistly? Probably yes, but there is never malice in it. As is the hot dog way.

Clementine Danger

I can't believe I missed this whole saga. Y'all took on IMDB? That's batshit. What's like the opposite of respect but still positive?


yeah, yeah. whatever about the DNA. but there will be popsicles? also dream-cicles? i love them orange ones

Clementine Danger

That's so fucking crazy. I was in a few movies (do me a favor and don't track them down) and the director spent months, probably years on and off trying to get them listed and never got there. He had the actual film. Not digital files, like actual proper film in canisters. He had notes from a real entire government saying yeah, we gave this man money to make movies, which he did, and here they are. Never worked. Apparently IMDB is tougher to get into than the Illuminati.

Brendan McGinley

Nobody goes home until Paul Dano stars in the revival of Traxx...featuring Shadoe Stevens as Uncle Traxx Sr.

Flippant Sausage

You don't get to be a second degree Initiate of the Hotdog Cult without opening your third eye, and gazing upon the infinite future. When you do that you just run the risk of meeting the minotaur and of course you get a blood riddle. It's all part of my journey, and someday I'll construct the Infinite Tesseract Labyrinth and imprison all content inside and become Lord of the Internet, and all life will bow down and thank me! *Loud thunder, cackling*

Flippant Sausage

We finally have our revenge on Paul Dano. Not that he did anything for us to get revenge for, I feel like the consensus is that 1900-HOTDOG believes in preemptive revenge, just as part of our values.

Flippant Sausage

I'm sure Paul Dano hasn't lived a spotless life, and if he has then his karmic burden is further lightened. Now he's morally and karmically free to eat meat or do a hit and run while on MDMA or whatever. If anything we are the besties.


Solid appreciation day, everyone!


I appreciate the fuck out of all of this.


It is not often that I agree wholeheartedly with the choice, but this time I cheered. Also, this post is a week old and I'm starting to realize I really got to get my act together.