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Welcome, truthseekers, to a podcast the fatcats up at Big Bigfoot don’t want you to hear. Joining us today is Jason Pargin, author of the upcoming If This Book Exists You’re in the Wrong Universe. Pre-order now! The absolutely perfect guest for our show about a telepathic forest ape fighting seven large drunk men with a high school education between them. We’re talking of course about Mountain Monsters on, let me check, Discovery Channel +’s Travel Channel Streaming? Sure, that probably exists.

Other shows leave the mystery up in the air, other shows try to keep still-shine hillbillies away from dangerous traps, other shows don’t even make their Bigfeet psychic! Mountain Monsters is not afraid to say “Bigfoot was right over there and he shook me like a baby.” Mountain Monsters is not afraid to build a man-trap and drunkenly fall in it. Mountain Monsters is not afraid to invent hilarious new kinds of Bigfoot! Mountain Monsters is not afraid to be the perfect show.

Please also stay for our FREE bonus episode, Hot Dog Monster Mountain: The Riddle of Psychic Bigfoot’s Gold, wherein Seanbaby and Jason Pargin must write their own season finale to wrap up the Psychic Bigfoot vs. Hillbilly Monster Hunter storyline.

The best part of Mountain Monsters is everything, but especially Wild Bill, who is now the unofficial spokesman of 1900HOTDOG because of his ability to do meth, build traps, and not think things through.

Here he is doing so much meth he air-chainsaws:

Here he is nearly dying while building a trap:

Here he is seconds later, nearly dying again from not thinking things through.

Rev up your air chainsaw and carve us a review here, and remember to follow us like a psychic bigfoot slave wherever you get podcasts.


If these images are borked, you can read this article and every other one on the much better in every way 1900HOTDOG.COM.


Matt Edwards

Haven't listened to the podcast yet, but those gifs make me want to watch the show.


is there gonna be a follow up on the monster mountain tribute to trapper special?


All I wanna know is if Pargin is, again, deeply saddened by the end of this. I'm never sure whether to root for Seanbaby and Brockway to destroy Pargin's spirit, or not. Anyway, I'm sure I'm fine.


I like to imagine Jason does this as some sort of bizarre test of mental and physical strength. Like a comedic version of lifting atlas stones

Brendan McGinley

I thought the meth was a daring accusation, but then I saw that jaw shoveling, and realized you were deliberately understating it.

James Boyd

“Heading down where the mountain men live, With their dirty deeds and their whiskey grins, Where a native son is a toothless prince, He plays for keeps when he speaks his sins, Take a sip then spit it out It’s your turn to burn in this mountain man town” Actual theme song

James Boyd

Also - I really hope these guys show up in an episode of the Justified reboot. I’d love to watch Raylan try to deal with these dipshits

William Beamish

great episode I should quit my job to sell bigfoot erotica


"This thought brought to you by: Psychic Bigfoot™"

William Beamish

"two months now I have been in Bigfoot's psychic harem. From the beginning I have felt completely at ease with myself and my new community. I awake each morning to Bigfoot's large kind eyes gazing down upon us from his tree perch. I smile. His muscled furry frame climbs down with surprising grace and he gently brushes my hair with his forest comb. "Awake at last" he says telepathically" I open my eyes. I am back in my cubicle at work. The smell of pine seems to linger in the air before disappearing completely. I have not been to the forest in weeks.

Jake Withee

As the supposed cohost of a comedy podcast about the science behind paranormal phenomena, I am APPALLED that I was not previously aware of this television show. I have no choice but to resign in shame… or perhaps watch the entire show over the course of the next week.

Daphne Lawless

Re: Jason's point about French sex language - French has a nice word for vaginal wetness ("cyprine") which English lacks, for the same reason English lacks its own version of "bon appetit".


I'll gladly pay the $50 for the rights to the show if someone wants to make a tabletop roleplaying game of Mountain Monsters. Two guys who have classes built around making traps having the worst possible idea and then dying by failing to run down a tree is peak tabletop.

Ryan Timmis

Had to check that out, and it turns out that "cyprine" translates into English as "love juice." So, yeah, way better word in French

Jeff Orasky

Once again, Brockway has told me about some media that will absolutely make my life worse if I consume it, but I am compelled to do so anyway. Thank you?


You guys are just the fucking best. I listened to the show before coming here, not expecting to see Meth Squirrel falling out of a tree for myself. But goddamn, you Hotdogs never disappoint! #MethSquirrelRules


Know this exists will haunt me in ways I will never fully comprehend