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This week we’re joined by Adam Ganser from the newly relaunched 1upsmanship podcast and the Small Beans Network to talk about making your own passion projects. Specifically, why you shouldn’t do that if you’re Derek Savage. Derek Savage is a weed bro, a gun loon, and an aspiring Harley Dad who might one day afford a Harley: A triple threat guy if every threat was very real and genuine. The thing Derek Savage most wanted to show the world was Cool Cat: An insane mascot for nothing that gives terrible advice and frightens children. Derek Savage also wanted to tell the world he would be down for a sexual relationship with Mommy Cat, but we’ll get into that.

Listen here, or wherever you get podcasts!

Don’t forget to review and subscribe on the Cool Cat podcast network, or wherever you get your podcasts if that somehow doesn’t exist.


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G Talley

Have you seen the latest from Derek Savage? Cool Cat vs Dirty Dog: The Virus Wars https://vimeo.com/ondemand/coolcat

Bim Talzer

I've been waiting my whole life for "Human PT Cruiser".

Brendan McGinley

There's a certain class of wannabe that I've encountered a few times in comedy writing that thinks they can bafflegab their way to the top by spray & praying with any vaguely recognizable name. I covered a guy who insisted leprechauns were real but also cornered Brady Bunch actors and Larry King to swipe credibility/fame value. And that's the vibe Derek kicks out early and often. Also: Hi, Adam!


Just finished the 50 Shades of Guy podcasts and now I get more Ganser?! Fuck yeah.

Warwick Clark

https://m.imdb.com/video/vi3890458137/?playlistId=tt2974050&ref_=vp_rv_0 nobody is to mock Fatrick, the true star of Cool Cat.


Hell, I just watched the trailer for whatever the fuck "Cool Cat Saves The Kids" is, and I feel like I've been Estrada'd, too. The fuck?