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Imagine a superhero has rescued you, and as he swoops you away from the burning building or the cackling madman, he whispers, "Saving people is pretty cool, right? But you know who's really cool? The one and only savior, Jesus Christ? While you're helplessly dangling above the city, let me tell you about him." This is the nightmare scenario created by Bibleman!

Bibleman is the alter ego of mild-mannered businessman Miles Peterson. The intro rapidly tells his backstory: he has it all, money, a car, an enormous 1990s laptop... but he’s unfulfilled. We find him alone in the woods, at night, with a briefcase, screaming into a rainstorm. Like full-body screaming. This is a man in despair, something terrible has happened, and he is clearly playing a fun adult game called bury the evidence.

He throws himself in the mud dramatically and, after some more screaming, finds a Bible in the dirt (this is also evidence from a separate crime, I feel it in my heart). That Bible led him to feel inspired by the word of God and equipped him with unyielding faith, so he pledged to fight evil in the name of God and also Bibleman. It is, by every clinical and artistic definition, fucking insane.

I watched an episode of The Bibleman Adventures from the classic 1995 live action series called "Shattering The Prince Of Pride" because I thought the title sounded like they stole it from a gay erotic novel. I learned so many new things about the Bible from Bibleman! Like, for all of the rules the Bible is firm on, they're pretty soft on murder. In the opening, Bibleman immediately smokes two dudes-- fully reduces them to ash. See, I told you there was a reason that dude was crying in the woods.

He does tell his drone robot sidekick, "Our only concern should be doing God's will. Violence is never fun." His victims' screams are still echoing off the walls and he's already forgiven himself on behalf of God. It is an ominous approval of many future slaughters to come. "As long as you think God wants someone dead, murder is fine, children! I'm Bibleman, and I, wait, sorry, hold on, I just saw someone take the Lord's name in vain gotta go scatter their molecules with my laser sword. Sorry, but it's hard to teach a gentle lesson with a laser sword!"

Some Christian parents found Bibleman too violent, but that's ok because he's extremely violent FOR JESUS. That’s why he wears full body armor, including a very Batman Forever inspired chest plate that makes up for what it's lacking in nipples by throwing in extra abs. Bibleman has a twelve pack!

Each piece of Bibleman armor has a Christian name. There's the waist belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation. He also carries a laser sword which is distinct from a lightsaber because it's the physical manifestation of an unseen force, in this case, the force of God's word on earth. Apparently, sometimes the word of God is send this fucker to Hell, Bibleman!

Basically, every element of Bibleman is bits of borrowed secular pop culture, blended together and liberally spiced with the holy spirit. For instance, you might think the villain, The Prince of Pride, probably has a crown and a sash and looks like a model or something? No, he's a cyborg modeled very closely off the Borg from Star Trek. Oh, so he lives in a palace because he's a prince, right? No, he lives in the sewer. Ninja Turtles were also popular at the time—weird coincidence. Let's research it in the Bat Cave; I mean Bible Cave.

The show knows it's kind of wild that the Cyborg lives in a sewer, so it has him note out loud several times, "It's wild that I live in a sewer! It stinks down here!" As if his self awareness makes it better? The sewer is the absolute worst place for a Cyborg to live. Computers and dampness famously mix about as well as people and all of the bacteria that live in the sewers.

The Prince Of Pride has a ray gun that makes people more prideful. He uses it first on the kid who is drawing the Bibleman comic (because God believes in synergy. He started out as just the Father but then expanded into the Son and Holy Ghost for branding purposes).

When The Prince Of Pride turns the ray gun on Bibleman, he becomes proud of how humble he is, which is a concept that has to have given so many children anxiety. Don't be prideful, kids, be humble! But not too humble, or you might start to feel proud of your humbleness, and then Bibleman will have to kick the shit out of you with the boots of peace. The moral lesson here is clear: the only way to win is to be the one doing the kicking.

Luckily, Bibleman has his trusty sidekicks, his best friend Coats, and a Christian computer system called U.N.I.C.E.. Yes, it's an artificial intelligence that believes in God. Bibleman programmed it to quote Bible verses for him and recap the show halfway through in case you stepped out to get snacks or commit adultery.

One of the things this show struggles with is not making the sin of pride look kind of cool. They made the pride man a cyborg, and those rule. There's one song in this, The Prince Of Pride sings it, and it's really good because it's a ripoff of "Bad" by Michael Jackson. The show fully stops for three minutes so the villain can do a Michael Jackson parody that has no bearing on the plot and woefully confuses waving your arms around for choreography.

If you're going to have The Prince Of Pride sing a Christian parody song, why would you not make it a Prince song? He could do "Sexual Suicide" but change Sexual to Jesus and Suicide into Murder (People Jesus Doesn't Like). That would fully highlight the Bibleman message and be more on theme.

The Prince Of Pride has an evil computer called L.U.C.I that he commands to attack U.N.I.C.E so she can't help Bibleman as he fights the prince. Coates is able to save U.N.I.C.E. by telling her to "remove all data not obedient to Christ." Computer programming in this world is pretty straightforward. You turn God on or off with voice commands. The Prince Of Pride corrupts a picture drawn by the boy who makes the Bibleman comic, and Coates realizes this by simply clicking a large button that says DECODE. It's literally the only clickable thing on his interface:

Still, the idea of removing all data not obedient to Christ makes me picture U.N.I.C.E. having secret files labeled "Smoking" and "Black Sabbath" that she had to tearfully erase. Let U.N.I.C.E. be metal, you cowards!

In the end, Bibleman figures out the Prince Of Pride is subtly manipulating him with his Pride ray, and that's making him bad at lightsaber fighting for some reason? He was so proud of being humble he forgot how to spin kick good, and that's why he was having trouble killing the Prince Of Pride.

The two face off again, and armored with less pride, Bibleman is able to defeat The Prince Of Pride. Since Christianity is big on forgiveness and redemption, Bibleman electrocutes that motherfucker into a pile of bones and goo. He stoically watches chunks of The Prince Of Pride slide down the wall. Shattering The Prince Of Pride is a more literal title than I expected. That man is not going to escape from Arkham.

With the villain dead, Bibleman speaks directly into the camera to tell children, "you can put on the full armor of God if you talk to your parents or pastor," and I have to wonder if this led to some kids converting for the lightsaber. If someone had told me that non-denominational Christians all get lightsabers, I would have ditched Catholicism in an instant as a kid.

Bibleman still exists today, now in cartoon form on PureFlix, the Christian streaming channel. The Bibleman website features a full line of toys, including off-brand legos, a sword of the spirit, coloring books, and plenty of DVDs because if there's one thing God loves more than humbleness, synergy, and turning sinners to puddles, it's capitalism.


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Matt Edwards

Ah, Bibleman. A show made so badly, it looks like atheists made it to take the piss out of Christians.

Brian Sanford

Bibleman doesn't play that soaking BS, he hits homeruns for Jesus every time


yes i heard about that naming your armors for increased personal confidence and fortitude i presonally have the stretch slacks of the Eye of Moroni, the non-slip OSHAA compliant steel-toe crocs of Japheth, Father of Gomer, and the CPAP Nasal Prong Mask and Headgear of Christ's Pure Love.


All I have is the bathrobe of Baphomet, which is mostly sacrilegious because if you wear it inside-out it's a knock-off fight robe of the one worn by Leon Spinks

Joshua Graves

I don't understand the name Bibleman... he's fueled by the totality of Christian faith not specifically scripture. And surely there's got to he any number of theological or biblical references one could make in naming a superhero who fights with/for the power of Jesus. "The Paladin" is lame as fuck but is still way better than "Bibleman." And he's not even New Testaman. He's Bibleman. Technically, he's half Jewish.


So they had the budget to airbrush fake superhero muscles and make laser swords, but they couldn't afford a real bible for him to find in the dirt? Aren't bibles free? Because that dirt book is clearly a softcover binder


Gentile Man searches generate too many sinful results from typos


On the licensed Bibleman Video Prayer Machine, it says "Caution: The power of God is not compatible with NTSC". That would mean Jesus is, by design, PAL? Jesus is my PAL? Stop pushing, I know where the door is.

Jeff Orasky

Wasn't Bibleman played by Boner from Growing Pains. I seem to recall reading that somewhere. If so, between Kirk Cameron and this asshole, Growing Pains has a lot to answer for...

Brendan McGinley

It's exactly this. Nobody wanted to damage a Bible in their depiction of how God would protect His book from the exact same situation.

Brendan McGinley

Don't forget Bibleman: The Saved & the Bold, and more recently, The Bibleman Strikes (But All Glory to Christ for It Is Through Him That Such Feats Are Possible)!

Brendan McGinley

Catholics do get laser swords, but only once you complete Holy Orders.

Matt Edwards

I hate that I know this, but there were two live-action Biblemen. The first one (I think) was a kid who had non-specific problems, so stayed in his room with a Bible and prayed until he grew up to be Bibleman. So that might be the Bibleman you're thinking of. As the two actors are playing different characters with different back stories, it seems the title of "Bibleman" works on Captain America rules, where it's a position anyone can hold, as opposed to Superman who has to be Clark Kent/Kal-El. I wonder if there was ever a crossover between the two? Or did the first one get fired for some "all Hotdog roads lead to darkness" reason?

Flippant Sausage

"Paladin" is 1) in D&D and 2) sounds like "Saladin" and both of those are enough for someone looking to melt fools for Christ to be suspicious.

Talking Alpaca

And here I thought he was just a MadTV parody.


Bible, bible, bible bible. Bible bible bible bible. BIBLEMAN. Bibleman.


When I read articles like this the serious part of my brain wonders who the intended audience was. Christian kids who want to be reminded every hour of the day that the bible exists and who love violent murderers, unimaginative knock-offs and low production values? Or is it a scam product for Christian parents: "Buy these DVDs! They have the word "bible" on them! Returns not accepted"?

Robert Lee

In that case, I wonder if the fandom works similar to regular comics/movies, where there’s like an entire video essay industry on stuff like “They made Bibleman woke” vs “Bibleman was always woke”

Jeff Orasky

Since this guy kills with a laser sword, I guess it follows the pattern of 2nd, grittier iteration. He is the USAgent of Bibleman.

Peter S.

Dear Hot Dog, regarding the above paragraph in your article-- "Still, the idea of removing all data not obedient to Christ makes me picture U.N.I.C.E. having secret files labeled "Smoking" and "Black Sabbath" that she had to tearfully erase. Let U.N.I.C.E. be metal, you cowards!" I would like to point out that Black Sabbath is technically a Christian band and not a shameful secret to be hidden by the Christian computer. I know this because I own a copy of the official Black Sabbath comic book written by bassist Geezer Butler: https://metalinjection.net/editorials/back-in-the-day/five-things-we-learned-from-reading-geezer-butlers-black-sabbath-comic-book-from-1994 On another note I am wondering if Christian media covers the topic of Christian smoking, which is like regular smoking, but with cross shaped cigarettes?

The Parallel Viewmaster

Well, I don't know about you, but this made me more likely to convert to [insert whatever bastardization of Christianity the show is trying to impart]. Lots of religions have a beneficial all-knowing God who stays in the background. That's fine, but boring. I'm looking for a god who sees a suicidal accountant in the midst of a mental breakdown, and says "HAHAHA, lets give him superpowers". That God sounds like he'd be more fun to hang out and get drunk with.


I vaguely recall people mentioning that Willie Aames’ rendition of Bibleman wasn’t terrible - he was clearly somewhat flawed and pointed out that he wasn’t perfect, even post-conversion - but he was eventually replaced by a muscular side of beef who never once erred in any way.

Matthew Harris

I thought someone was going to beat me to pointing out it is weird that the "Prince of Pride" lives in a sewer? Like I live in a kind of damp half-basement apartment, and am a bit embarrassed about it, so how does someone who is the Prince of Pride not manage at least a suburban split-level with some fancy landscaping? "This is a bespoke Gazebo made for me personally...it just happens to look like one from the Home Depot" --- what I imagine the Prince of Pride saying, while he serves wine that he hopes you don't notice is from Trader Joe's.

Kevin Hanlon

If you are thinking of The Knights of Columbus, I have some very disappointing news regarding pointy weapons.

Kevin Hanlon

In the Catholic church, holy smoking is accomplished via thurible, the leading cause of secondhand liturgical cancer.

Kevin Hanlon

Totally agree. Trump properties existed before and during the 90s. Missed opportunity.

Flippant Sausage

None of these sinners who made this show know the proper use of a Holy Bible..........to hollow it out and hide a pistol in.

Robert K.

Was about to say myself, Black Sabbath is totally pro-God anti-Satan in the lyrics and the band members have been pretty open about that over the decades. But then, good luck convincing the variety of religious person this stuff targets of facts or reality.

Zach Dewoody

It’s funny to see non-churchies try to piece together meaning from content that’s aimed squarely at the converted. 😆 Just so you know, Bibleman didn’t name his armor out of nowhere. The “armor of God” was a metaphor used by Paul in Ephesians 6. It’s one of those things that sounds baffling out of context but I assure you any kiddies raised in church would have known what that referenced. EDIT: Everything else in the video *is* batshit, FWIW. Bibleman was always seen as controversial in the church circles I grew up in. Partly for the “violence” and partly because he never seemed to establish a coherent moral in his videos.

toasty god

It’s a Malibu comic! I’d say we should get a copy for Brockway, but that seems like a lot of money and effort for something that will be immediately thrown in a fire.

Bill D

It seems pretty clear that the moral is "be Christian or we will send mentally unhealthy people to attack you"