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This week we’re talking about the greatest fantasy adventure of all time, and for that we needed a fantasy author. Not just any fantasy author, but a pioneer of the genre, a master of multi-book epic series like The Shadow Campaigns and Burningblade and Silvereye, a craftsman who knows about the backbreaking work it takes to craft such intricate living worlds, we needed a man with a name like Django Wexler. And we needed him to talk about Masters of the Gridiron.

It’s a 15-minute long football promo.

That’s underselling it!

Created by and starring the 1986 Cleveland Browns, Masters of the Gridiron is about the head-injury induced adventures of Mike Baab, who disappears into a fantasy realm of his own making where he becomes the Baabarian, a dollar-store Conan on a dangerous quest for the Masters of the Gridiron Ring! Listen, the worldbuilding and characters are far too rich to do justice here. Just try to pick a favorite from these noble adventurers!


Thanks to Javo for the hot Hot Dog Tip!

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I haven't even listened yet and I'm already yelling OH HELL YEAH! I'm a lifelong (a.k.a. ceaselessly suffering) Browns fan, which means I don't really like football. But this? This I can get behind.


Also just FYI, you can play as several of these mighty warriors in Tecmo Super Bowl on the NES.

Jeff Orasky

I know nothing about football or the Browns, but a large, muscular dude with the last name Baab? If his legit nickname ISN'T "The Baabarian", then that is huge missed opportunity.


Oh, and this should go without saying, but fuck Elway and fuck the Broncos. FOREVER

Pee-Wee's Uncle

If this was made by the Bills, they'd still somehow lose the final battle.

Brendan McGinley

Sorry you did your coworker a favor on a Saturday only to find out Tiny Tim gets to be Lord of the League while you're Puzzmong.


I think somebody got these guys into larping and they misunderstood. Hairstone hit me the hardest, but Dixonus was definitely the boldest decision here.