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In 2014, the year of gamergate, the cookbook industry recognized a problem: straight men need to eat, but food is sort of gay? There had to be a way to get sustenance into men's bodies without emasculating them through the womanly art of cooking, which is up there with giving birth and interpretive dance as one of the most womanly things you could possibly do. Luckily they found a resolution: a book that explains to men how to make food in the way someone might explain it to a baby or a small dog.

To find this book, I went to the recipe section of the used bookstore and followed the thick stench of cigarette smoke. It's shaped like a can, the manliest form of food, because it can also be a weapon if you chuck it at someone's head. It's peppered throughout with what I call man language, words like mighty, ultimate, blazin', and hunger-busting, to make a cheesecake recipe sound like it could kick your ass.

Recipe titles like Mega Meat Feast and The Mighty Five Egg Omelette will make you say, "is this a nourishing meal for my entire family or the name of a professional wrestler?" Before the book gets into recipes, it begins with a long note about why this cookbook is so necessary. Yes, all good things start with a manifesto. A very masculine, insecure manifesto.

That's right, Men, the feminists are coming for your food! Our master plan all along was to trick you into respecting women so we could force you to take care of your skin and maybe eat a vegetable, vastly improving your life. Drats, we've been discovered! Now you have the secret tome that will tell you how to eat like men again. What does that mean, though? How should men eat?

Ah, that's right, the Golden Age of Food, and also, probably a coincidence, the golden age of scurvy and heart attacks! I too fondly remember the good old days when breakfast was cigarettes and lunch was a jello mold full of bacon and olives. Why aren't men allowed to drop dead on the toilet from a constipation-induced heart attack anymore? What else has our modern food taken from you, Men!?

The intro also asserts that "not only is it OK to eat like a man, but you know what? It's better. It's preferable." If only someone had been willing to listen to men 3-4 thousand years ago when quinoa was first eaten by humans, we might never have run into this problem. Now, we need a book with a whole pep talk in the intro for men who are terrified to eat food they like.

My favorite thing about this intro is I'm 99% sure a woman wrote it. This whole project stinks of a tired wife trying to gaslight her husband into making dinner just once, even if it's terrible. In fact, one of the few male names associated with the book is Lincoln Jefferson. That's not a real name. That's what you quickly come up with when someone says, "quick; think of a man's name, and it can't be any former US presidents." They may as well have called him Guy Peniston or Toilet Seatup.

To trick men into cooking, the cookbook writer followed four simple rules: make it big, say it's spicy, use dick shaped ingredients, add booze. No matter what the recipe, if you add beer, it's a man recipe. That's how we get stuff like Beer Waffles With Ham & Cheese.

I learned some things about myself from this recipe because I didn't know I had opinions on the manliest cooking oil, but I definitely don't think it's sunflower oil. It feels like a deliberate troll to tell a man he will be making only the manliest food and then making him ask a grocery store clerk where the sunflower oil is. That extra large egg, though, that's a manly ingredient. No small eggs here; we only cook with the big boys.

You may have noticed the difficulty rating begins at monkey and ends at man eating alone on a fold out card table. I do think that’s a correct assessment of the men who would buy this book, but it’s not a kind one! This recipe also comes with a TOP TIP (since this book is for tops only). The tip is that you can buy frozen waffles at the supermarket. Who doesn’t know that Eggo waffles exist? Or where they could find them? It just feels mean to assume you would need to tell someone that. You could write a book called Bitches No Likey Science, and it would be less sexist to women than this cookbook is to men.

Not all of these manly meals are the same type of monstrosity as the frozen waffles and ham pile with beer. The Beeramisu is probably fine. That name makes me picture a frat boy replacing water with Natural Light in a box of cake mix, but it's actually taking some of the coffee in tiramisu and replacing it with stout beer, which might be fine? It feels almost like cheating. By sneaking beer into something as delicate as tiramisu, we make it an acceptable meal for even the beefiest of men!

Other recipes where alcohol provides the manliness include drunken chuck steak, boozy chocolate cheesecake, and, uh oh, this recipe is just a full bottle of tequila you're supposed to stare at in the dark while thinking of your ex-wife. But don't worry, this cookbook isn't just about making unhealthy recipes. It cares about men's health so much it stops in the middle to remind men that while constantly ingesting man meals is good for them, they also might want to hit the gym. Not for vanity or anything, just for big, pretty muscles.

The book then goes on to explain in detail what a push up is. The ideal reader for this book has never heard of frozen waffles, push ups, or gout. Fruits and vegetables are largely absent from the menu except for bananas which are considered manly for some reason? There's a recipe for a banana breakfast shake after the gym section, a token nod to the fact that fiber is technically necessary to survive. Then there's the big banana split, which calls for a large banana and says you can make it with cookie dough ice cream for a side splitting banana-buster. Yup, the goal is to bust that banana wide open. To explode a penis from the inside out? Like a real man?

Another phallic favorite of mine is the monster hot dog. It's a recipe that explains to men how to put condiments on a hotdog. Again, it has to be a large hotdog. Find the biggest hotdog in the store to achieve man (stores are large buildings where you trade money for food, see Beer Waffles With Ham & Cheese). This is a recipe in the same way LEGO instructions are a recipe. It tells you how to build a pile of food. Even if you were unaware of the concept of hotdogs, I think you could figure this out. Monkey is the appropriate rating for this one, but you shouldn't aspire to the cooking skills of a chimp.

If food is not dick-shaped or boozy enough, you can make it manly by simply making a ridiculous amount of it. There is a recipe in this book for 36 pancakes. It's called pancake peak, and it's for when 30 pancakes won't do the job. The job is making someone say, "this is way too many pancakes, are you ok?"

Since eating a dangerous amount of food is manly, the cookbook stops for a third time to explain that certain restaurants have food challenges where you can compete against other Men or against God and the restrictions He put on your stomach capacity. After all, the only thing more macho than eating something called a giant meat feast pizza is competing for the glory of defeating the giant meat feast pizza in battle.

I know a lot of men who can see a restaurant menu defying them to eat a two foot long burrito or the hottest chiles in the world and react by saying, "no, thank you, I would never stop shitting if I ate that, I would have to completely build a new bathroom from scratch, from the wooden 2x4s up, if I ate a two pound burrito because it probably has cheese and sour cream on it, and I'm very lactose intolerant." That's a perfectly fine way to respond to an eating challenge. Men, it's ok not to want your belly to expand like an anaconda that's just eaten an entire Florida pet owner.

You don't have to be the monkey or the man eating alone. You can be a man who doesn't need a recipe to make hot dogs. Guy Fieri doesn't need a recipe to make hotdogs. Sorry, also don't use the inventor of Donkey Sauce as a role model. God, being a Man is hard. I can't wait to finish this article and return to the ease and comfort of femininity. I'm going to go eat the most feminine tiramisu I can find.


If these images are borked, you can read this article and every other one on the much better in every way 1900HOTDOG.COM.


Talking Alpaca

There's male fragility, then there's this.


says its man food and not a single recipe highlighted calls anything "rodeo style"

Pee-Wee's Uncle

Ever since I bought this book, I get laid so much I have to put ice on my dong.

Dave Dalrymple

Thanks in part to to Andy Daly, an upsetting amount of pancakes is the unofficial dish of the divorced man.

Austin Noto-Moniz

"We're in danger of losing our last X chromosome." ...I guess science is too womanly for this book, too? Because in this insane world of "manly" food, wouldn't you be worried about losing your last Y chromosome? Ya know, the "male" one? (shhhhhhhh, don't mention intersex, transgender, or non-binary people around this book, or it will turn into a Jordan Peterson tantrum).

Joshua Graves

Food for cartoon caricatures. That's the limit to your personality isn't it, you cheese-slurping meat whore.


yes i sometimes have a male insecurity and use food to compenstate like I was kinda showin off at the Maverik the other day sayin: do you dare me to put some hot dog jalapenos on this breakfast pizza? and the kid workin dident say anything so i did it and ate it in front of him and he seemed pretty impressed i bet but i did have to go home early that day

Brendan McGinley

The pitch is Real Men Don't Eat Quiche, but our book shaves out empty satirical calories, leaving pure ab-shredding beer recipes like MAN-RAGE CUPCAKES and IT'S NOT OKAY TO CRY YOU FUCKING WEAKLING KOMBUCHA.

Kevin Hanlon

In defense of the opening manifesto, if men lose their last X chromosome, their only left with Y. Why, indeed.

Max Rockatansky

I noticed this cookbook left out an important step, like hiking your leg and bracing yourself for the sonic boom farts you'll have from eating this crap.

B Edwin Sounds

Ladies, is your man up to his eye sockets in Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson retweets? If so, this book is for you both!

Elmo Von Schmelmo

Go ahead and laugh but when the real men who eat monster hot dogs finally rise up, all of you will go up against the wall! Because we're kinda big, you know, and we need some space to slip through

Doctor Sweetleaf

"I believe is called.... 'food library'"

Jeff Orasky

Beer in you waffles? What kind of weak shit is that?!? You start with whiskey and work your way up from there. In fact, skip the waffles and just go with whiskey and bacon.

Nicolas Cage Facts

I used to know a guy who wouldn't eat anything sweet like cookies or cupcakes or anything because he thought that sugar was for women. He'd also make a big deal out of it too, when someone would offer donuts or something he'd be like "I'm a man, I don't eat stuff like that." Donuts are the quintessential food of the blue-collar schlub in every piece of media ever created, and yet they are too womanly for this guy. Also Nicolas Cage occasionally gets hammered drunk and gets thrown out of bars and restaurants. Most recently doing so in September 2021.

The Parallel Viewmaster

Sauté???? What kind of weak-ass shit is sauté????? Real men don't sauté!!!! Real men don't use words with little fancy decorations over the letters!!!! That's what those forrenners and ladies use, not real men. No. Those onions gotta be deep-fried or grilled. Or both. Then deep fried-again. Then deep-fried on the grill! That's man cooking! Leave them diacritics to the women and learn man words for cooking and okay don't deepfry on the grill that's bad oh fuck i gotta go i gotta get to the hospital i called 911 oh shit bye

Matt Pedone

I decided to look up the recipe for "Mega Meat Feast", and I found a video tutorial, which is great, as I am a visual learner. It was not about the recipe from this book. Not at all. It was something VERY different. I bookmarked it to watch again later.

Matt Edwards

Cooked onions? Maybe if you're some kind of girly man. A real man cuts a loaf of bread open with a machete, throws some raw steak in there and tears an onion apart over it. Without crying.

Matt Edwards

Pretty sure this book is trying to speed up the death of these ultra-manly tossers, and I wish the writers every success in this endeavour.


If I'm struggling with an early Homo sapiens-level recipe, do you think I'll be able to handle any of the sad office worker difficulty ones?


Cheese slurping meat whore? Who told you my high school nickname?!


I eat nothing but single malt scotch soup. I haven't had a solid bowel movement in 13 years but I have the thickest beard in the tri-county area.

Call Cobbs

1. All men are either exfoliating or shopping for throw cushions. 2. Socrates is a man. 3. Therefore Socrates needs to FUCKING MAN UP


Sean already wrote about a cookbook for men. Natural Harvest, I think it was called.


My mother once bought me a book about how to cook canned food in a microwave. It's as close as she's come to admitting that she completely failed at raising me.


Follow up: that was more about her anxiety than my cooking skills, which are actually pretty good.


Beer's only place in a breakfast is making Honey Nut Beerios.


Is there any more fool-proof method of advertising than male insecurity?