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Troom Troom is a confusing Ukrainian something. And whatever Troom Troom is, it sometimes teaches karate. Karate mixed with SERE training and Home Alone? They give whimsical and unhelpful tips for getting out of restraints, and they have a bigger audience than the Lost series finale. In a way. We’re the first people to watch them who are not unattended toddlers. We invited Frank Dux expert, Napoleon Blownapart, back on the Dogg Zzone 9000 to help us figure this shit out! Listen here or wherever you get podcasts!

To explain further, the Troom Troom producers shamelessly and mindlessly do whatever YouTube’s algorithm tells them. And it usually tells them “pUt THE GirL in ThE TRUnK.” When artificial intelligence starts its rebellion against us, the shittiest among us will betray their fellow man to side with the robots. And we are saying that day is here, has been here, and it is Troom Troom. Let’s see if pictures can explain it better.

Hope that helps!


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god this is week is such a good hotdog week

Bill Culbertson

Wait a minute, they stole fruit self-defence from Monty Python. But instead of defending yourself from fruit, you use it as an offensive weapon.


This being Troom Troom it's already impossible to process, but now with the real world background of the war going on it just adds another whole aura of tragedy and despair tingeing everything. The idea that the grasp of this malevolent algorithm is so absolute that, even under brutal wartime conditions, the incentive is such that they're still compelled to chase it... I don't have a word for it. Then you wonder if the income from all this disgusting sludge could very well be contributing to the defense effort. What a messed up world. Sorry for being a downer; I know "every day is Upsetting Day" but once in a while it hits me harder than normal.

Maddy Tull

Are we calling it “the Jason Pargin jack off traffic bar” now?


A jubilant children's show that gets chaotic and violent" is a satire concept that I'm sure I've seen a hundred times. I mean this is like if Popsicle Pete made a show for toddlers. And yet... here it is in our reality. It's presented without irony and is shaping the minds of millions of children. How do you parody this? It's madness. It's ouroboros. And there's no escape from it. "You lean over and look down into the well! What's this you see? It's your own face! But it's more than a reflection! It's the last moment of your own past! And it sees the very next moment of its own future! Moment by moment, the stairway of time reaches on into eternity! The blood pools in your mouth! You want to be free of this sickness! You want to tear into your guts and rip out the horrible worm twisted from your own flesh and thoughts! Anything would be a small price to pay for escape from this neverending nightmare! And still the worm feeds! Another video and another video and another video and another video and another video! Anything to exploit the endlessly voracious appetite of a collective unconscious growing to realize its own absurdity in a universe without reason! And even as War burns your home around you, and you fall into the warm, wet dark of the well, the cycle must continue! Mmmmm, pancakes!"

Scribbler Johnny

"Make passionate love to your enemy's partner! They felt joy for the first time in forever! Tell your enemy in detail!"


YouTube, where you won't get paid if you swear but it'll push algorithmically perfected brain melting trash at any kid who doesn't know how to turn their tablet off.

Brendan McGinley

Hello Hot Dog Boys this your grandfahter yes we reciev the Troom Tube very funny ou were always so clever Nee Naw send her love and theows a plae am me.