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Don’t worry, Bunnykill isn’t some artless lunatic drawing rabbit murder on the asylum walls. It’s an inspired lunatic animating rabbit murder. That line separates The Matrix’s lobby from a national tragedy. And justifies Newgrounds.

If that rings a bell, I’m sorry about your arthritis. Comedy recaps  have reached flash cartoons. You’re ancient, and dying. The dust in your  once-vital veins has hardened into disdain for new music. These are the  last punchlines before your knees and grandchildren betray you. Enjoy  them.

As for infants/mummies: Newgrounds was the mothership for animated  violence and pornography. But unlike Crunchyroll, all independent. Zero-Suit Samus vs. Normal Ayane was a labor of love, made with negative hope of ROI. A ruthless voting system trained creators for industries run by demons.

They also had an elite slogan:

Short, distinct, and true. Much too true. Today, we call  their worst excesses “internet culture.” Skimming mobile game ideas from  Newgrounds kept the laziest, most lootbox-friendly studios alive.  Similarly, the flash portal showed how much free-floating talent  existed, and how little you could pay them. Finally, low-wit and  high-invective game parodies were a generous cultural warning.

In 2006, they picked up a friendlier motto:

Boo. Miss me with that. Alienation was a feature:  Newgrounds had gamers attempting art films, art students attempting  Mario jokes, and madmen landing art films about Mario. Other sites gave  us “Everything, By Everyone” and killed the future. When the last Facebook clone dies, I’m dancing to the Ewok victory song, and posting it nowhere.

Over time, some people got good. The chosen evolved from  detention stick figures to expulsion films. YouTube has hints of that,  but tends to stunt creative growth at fourteen. And personal growth. And  dating habits.

Today, Newgrounds echoes a pre-betrayal DeviantArt. Still a hub for  violence and porn, but with blogs and no plans to feed you to SHODAN.  We’ll focus on violence today, since my porn tastes are private.

That said, I have centuries of action movies saved in a folder called  â€œHomework.” Newgrounds deserves some credit as a gateway drug for  punching. Many of you were active users, the memories are just locked  behind a trigger phrase. Let me help.

Recess. Computer Lab. Line Rider. Pop-up. Hentai. Suspension.  Recess. Computer lab. Site blocked. Boredom. Facebook. Brain death.  Cambridge Analytica. Imperial decline. Terminate Mark Z.

Anyway, Bunnykill.

On a mortal site, I’d recap Madness Combat, a crossover hit among guidance counselor regulars. But you’re Troom Troom survivors, so I have to cut deeper. Bunnykill took Madness Combat’s gimmick (side-scrolling mass murder) and replaced humans with rabbits.

Yes, rabbits.

Black-eyed, floppy-eared, bushy tailed rabbits.

I don’t know why, and I don’t have to. Grant Morrisson said kids are  sharper audiences, since they take weirdness in stride. I see it. As a  wordy class clown, I never asked why the endless assassins were  rabbits. They just were. Now, as a taxpaying clown, I waste valuable  rabbit-killing time with questions.

The author “Mottis” has no one to answer to or impress, so he could  just like rabbits. Or despise them. Their shiny black eyes might inspire  ageless hate, with animation alone keeping him off Greenpeace’s Most  Wanted list.

Maybe it’s branding: plenty of artists remade the Crazy 88 fight without money or feet. Bunnykill bet that adding rabbits stood out enough for coverage twenty years later. Advantage, Bunnykill.

For my money, rabbits soften the genre. The taboos around  pet-murder are strong, but flimsier than those for neighbors. Dogs are a  likely exception, but I’ve never owned anything larger than a football.  And after this article, I can only buy pets in international waters.

Now, Bunnykill’s a deep pull. I think only three other people saw-


So far, I’ve played keep-away with my attitude towards Bunnykill. Is it finger-wagging time? Are we looking at our shoes and reflecting  on animal cruelty? Pushing web culture’s nose in a carpet stain and  saying “This is why you don’t get Beetleborgs?”

This kicks ass.

Or at least peaks high. We’ll walk through Bunnykill 3, the crowd favorite. The first Bunnykill is a bit of edgy fluff. You can see an unmedicated spark, but the creator’s still figuring out keyframes.

Bunnykill 2’s better, but it’s not in space. The visuals are  smoother, the music’s almost listenable, and the fisticuffs pick up the  rapid pace uniting Superfighters, Japanese Spider-Man, and pre-McMahon Nakamura. It’s just held down by gravity.

Bunnykill 3’s on the moon. I can’t waste your time elsewhere.

You’ll notice the same hero/survivor in each shot. This walking PETA  shelter’s name is Snowball, which doesn’t matter. You’re better off  memorizing Steven Seagal quotes. Just know that he’s the white rabbit, a  color that stands out against chrome and gore.

How’d Snowball get from Nameless Karate Forest to Named Karate Moon? Also irrelevant. Bunnykill entries have negative continuity, which is correct. Retaining Bunnykill lore is a cry for help. Returning viewers should think “Ah, so I didn’t dream this.”

Granted, there’s an opening crawl.

Absolutely not. I refuse. We live in the future,  with video timelines and streamlined rights. And Mottis misspelled  â€œthreat” twice. Only comedy writers will remember “Doctor Sludge,” while  the sane world jumps ahead.

Bunnykill 3’s the first time I can tell Mottis likes rabbits, and not in the Lola Bunny sense. He finds this spin cute. Which is still wholly deranged, but a much nicer asylum. Take this guard napping through the local apocalypse:

Or Snowball’s reaction to peeling a gun off a fresh corpse stack:

That’s an “Oh boy, pellets!” face. Or at least intended as such.  Snowball’s based on the animator’s pet, adding a hint of love to the  Wuxia plot armor. I get that. My first manuscript was called Mr. Claws Goes to Congress, and parole won’t let me summarize it. Mr. Claws and Snowball had a lot in common.

Again, Bunnykill 3’s best asset is speed. Snowball’s lasered  his next victim before your brain or conscience processed the last kill.  I could crack wise about no one having arms or two character traits.  But this is, again, basement cinema. Using Adobe software, which  actively resists mankind.

By the time the cliffhanger comes around, we’ve beaten an NFL game’s body count:

As for events, Snowball covers a space sequel’s bases: find a  lightsaber, riff on the Death Star infiltration, and try robot murder to  keep things fresh. The robot murder doesn’t go too well.

In the first half, at least. Seven minutes were uploaded as Bunnykill 3, Part 1. Then the creator fucked off for two years.

Life gets in the way. That’s a risk anywhere, but particularly common  in amateur animation, professional comics, and campaign promises. The  alternative’s artistic prison, and that tends to break people.

Bunnykill 3, Vol. II hit in 2007, after earthbound  terrorism’s defeat. But the threat persisted in space. We open with  Snowball looking good and dicked:

Honestly? Nice breakthrough for a Flash rampage. Few things dilute action like invincible leads. Mercifully, Bunnykill 1’s final boss shows up to steal the kill.

I hear you: he resembles Snowball with sunglasses. But he’s actually Snowball with sunglasses and two guns. That’s two hedgehog’s worth of changes, or at least a half-Luigi.

The logic within the short? Jack-all. But RPG rules were a given on  Newgrounds. You beat the boss, you got the summon. It’s the closest  users came to understanding friendship. Naturally, the rest of this  fever dream’s a tag match.

Bunnykill’s disturbing if your sanity fills a thimble. But I  enjoy watching someone on the fringe grow, high art or otherwise. And  violence. But mostly independent creativity. With beheadings.

Luckily, I only saw this during my most formative years. Bunnykill’s  audience just aged into possible presidents, but it’s out of our  systems now. Just hand over the nuclear codes and sleep well.

Conservative parenting must be tough, being human culture’s dead  weight and all. Now imagine finding this on the kids’ devil-box. You’d  pay an exorcist’s installment plan. The well-meaning amateurs at purity  camp wouldn’t be enough.

Now Newgrounds animators have their own kids. The site turns thirty in  two years. Which reminds me: I’ll die eventually. Maybe even soon! Time  to get started on a pyramid. I was worried about all the whipping, but  now I’m thoroughly desensitized. I just hope I reach as many minds and watchlists as Bunnykill.

This article was brought to you by our fine sponsor and Hot Dog Supreme:
Greg Cunningham, who died playing Line Rider. Some say if you put your ear to a Dell you can still hear Mrs. Tabbett give him detention.

You can read this article and every other one on the much better in every way 1900HOTDOG.COM.




Jasper Phua

I don't know if you can really explain how buckwild and degenerate the Internet in the 00's was. From seeing DeviantArt, Newgrounds and the demonic like, it almost seemed like the whole endeavour was gonna be a downward spiral into breeding future psychopaths, or best-case scenario CEOs. And now I've met Zoomers who have confessed(?) that they may have never seen a shock site in their life. Obviously this new corporatised sanitised Internet is its own dystopia but I wouldn't have guessed that this is how things... evolved? Devolved? into being.


well i cant remember who told me but i think Snowball is cannonically the son of Snowdrop, himself all to familiar with violence from his time on the efrafra council and as General WOundwort's advisor, and all these bunny kills are about his quest to find and asassinate Dark Fiver.


Dude, you think you're old? I was in my 30s when this happened so I've never even heard of it until now. Every day is an education at 1-900-Hotdog. Thanks, Professor!



Kevin Hanlon

1-900-Hotdog has an educational mission. To be a successful student includes auto didacticism and the inevitable deletion of one's hard drive.

Kevin Hanlon

"Like a wound of white steel drawn over moon's silent surface." Clearly, someone had access to The Professional Writer's Phrase Book.


Would Bunnykill be less disturbing if it was a game instead of a cartoon? Or would that just make it One Finger Death Punch With Rabbits?


It still looks like it should be a game. It has all the dressings of a game. I thought it was a game.


I was in college and learning Flash (for class, no less) when Newgrounds first got big, so this takes me back. Thankfully the only lasting effect is that my friends and I still occasionally pull out quotes from Tankmen, which was still funny last time I watched it a few years ago.

Robert K.

I suppose I'm supposed to be upset at the relentless inevitable approach of the Reaper, but honestly? I belong to the generation that saw the start of the internet, the promise of new interesting things from the exploding sparks of human creativity, then watched as it gradually shrank into six websites that mostly exist to recycle meme templates and elect fascists. The Reaper is not a foe, but blessed rescue.

Nicky Capps

As a desiccated old man, the great before times of the early internet is my favorite. It wasn't necessarily better, but there was an authentic type of weird you got in an era where there wasn't really any money to be made off of online comics and videos. Lunatics vomiting out crude flash cartoons of the shit that they really should have kept to themselves was my jam.


All that flash learning, now gone to waste, sad really. Like my extensive knowledge of Novel Netware or Windows 2k server ldap integration. #teamBackHurtingWhenFartingFTW

Matthew Harris

One of the things that make this the most weird is that this is...not that weird, for me? This is our tomato surprise. After years of looking at the cultural items meant to entertain slightly different eras, and slightly different demographics, this seems to be aimed directly at us, give or take a few years. This type of absurdist violence was the baseline for at least some of my young adulthood, and looking at it from the outside---the way we would look at a 60s joke book or 80s martial arts manual---well, we had some stuff going on, didn't we?

Dave Dalrymple

Yeah. And having stuff like "Itchy and Scratchy" and "Mortal Kombat" be ever-present during adolescence really paved the way.

Bill Culbertson

Yesterday I read this article and then came across a Youtube video reviewing "Year Hare Affair." Two different takes about bunnies going bonkers.

Kevin Hanlon

Referring to Ms. Kent, I might respond, "conning harder than any con has ever conned" but, as a long time Hotdog supporter and longer time observer of our political culture (not a supporter, yet still paying for it), I can't. Her efforts pale in comparison, lacking pizzazz.