Monthly reward - Slight change in rules (please read) (Patreon)
You'll see just a small change, don't impact anything.
Just, it been two month with new system, and we could see how it work and i could see some flaw in the system, so as mentionned when we started, here is the little tweak and change that come with the experience of it!
One ll be imediate, it ll get in action right now
another ll be in action only starting Next Month
So for the imediate one : THE DATES
Idea was, you got 3 weeks to lay the reward request, and i do all in last week. Ideas was to poke all in one month and... it's stupid.
It put a LOT of weight on me on the last week of a month. If someone join into the last week he or she got a month worth wasted, etc etc, It created only problems.
So starting now:
You'll have the whole month, the moment the Dropzone is made, to drop your character and Keyword!
And i'll start the reward... the first week of the next month.
EXEMPLE: We're in july, you'll have up to the 31 to drop your idea/request
And i'll start them in early august.
Only one more week to wait for you. If someone drop by in the last day of the month he miss nothing, and in the end i often ended doing those early next month anyway so.. no big change.
Also it clear for me the end of month, so if i see it's complicated on the money part, i can take a quick comm way more easy., without feeling like shit for making you guys wait.
this one ll become active NEXT MONTH, so, for August patreon reward
It's a minor change too, i change the Keyword rules.
Before, i was affraid to limit you guys, so i was proposing a keyword, but you can add details. And it spiraled out of control, some completly abused the system, others were asking me by mp "is it too much?" (like, i had it 7 times in 2 month)
Rules was to vague.
So no new system is WAY simpler
a keyword is 1 or 2 word long NO MORE
If you got an ideas but it take 3 words? Then switch ideas. Or find a way to rephrase it in one or two words.
This is to simplify the formula and make everyone more chill about it
once again start NEXT MONTH, no need to go back to this month reward to change things.
Here it is!
told you, small changes!
Spoke of them on the discord and via mp to several of you, so shouldn't be a surprise
Hope it pass well! =)