Monthly 45 - My name is Morvenn Vahl (Patreon)
Aaand she's done.
Some notes. Did more than expected, but.. was fun, tried a sort of mix, using halftones with some colours to try it, it's actually WAY faster to shade and.. the effect is interesting.
Also tried some bubly mouth for the close up oral part.
Wanted to
Morvenn is an interesting character, and i kinda like her design, but DAMN, there's quasi no art of her. For her red eyes, it's on me, i wanted to try them, i got no source or no good enough draw of her eyes, they look black, but. well nothing else said.
All said, she got an haircut that change a bit from the usual sisters, but kinda like it.
Hope you'll enjoy, and thanks again for the support!
Now going back to holliday!
I'll drop a weekly talk a bit late next week, i'll write it when i come back home, and lluse it as last message of the year!
Thanks again for the support and c ya soon!
Aand some Morvenn Vahl
Don't seems much yet, but worked for hours to do and redo the setting, this time, seems tow work =D