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Yule is from December 21st until January 1st. December 21st, also known as the Winter Solstice, is the longest night of the year. The main themes of this sabbat are rebirth, the return of the Sun, increasing daylight and the rise of the Oak King. Here is a solitary purification spell that calls upon the Sun to aid in cleansing and purifying ourselves and homes to make space for new beginnings. This spell can be done on Yule’s Eve or New Year’s Eve.

You can download and print this printable set out for your Grimoire, Book of Shadows or whatever you choose. There are two styles to choose from when you download the PDF: vintage background and white background. I have a binder that acts as a Grimoire so if you have something similar, this could be added if you’d like! You can even just print it out to hang up or simply keep in a folder, too. You can download this PDF by clicking on the link in the attachments. Do you celebrate Yule?☀️



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