~Candle Color Meanings~ (Patreon)
White Candles: These candles are linked with the moon and can be used for all purposes. If you’re going to have at least one candle on hand for magical purposes have a white one. Before use, charge it with personal power to use for all purposes. White attracts purity, renewal, healing, and mental or spiritual renewal. White candles are good to burn during cleanses such as spiritual renewals, religious traditions, and even body cleansing and detox.
Pink Candles: These candles are ideal for weddings or any form of emotional reunion. These could also be burned during any rituals for self love. Pink represents purity, selfless, and the unconditional value of love. This is not the love tied to sex and romance, but the deep caring and affection you feel for those that are extremely important to you such as, friends, family, and self. Pink attracts pure love and love healing. If you feel undervalued, depressed, or your self-esteem is low, use pink as a reminder to love yourself, self-love is more important than any other kind of love. If you have been hurt or have a relationship that needs healing, pink is a reminder of the love bond between you and the other person. If you are looking for a serious relationship I suggest burning a pink candle instead of red. Red is for passion and lust but if you want something more meaningful pink is the way to go. Pink is affiliated with the highest form of love, beauty, and self-worth for these reasons it’s tied to the planet Venus
Yellow Candles: These are uplifting candles to be used for confidence, imagination, inspiration, concentration and determination. These could also be used to try and break any mental Black ages. Yellow attracts positivity, confidence, happiness, and optimism. Burn a yellow candle when you want to boost your energy, attract optimism to yourself, or be a source of positive energy to others. Yellow brings instant feelings of happiness and hope, it’s hard to be down when you are surrounded by yellow. Yellow is associated with the Sun because it’s energy is bright, positive, and warm.
Orange Candles: These candles can be used to stimulate creativity, attraction and mental clarity. You could use these candles to combine with any other candles to stimulate their actions. Orange stimulates creativity, motivation, intellectual ideas, and focus. Orange is the color to use when you need to get those creative juices flowing, need a new way of looking at things, want to share ideas or information, or need to buckle down and focus. Orange energy is a great combination of creativity and success which makes it perfect for dealing with business, career, school, and big project related matters. Orange is related to thoughts, ideas, communication, and logic which fall under the realm of the planet Mercury.
Green Candles: These candles are associated with any kind of growth, from fertility to harvest. They could also be used to try and attract prosperity, confidence and balancing energies. Green is the color of abundance, growth, prosperity, and money. Use this color when you need to attract material success into your life such as a new job, promotion, increase opportunities for gain, or just need more money to come your way. Green is also associated with the earth and its ability to create, in that vein it’s energy can strengthen your creativity, help you to nurture your ideas for success, and even make you fertile. The planet Venus rules love, self-worth, and physical possessions and is associated with the color green.
Blue Candles: These candles can be used for wisdom, spiritual awareness and deep meditation. There are many calming qualities to blue candles. Blue attracts soothing, healing, tranquility, blessings, and self-confidence. Blue harnesses the power of spiritual awareness that is in and around us. When we hit hard patches, we can become unsure of what to do and that uncertainty leads to emotional repression and insecurity – we stop expressing ourselves. If you feel this, it’s time to release and heal. Similar to how we visit the ocean or stare up at the sky for peace of mind, the color blue reminds us that there is a greater power helping us along the way, we gain mental clarity, feelings of calmness and peace wash over us, and we are able to reconnect with our personal truths. This healing and clarity transforms our sense of faith in ourselves, allows us to receive our blessings, and inspires us to share our talents with the world. The planet Neptune is associated with the underworld of the sea and governs compassion, creativity, and spiritualism.
Purple Candles: These candles are used for gaining hidden knowledge, the third eye, meditation and spirituality. They could also be used to gain more confidence. Purple is used to attract wisdom, spiritual guidance, and empowerment. Purple’s energy attracts high level energy and divine guidance for clarity, strength, and understanding for matters of great significance. Purple strengthens our natural intuition, our connection to God and spiritual guides, and the universe. It helps us understand the unseen or unknown and gives us the power to take action in these areas. Purple represents a high form of enlightenment and is associated with royalty, the Crown Chakra, and Jupiter – the planet of expansion, optimism and truth.
Brown Candles: These candles can be used for grounding, balancing, animal magick and attraction. Brown is the color of our Earth, and represents the element of Earth, and is very comforting, nurturing, fertile, and stable, and holds a grounded balanced vibration and a firm connection to the land. Assists in order, organization, common sense, eliminates indecisiveness, promotes concentration (especially when combined with yellow), learning, focus, clear thinking and decision-making.
Red Candles: These candles represent physical passion, sex, love, courage, resolving relationship issues. Red inspires us to release or pursue our inner most desires, it gives us confidence and determination. Red is the color of aggression, assertion, passion, physical action, and love. Burn a red candle when you need to outwardly express passion and strength in your career, self-esteem, love, or the pursuit of goals. Passion is what makes us go after what we want; unfortunately, passion can fade over time, we fear rejection, or we worry about stepping on other people’s toes so we smother our passions. When this happens it’s time to renew your drive, belief in your talents, or rekindle your love. Red represents strength, power, and ego – no wonder it’s linked to the planet of war and power, Mercury.
Black Candles: These candles could be used to absorb negativity. Black is the absence of color. The energy of the color black absorbing rather than expresses. Black is a powerful color in that it absorbs negativity and sadness. Black is used to repel negative energy, sadness, and loss. If you have overwhelming sadness or negativity around you that you can’t shake off, a black candle can help transfer that energy. Burn a black candle to rid yourself of a negative situation, person, or energy. Black candles are typically burned with another color, such as white for example. The black candle absorbs the negative energy and the other color attracts a specific positive energy to you. The planet Pluto is represented by the color black for its transformative energy. Pluto brings positive changes through difficult circumstances.
Resting halfway between white and black, grey is the color of neutrality and balance. A grey candle may be used in protective magick, when you wish to neutralize negative energy that may be directed at you. Also used to gain discernment and wisdom.
Light Blue
The calming, cleansing energy of light blue is used for spells of healing, and also to dispel anger. Light blue invokes the soothing qualities of the element of Water without its deeper, more dangerous properties. The color of unclouded daylight, light blue is also good for truth-seeking.
Turquoise is a greenish tint of blue. It is the color of the famous desert gem, or the Caribbean sea. Turquoise shares many of the calming, healing qualities of light blue. Turquoise also stimulates creativity and the spirit of exploration. Sea-blue candles are sometimes used to connect with Undines and water Fae.
Lavender combines the innocence of white with the spirituality and passion of purple. Lavender candles are used for spells of love, intimacy and friendship, as well as wishes of all kinds.
Similar in meaning to white, but with a tinge of earthy brown. Ivory is good for Full Moon workings, initiations, or any time you want an alternative to bright white. Because it corresponds to precious things like ivory, pearl, and cream, this color is also used to attract luxury and abundance.
Light Green
Light Green is used to invoke the lighter qualities of the Earth element—good luck, prosperity, and celebration. Light green is a good choice for Faery workings and rites of Springtime.
Magenta, dark pink, and hot pink candles take the loving energy of pink and kick it up a notch! While pink candles draw compassion and tenderness, stronger pinks are all about the passion. Use a dark pink candle for spells of sexuality, sexual confidence, and flirtation. Dark pink candles are used to attract a lover (especially a female lover).
Half-way between the two colors, burgundy tempers the passion of red with the practicality of brown. Use burgundy for magick related to determination, strength, and personal power. Burgundy resonates with the blood, and helps in grounding and bringing your passions to fruition.
Silver is associated with the Moon, psychic receptivity, dreaming, love, rest and healing. On a Wiccan altar, a silver candle is often used to represent the Goddess.
Gold corresponds with the Sun, wealth, confidence, willpower, generosity and optimism. A gold candle may be used to represent the God. A grey or white candle may be substituted for silver, but there is really no substitute for the eye-catching gleam of gold!