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Hey witches! I would like to try and incorporate more exclusive patron-only posts here for you! Today's post is going to discuss different forms of hydromancy (water scrying), even for landlocked witches! If you have any topics you'd like for these kinds of posts to be focused on, comment them down below.

 Hydromancy is an old form of divination that uses water. For this you would focus on the color and how the water flows or ripples in the method you choose to do. You can ask for guidance, insights, inspiration, revelations, etc while doing so. There are many ways to use water in scrying and they are listed below.

 How do you water scry?

When you are water scrying, you want to remove any distractions, negative energies and put your complete focus into your practice. You want to be in a deep meditative state to receive the cosmic messages and images when looking into the water. You want to concentrate on the surface of the water until visions come to you that have significant meaning and give you a deeper understanding for the questions and answers you seek. Remember, this is does not predict the future, but taps into the unconscious mind and unconsciousness of the cosmos which may provide guidance and direction for you.

What ways can you perform water scrying?

  • Go to the nearest body of water you can find and sit near the edge of it while observing. Watch for the shapes, shadows, clouds, reflections and other observations you make. You can drop pebbles to create ripples for added messages.
  • Collecting a sample from the body of water and use it in a bowl of your choosing to use later at your convenience.
  • Bless your scrying mirror, bowl or anything else you use with the water you collected and then use that as your tool

Where can you go to do water scrying? What kind of water can you collect?

- Ocean

- Rivers

- Ponds

- Lakes

- Rivers, streams, creeks

Other forms of water you can use (especially great for landlocked witches!)

- Puddles after it rains

- Old wells

- Pure water

- Collect rain water

- Cloud scrying

- Storm scrying

Added Notes:

- Calm waters could be used for anything that involves guidance for peace, stability and serenity questions and insights.

- Stormy and cloudy water scrying could be done for guidance in conquering challenges, recovery and changes.

- Moonlit waters could be done for insights on protection, relationships, intuition, love, fertility, fixing bonds with anyone, etc.

- Sunlit and cloudness water scying could be done for when you want insights on your dreams, goals and ambitions. It would also be good for guidance on prosperity, happiness, adding extra positivity to anything and enhancing creativity.

If the tide is coming in, this would be great for receiving messages on fresh starts, new business inquiries, and overall positivity. If the tide is flowing out, this would be useful for when you want to shed old habits, banishing and binding spells, addictions, debt, toxic relationships and releasing any negativity.

Are you going to try water scrying? If you enjoyed this post, give it a like!

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Kim Caim



Would love a post about tea magic