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After the Full Moon, the illumination of the moon starts to slowly decrease. It looks as if it is getting smaller. During this moon phase would be great to focus on breaking bad habits, negative thoughts or any stress you may be feeling. This is a phase you'd also want to focus on inner reflection, communication, completion and revelations. 

The spell for this moon phase is going to about banishing a bad habit. If you have any negative thought patterns, toxic behaviors, bad habits or anything you want to change within yourself, try out this candle spell!

What you need:

- Black candle

- Anoint your candle with essential oils and/or herbs that correspond with banishing. For instance, rosemary, black pepper, onion, clove, ginger (to strengthen spells), black salt, basil, dragon’s blood, cedar, pine, etc. You do not need all of these. Use the ones you have and what you want to put together. If you have anything else you want to use, that’s fine too!

- Anoint your candle with crystals that correspond with banishing, such as smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, lepidolite, hematite, kyanite, tiger eye, lapis lazuli, obsidian, etc) If you have other crystals you’d rather use that’s fine too! You can anoint your candle with tiny crystals or place larger ones around it. You don’t need all of these either and you can substitute with other ones if you want too.

- Light your candle. Visualize yourself breaking and banishing your bad habit. Visualize yourself making the change that you want.

- Say outloud or to yourself, “I will not [insert bad habit here]”, “I am releasing [insert bad habit here]”, “I am free of [insert bad habit here]”, “I will change [insert bad habit here]”.

- Ground yourself and reflect

- When your candle has burned out, the banishing is complete. Bury the ashes and wax if it is biodegradable, otherwise dispose of it using an alternative method.



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