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The Full Harvest Moon in Aries is on October 1st, 2020! This is a great moon to harvest everything that you’ve been working on manifesting. There’s a lot of strong, intense energy with this moon. This full moon wants you to gather your courage and strength while working on your intentions.

When growing and harvesting crops, you can encounter some challenges and it’s not always smooth sailing. This can be similar to trying to cultivate your own high, karmic vibrations and energy. You may be overwatering, having not enough rain, or having trouble reaching some fruit in the orchard. This full moon wants you to use this passionate energy to focus and work hard for your goals! Try out this ritual you can do during the full moon to harness and protect you from this powerful energy.

Make your own magick healing spray!

Since this full moon has a lot of intense vibes, you can make your own healing spray to protect you if it’s too strong. Create your own potion! Get some crystals that are associated with the full moon, such as labradorite, moonstone and amethyst. You can also get crystals associated with the zodiac sign the moon is in! This one is in the sign of Aries, so you can use red carnelian, bloodstone and citrine, too. Grab a bowl of water and place the stones you’ve chosen inside. You can raise the vibrations of your water by burning incense, sage, Palo Santo and using sound therapy, such as a singing bowl. You can say a blessing over your water, too so enhance and strengthen your intention, too. Place it under the moonlight overnight or for a couple hours (depending on how long certain crystals can stay in water! Make sure you research) to let the moon’s energy and healing infuse into the water. Take it back inside before sunrise. Remove the stones from your water and place the water you made into a spray bottle. Spray this water all over you to protect your energy from negative vibes.


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