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Use these simple spells to show your gratitude and thankfulness for all you have accomplished in your craft and other areas of your life. Take a minute to perform a simple gratitude spell! What are you grateful for right now?

Spell #1:

1.) Light frankincense or myrrh incense and enjoy the scent.

2.) Say: “Lord and Lady, I give thanks

For Sun that warms and wind that sings.

You have given me so much,

Now I give thanks for all these things.”

Spend as much time as it takes to count your blessings, and speak what you appreciate about each blessing. Thank your divine patrons or the Universe as you would thank a family member for a perfect birthday gift. Ask for nothing.

Spell #2:

Light a candle and sit quietly for a moment, thinking about all the parts of your life that are worthy of appreciation.

Then say:

“God and Goddess, I thank you

For the good things, which lift me up

And the bad things, which teach me and make me strong

Thank you for (list the things you are grateful for)

And for all the gifts that you give me

I am grateful.”


Found in Llewellyn's 2019 Witches Spell-a-Day Almanac


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