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Samhain is when you’d want to focus on letting go of what’s no longer working for you and cleansing your energy. Here are some rituals you can try to clear out some of that negative energy.

1.) Samhain Cleansing Bath

For this purifying ritual, all you need is anise essential oil and one cup of sea salt! These are purifying for your energy, plus spiritual and negative protection. They are perfect to use for Samhain. While you are in the bath, meditate and reflect on any old patterns you want to remove, blocked energy, repetitive thought patterns and toxic habits and relationships to release. Light black candles, place purifying and protecting crystals around the edge your bath tub. Clear quartz, selenite, smoky quartz, fluorite for cleansing and black tourmaline, black kyanite and pyrite for protection. Use any other crystals you feel connected to if you choose!

2.) Cord Cutting Ritual

Light a candle, a bonfire, your fireplace or cauldron on Samhain. Meditate and reflect on what you’d like to release yourself from, such as toxic relationships, bad habits, negative behaviors, etc. Take one piece of black embroidery floss for each one and tie it with a knot around a red pillar candle. Now, carefully take a pair of scissors and cut them all away. Burn the old cords into the fire. Keep your candle lit as it represents your personal power! Snuff it out before bed and light it in intervals until it is completely burned down, or until the Full Moon.

3.) Spirit Samhain Smudge

Smudging means to purify with smoke, typically with a bundle of herbs and cleanse a room, person or space with it. Mugwort and sweet grass are appropriate to use for Samhain individually or together. Mugwort can be used for protection against negative spirits and energies and prevent astral attacks, while also balancing the portal between the worlds that open most fully at Samhain. Mugwort is also used for divination. Sweet grass harmonizes the portal of light, assuring that only the most positive and loving spirits and energies are permitted to come through. This smudging practice also generally purifies and balances the energy of your space.

Other herbs and plants to use for making smudging bundles that correspond to Samhain are rosemary, mullein, calendula, rue, sage, apple leaves, sunflower, wormwood and wild ginseng.

Source for inspo: Tess White Hurst


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