Crystal Grid for Samhain (Patreon)
Samhain is right around the corner! This is also known as the Witches’ New Year and the third and final harvest. Colder weather is approaching and it gets darker earlier. It is also a Full Moon this year on Samhain and it’s also a Blue Moon! The energy would be very powerful, so you could try harnessing this energy by creating a crystal grid!
“The Crone Goddess returns. Her loyal companions, darkness, death, and transformation trail closely behind. Her arrival is a signal to embrace the seasonal shift—it’s time to redecorate the altar and realign our sacred space! Let us help usher in an enchanting rhythm for Autumn and do gridding for the season by sharing a few crystal secrets in honor of Samhain.” (The Alchemist’s Kitchen)
Attached are some examples of Samhain crystal grid examples, as well as the sources used for this post below!
Step 1: Turn to Nature for Inspo
If you’re not sure what you want your grid to look like, turn to nature for inspiration! If you already have a geometric pattern you want to do in mind, though, stick with that! There’s so many ways to enchant your crystal grid with the power of nature.
Step 2: Get outside!
Respectfully forage anything from nature you’d like to include in your crystal grid. You can gather fallen acorns, pine needles, feathers, leaves, dried marigolds, baby pine cones and more. These fit well with the essence of Samhain. You could also sit in nature to channel your intention with a meditation ritual.
Step 3: Check your kitchen and herb garden!
Check your kitchen! Can you find any cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, ginger, sage, thyme or star anise? If you want a unique way to cleanse your space before creating your grid, you can blend your own loose incense with these spices.
Step 4: Ask the sky!
If you can’t make your grid on Samhain, that’s okay! You can use astrology to choose when would be best for your grid! Depending on your intention, you may want to make your grid on Samhain’s Full Blue Moon or the New Moon, too!
Step 5: Set Your Intention
When making a crystal grid for Samhain, having an intention that aligns with the themes of the season is just as important as the crystals used for the grid. “Since the veil to the afterlife (and otherworldly dimensions in general) is at its thinnest, many of us will focus on divination and psychic voyaging. Ancestors, spirits, and visions of past lives make themselves available to us during this period.” (The Alchemist’s Kitchen)
Shadow work is also another important theme of Samhain. “The shadow is home to the misunderstood parts of the psyche—the same things that we believe to be unfavorable, sinister, and shameful.” (The Alchemist’s Kitchen)
“This grid generates a frequency that cloaks the body and shields the spirit. It’s a layer of protection for the dream walker, the astral traveler, and the psychic. With it, we can venture beyond the veil to visit long-lost ancestors. We can go inward, into the murkiest corners of our memory bank. We might even sneak a peek into an alternate reality. The mind is our only limit.” (The Alchemist’s Kitchen)
Step 6: Gather Your Seasonal Crystals
Focus on crystals that are deep red, grey, brown, black and copper tones. Use these earthy and darker stones in your grid depending on what your intention is! Do you have to use all of them? Nope! Do you have to use specifically these stones? Nope! These are suggestions of crystals you could use to channel the energy of Samhain, however if you feel called use to others, that’s totally fine, too!
Keep in mind that your grid is all about what you want to make it! Do you need to use the essence of nature findings? Nope! Use what you feel drawn to! Attached are some photo examples to use for inspiration!
Here are some stones you could use to enchant your crystal grid with the the energy of Samhain!
Carnelian: “As a focus stone, carnelian is an anchor. It offers stability, vitality, and confidence in the physical world so that the spirit can venture into higher realms. It eliminates the fear of death by sharing glimpses into the afterlife.” (The Alchemist’s Kitchen)
Fire Agate: Fire Agate creates a portal to the past when used in a crystal grid. It also gives the user a protective layer to shield one from negative vibrations. This stone also diverts and blocks curses and hexes back to the sender.
Selenite (Satin Spar): Selenite increases messages from angels, spirits and deities when used in a crystal grid.
Black Tourmaline: This is a great grounding stone that could be used for protection, detox and transformation. This stone points adverse and unwanted vibrations and frequencies back into the earth to recalibrate. Black Tourmaline is like dynamic protector of your intention.
Staurolites (Fairy Cross): This is a crystal that is protective and could also be used for luck. This stone motivates one to have a positive perspective on their situation. When used in a grid, this stone strengthens the regenerative and elavating power of nature.
Black Obsidian: The reflective surface of volcanic glass exposes all secrets, even those buried deep within the subconscious. Add one piece of obsidian to a grid for every answer that you seek.
Smoky Quartz: Smoky quartz is an excellent tool for practicing non-attachment. We can incorporate pieces into our grid to banish what we have outgrown.
Almandine Garnet: If you’re curious about your soul’s potential, try viewing life through the lens of an almandine garnet. This stone shows us our strengths, weaknesses, and areas that yearn for growth.
Howlite: Howlite is a protective talisman for those with active dream lives. In a grid, it gently probes The 3rd Eye and communicates forgotten lessons from past experiences.
Labradorite: Labradorite carries the mysteries of the sky. In fact, it’s rumored to be a literal piece of the sky that fell to Earth during a display of lights from the Aurora Borealis. Gridding with labradorite amplifies intuition and psychic abilities.
Red Jasper: Comforting and nourishing, red jasper is the blood of the earth. Place a few pieces in a crystal grid to generate passion and amplify primal energy.
Clear Fluorite: Clear fluorite is the companion of Neptune, the planet of mysticism and psychic awareness. If we surround a crystal grid with clear fluorite, it creates a field of obscurity. This stone has excellent cloaking abilities.
Step 7: Do What You Feel Called to Do!
There’s no need to overthink and spend ample time planning a seasonal grid. Let intuition lead when creating the design. Rely on your senses. Do what feels right. What are you feeling called to do? Can you make a pumpkin-shaped grid and leave it up the entire month? Of course. Do you need to use everything that has been mentioned in this post? Of course not!
Want to use a homemade magick wand to activate the grid? Yes, witch, do it!!
If you’re still unsure, look to the Crone Goddess for guidance. Ask her to steer your hand as you transform a pile of stones into a harmonious pattern. Invite her to share her know-how of the mysteries in the dark. Call on her when crafting an intention that compliments the season and your goals. She is a sage teacher.
When we tune into the cyclical rhythms the earth, crystal gridding for the season becomes second nature. Whether we’re gridding for Samhain or another season, the key is to follow our instincts. Because, as astrologer Dane Rudhyar reminds us, “when you don’t follow your nature, there is a hole in the universe where you were supposed to be.”
If you’re a Southern Hemisphere witch and want a crystal grid for Beltane, comment below!