Crystal Grid for Abundance (Patreon)
Are you wanting to attract more prosperity and abundance? Try out this crystal grid! The first thing you have to do is get into the right mindset. A positive attitude can atttact more positivity to you! Change your perspective and appreciate the abundance and prosperity you already have!
So what’s a crystal grid? It’s a geometric pattern of stones that are energetically charged and aligned with your intention you set! You want to create this in a sacred space and have a particular objective in mind that you want to manifest. Be very detailed and specific with your intentions!
Step 1: Get crystals that correspond to your intention!
Are you trying to manifest more abundance in your career? Some stones that will give you a powerful boost in this crystal grid are orange calcite, green aventurine, bloodstone, citrine, peridot, pyrite, jade, emerald and stibnite! Do you have to use all of these stones? Of course not! Do you have to use the stones listed? Nope! Use whatever stones you feel called to using for your crystal grid.
Here are some crystals to help with manifesting abundance:
Aventurine is known for its energy of wealth and a crystal for abundance. Program your crystal for the type of abundance that you would like to receive. This could be anything, such as an abundance of health, wealth or friendships. Double up on the energies of your Aventurine stones by complimenting it with Citrine. Combining these two powerful manifestation stones together brings the greatest outcome yet!
Bloodstone is like a little conservatory of money. Place Bloodstone in your money corner to help retain your current wealth. Not only will it help you conserve your money, but Bloodstone assists you in gaining more because like attracts like.
Citrine is known as the Merchant's stone because it brings cash flow and financial success. Place it in your purse, wallet, or money box. We hear all kinds of success stories attributed to the purchase of Citrine crystals.
Jade is the sister of Aventurine, Jade has long been associated with money, luck and prosperity. Jade is a stone of good fortune and its divine powers of manifestation are revered across cultures.
Pyrite is known as Fool's Gold. Yet when you learn to harvest the abundance energy of Pyrite, you will definitely not feel like a fool. Pyrite attracts riches, coins, treasure and cash. Its sparkling exterior acts like a vortex of manifestation, summoning the Law of Attraction to bring you more and more and more.
Emerald resonates with money and cash. Not only because it is a bold green, but because it is an actual abundance crystal. Surprisingly, raw emerald doesn't cost a fortune and makes a great investment because it helps you summon your rightful fortune. Just thinking about Emerald fills you with thoughts of luxury and wealth. It is the stone of Royalty, totally revered for being precious and valuable.
Stibnite crystals are little known and not often available, when you see this metallic black stone, make sure to snag it and put it straight in your money corner. Stibnite is a stone to help you focus on your goals of money and wealth. It's so easy to get distracted these days as our attention span shrinks. Use Stibnite crystals to keep your eye on the prize - and lots of it!
Use clear quartz to amplify your intention!
Step 2: Decide on what geometric shape you want to use for your grid
There are many crystal grid templates you can use! All you have to do is a quick Google search. You could do a Flower of Life or a Seed of Life template for example.
Step 3: Create your grid!
Get some other materials that correspond to abundance and prosperity. For instance, the color green represents money and has the frequency of abundance infused within it. You could add in green candles or green cloth for your crystal grid.
Add anything else you feel drawn to putting into your crystal grid! Visualize how you’ll feel with the prosperity and abundance you are manifesting. Pour your intention into the crystals and keep your crystal grid up until you receive your desires.
Extra Abundance Ritual
If you’re not feeling a crystal grid and want a ritual that’s a bit simpler, you can try this
What you’ll need:
- Green or gold pouch
- You’ll need 1 tumbled stone each of citrine, pyrite & jade to place into your pouch
- Next, you write this affirmation on a small piece of paper & slip that into the pouch with the stones: “I attract & gratefully receive prosperity, abundance & success in my life.”
- Carry this pouch with you everywhere for 1 full week & whenever you remember to do it, pull out the crystals, hold them in your hands, state the affirmation & then follow with a quick 5-10 minute meditation or relaxation time, allowing yourself to vibrate with your abundance crystals, visualizing & being extremely grateful for the prosperity that is already on its way straight to you!
- Try to do this 1-2 times every day for 1 week. You’ll be amazed at the changes in you & magical prosperity flow that you’ll set in motion.
Where else could I put crystals that attract money?
Get in the groove with financial Feng Shui so that you always have cash flowing in, not just out.
Here are the 7 best places to place your money crystals:
1. Wallet: A Jade Polished Stone assures your wallet is always bulging
2. Purse: Snag some Citrine and Bloodstone so you can shop til you drop
3. Money Box: Chunks of Pyrite attracts wads of cash
4. Safe: Emerald keeps your treasures in tact
5. Work Desk: Aventurine Balls keeps the paychecks rolling in.
6. Place of Business:A Pyrite egg is a true Golden Egg
7. On your body as Jewelry: Jade Earrings, Citrine Necklaces and Bloodstone Bracelets liven up your cash flow AND your wardrobe.