Pay Me Back! Spell (Patreon)
A witch asked in the coven chat on Discord for a spell to get the money that is owed to her back! Another witch kindly posted a spell to do in the chat, so head on over there to check that out! Here is another you could try, too! Come say hi in the coven chat, find more helpful information, ask any questions and share your stories!
Return My Money Spell
What you need:
A picture of the person from whom you want your money back
A small wooden box
2 red chillies
1 tablespoon turmeric powder
1 small piece of ginger
What to do:
1.) Take the photo and place it into the wooden box.
2.) Sprinkle the turmeric powder onto the picture and then place the ginger and the chillies on top.
3.) Once all of the ingredients have been placed into the box picture the person who owes you the money feeling a sudden urge to repay you the amount owed. See them become red with embarrassment at the thought that they have not repaid their debt to you. Visualise their hands passing you back the money as clearly as possible. Once the image is strong in your mind allow the energy of the visualisation to flow into the box and close the lid.
4.) Once the lid has been closed say the following spell:
“Money that’s owed, return back to me
Release the funds and let us be free
So mote it be”
5.) Keep the box sealed and place it in a prominent position in your home where you are likely to see it during the day.
Whenever the box catches your eye picture the person who owes you the money turning red with embarrassment and handing you back the money owed.
6.) Once the money has been returned to you, open the box, give thanks for the effectiveness of your spell work and discard the contents whilst saying the words
“In thanks and gratitude for the money which has been returned to me, I release the energy gratefully.
Blessed be”
So my loves, I hope this spell works and you have an easy and hassle-free return of the money that you lent! Remember that spells don’t always work on the first try and there is another spell for getting money back in the coven chat you can check out too!