Cleansing New Year Spells (Patreon)
Here are some spells for you to try for the New Year. The first one is a New Year Protection & Clearing Spell. Sometimes you may feel like you need to clear the air after having company over or if there’s a lot of stagnant energy. You can also use this spell at work if there is negative feeling and you no longer feel ‘comfortable’ at work.
Make up some holy water which is salt water with three drops of frankincense oil in. Shake it up and put in a spray bottle. At home or before anyone gets into your place of work or if you are the last to leave spray round the office or where you are the majority of the time. Hold an obsidian in your hand as you do and say:
“Circle of protection I invoke thee.
Let me be safe and free.
Encased within your loving embrace.
Forever protected from those in this place.”
Obsidian is a good stone to have at work as it sends negative thoughts on their way. However, you can also do this spell at home if you wish. Therefore, you are encasing yourself physically with protection if confronted with something negative. Just change the spell to your individual situation. At home you could go from room to room giving a little spray here and there just to clear the air.
Credit Card Spell
The Holiday period is so expensive and every year it seems to get more. If you have been hitting the credit card pretty hard during this festive season then perform a credit card spell to help you focus on clearing your debts. This spell requires you to shift your consciousness. If you wish to be free of debt and not owe any money on your credit cards then try this spell.
Place all your credit/store cards in a bowl. Next, grab a pair of scissors and cut all but one of them up. If, however they are all max out then cut every one of them up. You do not need them and you are trying to be debt free. Cut the cards into four pieces and while doings so say these words:
“In months of three
I will be debt free.
The cards I do not need.
I cut up and release.
Mighty Mercury show me the way
To clear these cards with full pay.
Mighty Mercury thank you and blessed be.
An it harm none so mote it be.”
Set your mind to pay the cards off in three months or you can re-write the spell depending on many cards you have. Just make sure the spell has eight lines as the power of 8 is required.
Think of different ways to save money sort out things you no longer need nor want such as jewellery, clothes, presents that have never been opened. Sell items that are no longer needed. For example, have a car boot sale or hire a stall at your local market one weekend, and offload everything to get the money you need to pay off the cards with.
Wassail Eve Money Jar Spell
Wassail was a time when people would bless the orchard trees with cider and songs for a bountiful crop in the coming year. Wass Hael comes from the Saxon and means ‘to your health’. Plan for the coming year by growing your own crop of money with this money jar spell and consciously add money each week.
You will need a clean empty jam jar or similar jar, pen and paper, four coins of the highest denomination you can afford, 1 bay leaf, and 2 pinches of saffron.
On the bay leaf write your name. On the paper write what you want the money for example; car, holiday, college fund etc. after fold the paper up four times. Put the folded paper in first in the jar then the bay leaf. Next put the coins in one at a time and as you do imagine each coin multiplying ten times. After you have the coins in put the pinches of saffron in the jar. Then put the lid on the jar and hold the jar in your hands as you say:
“Goddess Rosmerta abundance be.
Help the coins grow for me.
Money magic of Rosmerta bright.
Grow forever more with such might.
An it harm none so mote it be.”
Keep the jar in a place that you will see all the time though not in view of everyone in the house. Every four days try and put another coin in the jar until the jar is full or until you have what is written on the paper. When you do have what you want empty the jar and bury the bay leaf and paper in the garden giving thanks to Rosmerta as you do. If you do not have a garden then burn them and after sprinkle salt over the remains, you can then throw away. Wash the jar and keep for reuse in other magical work.
Blue Monday Depression Spell
Depression is like a wave that sweeps over you and those that suffer find no release. The best thing is follow your instincts, if you are tired then sleep. Relax and meditate if you can. Pamper yourself and look after you. Create a spa and treat yourself like a god or goddess, you are divine and unique after all.
Put two drops each of lavender, juniper, rose, clove and bay essential oil to your bath water. Soak in the water and relax. Imagine a white light of healing emanating from the water. When you get out the bath imagine that feeling of the water still comforting you.
“Sacred waters send me release.
From this sadness and depression.
Sacred waters let my illness heal.
Sacred waters blessed be so mote it be.”
When you feel the depression sweeping over you again, remember the warm comforting bath, and say the spell again.