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Hey witches! Thank you for noticing the discrepancy in the thyme print-out! I was also researching how to grow cilantro for my little windowsill herb garden, so I mixed them up and wrote about cilantro in the last part of the thyme printable. Here is the updated version for you! Sorry about that, loves! I'm thinking of added an extra bonus herb of the month printable for you which would be.... you guessed it, cilantro!

So there's also a little update change with the printables. Instead of a different herb, crystal, deity, tarot card and spell print-outs per week, they would be per month. It has been way too challenging trying to juggle a full-time job, content creation, the witchy marketplace and more. Thank you so much for understanding and your support is greatly appreciated! Below is a digital download for you to print-out for your Book of Shadows, Grimoire or just keep to refer to if you want some magickal herb tips!

Sources used:




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