Witchy Hacks Part 2! (Patreon)
If you find that purchasing books on witchcraft can be expensive.... you’re not wrong! It can definitely add up! There are definitely other ways you can access this information.... for free!
The first witchy hack is you could download books from a library straight to your phone! The app called Overdrive has some but depending on your library it may be limited. There are also many other books at https://z-lib.org once you make an account! You could download them as a PDF or on your Kindle, plus other formats.
Now! The second witchy hacks is a list of free apps you could download straight to your phone! Mine is an iPhone though so I’m not sure if the apps are different for Androids and what not though.......
Tarot Apps
1.) Tarot Card Memorizer - Learn and memorize the traditional meanings of tarot cards
2.) Yes No Tarot - Ask yes or no questions and receive answers
3.) Trusted Tarot - Tarot card meanings, spreads, daily and weekly readings, horoscopes
4.) Daily Tarot Plus 2019 - Spreads, horoscopes, zodiac compatibility, daily lucky number and colors
5.) Golden Thread Tarot - Learn Tarot for Self Insights
6.) Labyrinthos Tarot Reading - Free Tarot readings, lessons and more
7.) Tarot Cards & Numerology Guide
8.) Tarot & Numerology
Moon Phases, Stars & Dreams
1.) The Moon Calendar - Lunar cycles, self-care rituals, astrology insights
2.) Moonly - Daily affirmations and encouragement with the moon phases
3.) Star Chart - Point towards sky to see virtual star chart
4.) Night Sky - Hold your phone to the sky to identify stars, constellations and planets
5.) Dream Dictionary - Dream Reading - an A to Z dictionary of dream symbols and their meanings helps you make sense of your dreams and harness them to increase your creativity, solve problems, find life purpose and obtain accurate personal guidance
6.) MOON - Current Moon Phase
7.) The Moon: Calendar Moon Phases
8.) My Moon Phase - Lunar Calendar
Spells & Self-Care
1.) Wicca Spells & Tools - Learn positive spells on the go!
2.) Saged: Sacred Space - Daily self care grounding rituals
3.) #SelfCare
Chakras & Meditation
1.) Chakras - Information, meditation & healing for chakras
2.) Insight Timer - Guided meditations and soothing music
3.) Chakra Meditation Balancing
4.) Mesmerize - Visual Meditation
5.) Head Space - Meditation & Sleep
6.) Breathe: Meditation & Sleep
7.) Calm
8.) MyLife Meditation: Mindfulness
9.) Meditation Nest
10.) Mindfulness
Plants & Crystals:
- Picture This: Plant Identifier - Take a picture to identify the plant!
- Crystal Guide: The CC - Info on over 360 crystals
- PlantSnap - Ideniftt plant
- Plantyx - Plant Identification
- Plant Identification ++
- Seek by iNaturalist
- PlantNet
- Planta: Learn how to care for your plants
- NatureID: Plant Identification
Which apps do you recommend? Comment below!