Types of Magic to Work on During Imbolc (Patreon)
Here are a few examples of different kinds of magic you can practice for Imbolc. You could practice protection magic, purification magic and healing magic. Some examples of how you can perform each are also listed below!
February 1st is Imbolc: the sabbat (or pagan holiday) that heralds the earliest stirrings of spring. This is a time sacred to the ancient Celtic goddess Brigid, a widely beloved divinity who is a matron of many things, including poetry, divination, inspiration, pregnancy, childbirth, and healing. Imbolc is a time of going within, blessing our homes, healing ourselves, spending time in the shadows, and connecting with our deep inner hearts. Imagine wildflower seeds under the snow reveling in their solitary aliveness before it’s time to burst forth and rise up into the light.
Here are 5 types of magic that go perfectly with Imbolc.
1.) Protection Magic
The Brigid’s cross (pictured) is a traditional Imbolc craft, often woven from rushes or reeds. When you make or obtain one and invoke the goddess Brigid to bless it with her fiery light, you will be in possession of a powerful protection talisman. Place it on your front door to keep your home safe from negativity of all varieties. (But still lock your doors!)
Other forms of protection magic (like this Protection Charm for Empaths or this Clearing and Shielding Meditation) are also appropriate at Imbolc.
Protection Charm for Empaths:
If an empath could live her entire life secluded in nature, she would never need this charm. Of course, most of us don’t live our entire lives secluded in nature. Lucky for us, this extra simple protection charm for empaths only requires three ingredients and a small drawstring bag. And it’s extremely helpful for shielding you from other people’s emotions, as well as challenging and negative vibrations of all varieties.
Here’s how to make it.
- 1 small, drawstring bag (you can sew this or buy it – tea or spice bags work well and are very affordable)
- 1 clear quartz crystal point
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 sprig of fresh lavender or a pinch of dried lavender blossoms
On a Sunday, spread all ingredients (including bag) on a dinner plate, and hold it in bright sunlight. Sense the sunlight blessing and empowering all ingredients, and infusing them with powerful positivity. When this feels complete (it need not take longer than 2 minutes), place the crystal, garlic, and lavender in the bag and tie it closed. Hold in both open palms, again allowing the sunlight to shine on it. In your mind’s eye, see it filled with the golden light of the sun. Imagine this light radiating out from the charm in a large sphere, and empower it with the intention to powerfully protect you from any and all harsh, challenging, or negative energies. Know that whenever you keep the charm near, you will be cocooned in this protective light. Thank the energies of the earth, sky, and sun by saying:
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed be. And so it is.”
Carry the charm in a pocket or pinned to the inside of your clothing as needed.
Quick and Thorough Aura Cleansing Meditation:
This concise and effective aura clearing meditation is great to do regularly, and any time you feel you’ve picked up a vibration, energy, or thought form that isn’t in alignment with the Divine Truth of harmony and love. The link to the YouTube video is down below!
2.) Purification Magic
Imbolc, like the goddess Brigid herself, is associated with sacred wells of pristine water that purify and bless. Imbolc is also associated with bright, inspiring fire. Both fire and water assist us with purification magic. So take a dunk in a clean, moving body of water (if it’s not too cold), add sea salt to your bath water and soak, or stand near a bonfire or hearth fire and mentally send old, stuck energy from your aura into the flames.
Here are 5 ways you can purify your energy for Imbolc:
- Meditation in front of a fire or flame
For a simple Imbolc fire purification, light a fire in your fireplace, create an outdoor fire, or just light a red pillar candle on your altar. Then meditate. As you gaze at the flame, merge your awareness with that of the fire. Breathe deeply and let the fire burn away negativity or stuck energy while awakening your spirit and enlivening your soul
- Light your half-burned candles at sunset
Imbolc is an excellent opportunity to put your half-burned candles to good use: place them around your home, and then safely light every single one of them at sunset on February 1st. Then take a moment to ritually welcome the goddess Brigid into your space, along with her Imbolc blessings of purification, miracles, and healing. Keep them burning as long as you can safely attend to them, and then extinguish. When it’s convenient and desirable, repeat this process periodically until the Equinox, or until the candles are burned all the way down.
- Add Epsom salt, sea salt and baking soda to your bath water and burn a candle as your bathe
The ancient shrine of the Goddess Bridgid in Kildare, Ireland featured a constantly burning flame. When it was transformed into a fire temple dedicated to St. Brigid, nuns continued to tend to that flame for some time. The goddess/saint also has a sacred well nearby, which is believed to have healing properties. This Imbolc, draw upon Brigid’s allies of water and fire: invoke her with a heartfelt prayer before lighting a red candle and soaking in a purifying salt bath.
- Hang a Brigid’s Cross over or on your front door
This classic Imbolc craft will purify and protect your home. Using dried rushes or a similar dried plant material, craft a Brigid’s cross (here’s how), and hang it over or on your front door. On next year’s Imbolc, throw the cross (safely) on a fire, and craft a new one to refresh its power
- Tie tiny bells to your broom and sweep the floor
Brooms are powerful things! Simply sweeping with intention is a beautiful way to clear out old energy and make room for the new. And when you tie tiny bells to your broom this Imbolc, you’ll also sprinkle magical blessings of early spring throughout your space.
3.) Healing Magick
Any sort of healing intention – whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional – can be magically supported on Imbolc. Try calling on Brigid to bless a cup of peppermint tea with her healing light. Then drink it or serve it to a loved one
Many things work like a charm when it comes to healing: fresh water, healthy food, relaxation, sleep, laughter, and (when you’re well enough) exercise.
Once you’ve got those basics covered, further bolster your healing process (or that of a loved one) with this Healing Herbal Sachet.
Before you assemble your healing charm, it’s ideal if you can empower the ingredients by placing or holding them in bright sunlight for at least a minute or two.
Once you’ve created your healing charm, keep it close (or instruct your loved one to keep it close) until your healing process is complete.
Healing Herbal Sachet:
What you’ll need
- A pouch or material (green or blue are the usual colour for healing)
- A ribbon of the same colour
- 6 herbs associated with healing & promoting good health
(if you wish you can add a crystal)
- Herbs: Allspice, apple, angelica, ash, birch, calendula, caraway, carnation, cedar, chamomile, chickweed, cinnamon, clove, comfrey, coriander, cypress, echinacea, elder, eucalyptus, gardenia, garlic, geranium, ginger, feverfew, flax, heliotrope, honeysuckle, hops, horehound, hyssop, maple, marjoram, mint, mistletoe, mugwort, nettle, nutmeg, oak, parsley, pine, rose, rosemary, rowan, rue, sage, St. John’s Wort, sunflower, thyme, valerian, verbena, violet, willow, witch hazel, yarrow)
- Crystals: Amethyst, aventurine, bloodstone, citrine, clear quartz, hematite, jade, moss agate, rose quartz, tree agate
Place the herbs (and crystal) into your pouch, secure with ribbon, knotting 3 times. Hold the bag in your hands & pouring your intent into it saying the following:
“Little greens ones, add your power to this mix
Any sickness or despair you will certainly nix
I bless this charm with the energy of Land and Sea
Empowered by Sky and Flame, so may it be”
Keep the charm with you, until you no longer have need of it, then read the herbs to the earth & bury the crystal as a thank you to Gaea.
(Adapted from Herb Magic by Ellen Dugan)