Beginner Tea Magic Spells (Patreon)
Here is a post about beginner tea magick! This will include some simple spells to begin with, invoking, banishing, and some helpful tips and tricks.
Feel free to tailor any one of the spells or practices mentioned in this blog to fit into your own individual practice ♡
Invoking & Banishing
One of the simplest ways to begin using tea magick is by starting to understand the fundamentals of it. When you think about invoking and banishing, commonly the pentagram is one of the first things to pop up. However with tea, it's used simply by which direction you stir your tea!
To INVOKE, stir your cup of tea (or coffee) clockwise and infuse it with positive intentions. This will empower your cup and attract beauty, wellness, energy, healing, and overall good vibes!
To BANISH, stir your cup of tea (or coffee) counter-clockwise. As you do this, imagine all of the negative energies around you fading away with every circle as you stir. Doing this will also help reduce anxiety and promote weight loss.
Starter Spells
There are many spells out there written by other witches. You can find them in books, and even on social media (there are a TON of witches on Tumblr)! Below I have a couple of my favorites/go-to spells that are good for beginners, as well as one I've developed myself. All of them are pretty simple and don't require much from the caster.
The following spell is one I use quite often, as I am plagued with sleeping problems. This one is from misscrystalwitch on Tumblr. It's simply one of my favorites.
A Bedtime Tea Spell
About an hour before bed, put on water for your tea. Recommended teas for this spell are chamomile, lavender, or any kind of sleepy time/teddy bear tea. Before submersing your loose leaf/tea bag, think of positive imagery (such as white light, etc.) and say:
As this tea I drink deep,
Help me rest and go to sleep.
With this tea I do pray
Tomorrow will be a better day.
After, seep your tea to desired strength. If you use sweeteners, say this additional spell before adding it to your cup:
May tomorrow be as sweet
As this (honey/sugar) that I eat.
This next one I HAD to share. It's by the lovely orriculum.
Veritaserum Tea
This tea is inspired by "Veritaserum" in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. It was made by orriculum on Tumblr. This is a potion-drink that works to encourage truth with the person you share the drink with. Alternatively, it also helps you realize certain truths in your present and future.
Directions: This recipe is for one cup of tea. Heat up one cup of water to a boil. Add 1.5 teaspoons dried rosemary needles. Steep tea for 5 minutes. Strain rosemary needles. Add a violet for garnish if you wish.
Tip: If you are afraid of the truth, but still wish to hear it, add honey to the tea and the words will be sweetened.
A Little About Charming
In some articles or blogs, you might see that the words "charm" and "enchant" are used synonymously. For the sake of this post, I'll be using "charming," although they can be used interchangeably. I've come up with a very easy-to-use way to charm a tea cup for spell work!
Although there are many ways to charm an object, when it comes to certain larger items (such as a mug) you might have to change up your practice a little. Try this: the next time you want to drink a cup of tea, or use it for a spell/ritual, meditate with it first! Burn a white candle, or any color pertaining to your spell, and meditate your intention while holding your mug. Imagine your intent and energy infusing with your cup. Then make your tea and perform your spell/ritual!
This simple little bit of charming is really nice in giving your spell or ritual a little kick in the right direction!
Tips and Tricks
* A cool little tip I found on Charrisa's Cauldron: for business owners out there, try pouring a cup of cinnamon tea on your shop's front step to bring in customer's and their money!
* You can also use sigils in tea magick. Some handy places to draw sigils are: on the tag of a tea bag, a piece of paper/post-it taped/stuck to your mug, or a piece of paper folded up in your tea infuser. You can also try drawing sigils in your cup with the kind of sweetener you use! This would be great with honey, some sugars (if you're super careful), and even creamer is you're a coffee drinker.
* A tip from The White Parlor Witch: before doing a money spell or money meditation, drink a cup of peppermint tea to increase your money drawing magick!