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Do you have crystals all around your home? Where do you like to put them? Here are some ideas for you if you’re not sure where to put your crystals or if you want to balance the energy of your space!

Front door: black tourmaline, jade

Cleansing and protective, black tourmaline is perfect for the entrance to your home. Place it on the console, window or shelf near the door. Add a piece of jade to welcome in wealth and good luck

Bedroom: rose quartz, amethyst, black tourmaline

Bring romance, love and joy to your room with rose quartz. Enhance the vibe by placing four crystals on the floor at each bed leg. Having trouble sleeping? Place a piece of amethyst under your bed or on your bedside table.

If you want to cleanse your room, place a piece of black tourmaline in each of the four corners.

Selenite: This crystal is just as important in the bedroom as it is in the living room. Energy Muse suggests it for energetically purifying and cleansing the air, which is a must given that we spend about a third of our lives sleeping.

Where to put it: According to Energy Muse, you can simply place it under the bed. That way, you're feeling the stone's purifying energy all through the night — without having to literally spoon it in a crystal cuddle session.

Amethyst: Recommended by Energy Muse for peace and relaxation, amethyst is a soothing, spiritual stone that will enhance the chill vibes in your peaceful resting space. It's calming, and can help you sleep, too.

Where to put it: Energy Muse says to place the amethyst on your nightstand or dresser. Not only will it help you relax, but its gorgeous purple color and sparkly appearance make for the perfect bedside table decor.

Living room: selenite, amethyst, amber

Feel like you want to sit back and relax? Amber is best for you. Place it on a tray on your coffee table. Add amethyst for good communication and selenite to cleanse.

Your living room is where you spend your free time and entertain guests, so you want it to be full of energy and life! Use crystals that promote positivity, cleanse out stagnant or negative vibes, and make you feel uplifted and energized.

Selenite: Energy Muse recommends selenite for energetically purifying and cleansing the air. Because if you're spending a lot time in any space, you want the vibes to be totally feel-good.

Kitchen: Carnelian, celestite, citrine, rose quartz

Carnelian is an uplifting, energizing crystal, so it’s a great one for increasing your creativity while you’re whipping up a feast. Celestite will enhance health and wellbeing. Need to focus? Pop some citrine on your benchtop. Add a dash of nurturing energy with rose quartz.

Apatite: Not to be confused with your appetite (but relevant to the kitchen nonetheless!), Energy Muse suggests using apatite for getting inspired — making it a perfect stone to motivate you to cook up something that's healthy and delish.

Carnelian: Creativity is a must in the kitchen, so call on carnelian when you want to try something new and get adventurous. It'll help with staying inspired and trying new things.

Dining Area: Turquoise and Citrine

Turquoise: "[Use] turquoise for promoting healthy and conscious eating behaviors," says Energy Muse. We're often so busy that we're forced to eat on the go, so when we do have a chance to sit down for a meal, it's nice to consciously enjoy it and feel gratitude for the nourishment.

Bathroom: clear quartz

Clear the energy in your bathroom with clear quartz. You can also add rose quartz when you’re having a bath to create a nurturing environment

Study: Amethyst, shungite, citrine, black tourmaline

For protection and balance, place shungite next to your electronics.

Amethyst is great for focusing and opening your mind, while black tourmaline is effective by blocking any negative energy that may come from social media. Need help concentrating? Place a piece of citrine on your desk.

Azurite: Life is full of distractions, so staying focused is key in your workspace. Energy Muse recommends azurite for focus and concentration.

Where to put it: Simply being near the energy of this stone can imbue you with its focus-enhancing benefits, so Energy Muse advises you to simply keep it on your desk. Easy peasy.

Pyrite: We work hard for the money, honey, and so we should try to manifest abundance for ourselves in the workplace! Energy Muse recommends this stone for wealth, abundance and prosperity.

Where to put it: Let's get to manifesting here. "Place it on your business card, or a specific project or proposal," advises Energy Muse. The pyrite will infuse its energy into your business or proposal and help amplify the good vibes.

Child’s room: Hematite, celestite, obsidian

Hematite has a calming, grounding quality, while celestite soothes and nurtures. If your child has nightmares, obsidian will help to absorb bad energy.





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