Beltane Morning Dew Beauty Ritual (Patreon)
May 1 marks the day of Beltane - the ancient Gaelic celebration of fertility, beauty and sexuality. A time when we revel in the Earth blossoming forth and shifting from the cold, to warmer, sunnier days.
Tradition says that washing in the morning dew - before sunrise - will beautify and assist in securing the object of your affection. This magical dew was often gathered from ivy or grass underneath trees. One other account of a rhyme notes that the maid who "..washes in dew from the Hawthorne tree, will forever handsome be."
Dew was often gathered in a jar and allowed to sit in the sunshine, increasing it's power. Some maidens opted to roll around in the dew for whole body beautification - doesn't that sound lovely?
Create your own Beltane dew ritual. Step outside just before sunrise and gather morning dew in a jar or bowl. Use this dew to mix with your morning cleanser. You can also apply morning dew to your skin as you would a toner, with a cotton pad. Feel the energy of this powerful time of year infusing your skin with new beginnings, fortifying it with joy and beauty.
How to Collect Morning Dew
Morning dew is a part of many love, healing and beauty spells, and can even be used to make blessed/holy water.
Below is how I typically gather the water.
1. Gather your materials.
You'll need a container and an absorbant towel
2. Go out in the morning.
I typically go out to collect dew between 7-9AM. It's mostly important to go out before 10-11, dew starts to dry off plants before midday.
3. Collect the dew.
Find areas you want to collect dew off of and take your towel and drag it around until it is heavily wet. It's most efficient in grass and low to ground plants that aren't bothered by getting shaken up a bit.
4. Ring it out.
Once you have a wet towel, ring it out into your container. You'll have to collect and ring out several times before getting a good amount of dew.
5. Filter out big junk.
You'll end up getting bits of grass or dirt in your dew so it's important to filter it out either with cheesecloth (as pictured) or with paper towel.
Once you filtered your dew it's ready for use!
You can try...
Charging it under the full moon for a more enhanced moonwater.
Using morning dew in your spells
Blessing morning dew for holy/blessed water
Remember that you should not drink this water.
As you can see in the photo it is not clear, and not in drinking conditions. People only gather dew to drink in stressful survival experiences. The water contents are similar to rain water and if you wouldn't drink rain water in your area then don't drink morning dew either.