🔮How to Use Tarot & Other Methods to Connect With Spirit Guides🔮 (Patreon)
Have you ever wondered how you could use tarot cards to connect with your spirit guides? If this form of divination is one you already practice or you've been wanting to give it a try then this article may be for you! How do you connect with your spirit guides? Here is a useful resource from Maddy El Runa on how to do a tarot reading to connect with your guides.
What is a Spirit Guide?
Maddy El Runa thinks of a spirit guide as a "non physical entity that I can communicate with when in a relaxed (altered or trance like) state of mind." Spirit guides can come in many forms. They can be angels, ancestors, animals, deities, gods, goddesses or other manifestations. Other people may be able to see to see your spirit guides, too.
When some people sense or feel their spirit guides, they can feel a slight change in the energy around them. This could as the form of a touch on the shoulder, warm or cold spots and receiving messages from your guides by starting to "know" things.
Working with tarot cards can be a useful way to connect with your spirit guides. Are you required to work with your spirit guides in order to practice tarot? Nope! Do you need to believe in spirit guides to work with tarot cards? Nope. You can use this divination method to connect and strengthen your bond with your spirit guides, though! Here are some ways you can do that from Maddy El Runa:
1.) Meditate!
Maddy El Runa thinks "meditation is the single best move to deepen your connection with your spirit guides. I believe our brains, in a deeply relaxed state, are able of connecting with our guides. So training you brain to be used to this deeply relaxed state only make sense."
You can simply stay still during your meditation or you can make it a movement meditation. Other ways you can do a physical meditation is by hiking, walking, swimming, crafting, cleaning, baking, dancing, playing an instrument, yoga - whatever helps your mind go into a clear and focused state, so that "you are not “thinking” but totally “doing” is a form of meditation.
2.) Breath Work
To focus the mind and body before a tarot reading or a meditation, you can focus on your breath. Maddy El Runa likes to use earth breathing; As you breath in focus your mind on the soles of your feet. Imagine/visualize waves of energy flowing up the legs & up the spine. As you breathe out let the out breath be a release of stress.
As you do the breathing- in the through the nose, out through the mouth, notice how your belly, shoulders & chest move with each breath. If you use a specific breathing technique already, perhaps through yoga, yoga can use that. But breath control is a simple & effective way to still the mind to be able to connect.
3.) Be Aware of All Your Senses.
Try to be sensitive as you connect through meditation, or tarot. Some people tend to “know things” yet unsure how, hear voices or see images. I know other people who feel strong emotions, sense things in a way they can not explain, hear songs, smell smells that then have a meaning. So don't just expect your spirit guide to contact you in one way- be open to subtle changes, or awareness. Synchronicity is a key way ( where you see certain numbers, or animals over and over again) & dreams.
4.) Automatic Writing
Do you have one of those annoying minds that just struggle to keep quiet? (don't worry, I have one too). Automatic writing is another great way to connect with your guides, though it can take regular practise.
Decide how regularly, and how much time you can dedicate to this. (perhaps every other day for 20 minutes)
Then start with some focused breathing.
Set a clear intent- perhaps write (or type) “ I am ready to connect with my spirit guides”
Then write, let it flow. Or just write “I feel stupid, what do I write” until you are ready to write. It may take a while, and if like me the Shining was a movie that got to you- this may not be the best way.
This is also excellent practice to try and connect with your spirit guides through a tarot reading;
#1 Lay a tarot reading in your normal way (or follow my suggested reading at the end of this blog)
#2 Read the spread as you normally would.
#3 Do some focused breathing.
#4 Start your automatic writing with a clear intent (perhaps “My guides want me to know”) then write!
#5 Try this several times, you may need to get used to the process.
5.) Protection
Some people can get a little edgy about connecting with spirit guides, wondering if they are welcoming in all sorts of energy. The simplest way to protect yourself is with intent at the start (or a blessing, prayer, affirmation- if that word better suits. )
Perhaps at the start “I ask that this is for my highest good” & at the and a moment of thanks & gratitude. If you are of a pagan/Druid background, or similar you may have a way of opening & closing sacred space that works for you already.
6.) Tarot Reading
Any tarot reading can be used to connect with your spirit guides, but here is a reading & process here that Maddy El Runa has used.
#1 Start with a brief blessing/intention. (perhaps “ I ask my guides to stand close and help me to find the best path forward, for my highest good”
#2 Nine breaths of earth breath.
#3 Shuffle the cards, cut and lay the cards in your normal manner where;
#4 Read the spread as you normally would.
#5 Set aside some time to either”gaze” at the spread- meditating on it, or use automatic writing if you prefer.
Here an example of a reading that Maddy El Runa did using this spread;
Cards 1-3: "I can validate these cards. I am very focused on being a mum (Empress) though as my children are growing I am a little sad (in a natural way) remembering their babe-hood (6 cups) whilst also trying to be still & find the best way forward in my life, a very spiritual quest for me (4 cups)"
Cards 4-6: "This is slightly strange for me, I normally head to the shadow lands & talk to my guides! The 4 of swords is a slight telling off, reminding me to slow down a little, I tend to over work. I often interpret the lovers as “I choose” & the 3 of wands is a happy card of early, stable growth. My guides, as ever, are telling me not to fight to make life work. But to relax a little and choose growth, and then it will flow with more ease."
Cards 7-9: "How to connect with my guides a little more- these are action cards- try to translate them as things you can do (or stop doing!)"
7 of Cups: "A little more time to dream. Day dream, vision board. Fair point, I could do with this!"
2 of Wands: "A bit cheeky of the cards really. This is the long man, quite near my home and my husbands favourite walk. I can take this literally, I need to head to this spot a little more often!"
Ace of Wands: "I see this as inspiration, good ideas, a sense of knowing- which can only really come in the stillness moments. I need to find a little more time to be still. Which connects with the previous two cards."