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This post is has more ways you can use honey in magic and the importance of using real honey to consume all of its benefits! What ways do you like to use honey? Unfortunately, I can’t consume honey because it has high FODMAPS and I’ve been trying to follow a low FODMAP diet for my IBS. I used to love adding it to so many things though!

Honey is quite an amazing little substance Honey is the general term used for the sweet nectar that bees gather and bring back to their colony for sustenance. (properly obtained honey doesn’t harm the bees at all). Collected around The late summer and early fall, honey is a common and staple crop in many parts of the world.

Magikal Uses - Honey has a handful of Magikal proprieties, uses and distinct energies. the energies vary depending on which strain of honey you are working with. but overall I would describe them as positive, cleansing, gentle, soothing and warming. its great for spells, offerings and brews

- It can be kept on your altar i keep some on my altar to remind me that amongst the seemingly overwhelming bitterness of everyday life that sweetness can be found.

- Can be used in things involving Love, lust or sexuality

- Purification (works great in bath scrubs)

- Health and healing

- Community or communication

- Abundance and prosperity

- Used as a bonding agent in spells,(i find this nice because if you ever need to undo the spell, honey doesn’t permanently solidifies so whats bonded together can be unbound)

- Spirituality

- Candle magic (for anointing or beeswax candles)

- Honey makes great offerings to most deities/spirits due to its alluring and sweet nature, top on the list being fae, aphrodite, apollo, and demeter.

- Placing honey over your lips can be a great natural lip moisturizer

- Add honey to your tea to attract kindness

- Honey is an amazing preservative and has strong antibacterial properties, making it an ideal addition to any salves etc

- Use honey as a natural cough aid

- Try to source local honey, this also helps with allergies

- Honey can be used to represent wisdom, because gathering honey from hives can be difficult and painful if done incorrectly so it became a metaphor for obtaining knowledge through pain

- Honey has a long medicinal history - it will help with allergies if you eat a teaspoon of locally sourced honey each day. (Buying local honey is great way to support your community and local agriculture!) It is a natural immunity booster and has antibacterial properties, which is why it is good for sore throats. If you shop around for honey you will see a wide range of hues, some are lighter, others are darker. Overall, the darker the honey, the better its antibacterial and antioxidant power.

There is a MAJOR difference between natural raw unpasteurized honey, and most store bought honey. Most commercial honey has no traces of pollen and lacks beneficial vitamins and enzymes among a host of other natural constituents which are removed due to pasteurization and processing. Most golden honey you see at your local grocery is dead and far from the health promoting powerhouse of its raw unpasteurized counterpart. Processed honey is not honey at all, and if you desire any kind of health benefits, you must stick to the real stuff. Read more at http://naturalrevolution.org/the-shocking-differences-between-raw-honey-and-processed-golden-honey/#u2vXTwjvo2iz60S7.99







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