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With the Lion’s Gate Portal on August 8th, it gives us the numerology of 88. Have you been seeing the number 8 recently? Which numbers have you been seeing? Here is an article that talks about the meaning of 88!

Each year between July 28 and August 12, the Lion's Gate portal opens as the Earth, the star Sirius and the Sun move into complete alignment with the pyramids of Giza (Egypt).

What is the Lion's Gate portal in astrology?

The Lion's Gate portal is the opening of opening of a rare window between the spiritual and physical worlds. While it takes place annually from July 28-August 12, the Lion's Gate portal is considered officially activated on August 8, which this year is also accompanied by a New Moon.

As the Earth, Sun and Sirius align, they create an intense energy which alters our perspective on ourselves and the world. Coupled with the New Moon in Leo's majestic vibration, this year's Lion's Gate opening offers people born under all zodiac signs an opportunity to manifest powerful positive changes.

The Lion’s Gate portal is named for the zodiac sign of Leo, which the Sun is currently transiting through. Leo is all about our hearts and the passions that beat there. Leo likes to have it all, to go big or go home, to go about getting what he wants because he knows he’s the king (or queen) of his own jungle.

During Lion's Gate Portal, we feel a rise in awareness. This may at first manifest as anxiety, overthinking and restlessness, but once the portal closes, it will bring us to a powerful place of newfound purpose.

Being that this is an "5" year in numerology (2+0+2+1=5), the focus for many has been around establishing balance, particularly between the material and the physical aspects of life.

Angel number 5 revolves around freedom, adventure, independence and happiness, and reminds us that we need to slow down and be prepared to welcome change with a positive attitude.

88 Angel Number Meaning and Numerology

In numerology, 8 is a significant number representing harmony and infinity.

Life path number 8 is all about confidence, passion, power and resilience — all of which you can harness when manifesting while the Lion's Gate portal is open, and most specifically during the New Moon on 8/8.

As a double number, 88 means you are moving toward change. This is a time to accept necessary endings so you can be fully open to receiving the new opportunities coming your way.

To say that we have the universe on our sides during this time is an understatement.

Each day we are asked to take bigger risks. These are unique chances that are given to us by the divine in order to follow our purpose more closely and step into our best possible selves.





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