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Let’s talk about using chamomile in witchcraft and magic! This herbs corresponds to Sunday’s so any spells or rituals you want to do with chamomile would be great for this day! Do you use chamomile in your practice? Here are a combination of articles with really great information on this herb and the sources are listed below.

Chamomile is a popular ingredient in a number of magical rituals and spell workings. The two most commonly seen types of chamomile, or camomile, are the Roman and German varieties. While their characteristics vary slightly, they are similar in uses and magical properties. Let's look at some of the history and folklore behind the magical use of chamomile.

Chamomile's use has been documented as far back as the ancient Egyptians, but it was during the heyday of the English country garden that it really became popular. Country gardeners and wildcrafters alike knew the value of chamomile.

In Egypt, chamomile was associated with the gods of the sun and used in in treatment of diseases like malaria, as well as in the mummification process. It is believed that a number of other cultures used chamomile similarly, including the ancient Romans, the Vikings, and the Greeks. Interestingly, the healing properties of chamomile don't apply only to people. If a plant was withering and failing to thrive, planting chamomile nearby could improve the health of the ailing plant.

Maud Grieve says of chamomile in A Modern Herbal,

"When walked on, its strong, fragrant scent will often reveal its presence before it is seen. For this reason it was employed as one of the aromatic strewing herbs in the Middle Ages, and used often to be purposely planted in green walks in gardens. Indeed walking over the plant seems specially beneficial to it.

Like a camomile bed

The more it is trodden

The more it will spread

The aromatic fragrance gives no hint of its bitterness of taste."

From a medicinal perspective, chamomile has been used for a variety of applications, including diarrhea, headache, indigestion, and colic in babies. In Back to Eden, Jethro Kloss recommends everyone "gather a bagful of camomile blossoms, as they are good for many ailments."

This all-purpose herb has been used to treat everything from loss of appetite to irregular periods to bronchitis and worms. In some countries, it is mixed into a poultice and applied to open wounds in order to prevent gangrene.

Magical Correspondences

Other names for chamomile are ground apple, scented mayweed, whig plant, and maythen. There's also Roman, or English, chamomile, as well as German. They're from two different plant families, but are essentially used in the same manner, both medically and medicinally.

Chamomile is associated with masculine energy and the element of water.

When it comes to deities, chamomile is linked Cernunnos, Ra, Helios, and other sun gods—after all, the heads of the flowers look like little golden suns!

Using Chamomile in Magic

Chamomile is known as an herb of purification and protection, and can be used in incenses for sleep and meditation. Plant it around your home to ward against psychic or magical attack. If you're a gambler, wash your hands in chamomile tea to ensure good luck at the gaming tables. In a number of folk magic traditions, particularly those of the American south, chamomile is known as a lucky flower—make a garland to wear around your hair to attract a lover, or carry some in your pocket for general good fortune.

Author Scott Cunningham says in his Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs,

"Chamomile is used to attract money and a hand wash of the infusion is sometimes used by gamblers to ensure winnings. It is used in sleep and meditation incenses, and the infusion is also added to the bath to attract love."

If you're getting ready to do a banishing ritual, some practitioners recommend you steep chamomile flowers in hot water, and then use it to sprinkle around as a metaphysical barrier. You can also wash up with it, after the water has cooled, and this is believed to keep negative energies away from you.

Also, plant chamomile near doors and windows, to prevent negativity from entering your home, or blend it into a sachet to carry with you when you think you might be in physical or magical danger.

Dry chamomile flowers, pulverize them with a mortar and pestle, and use them in an incense blend to bring about relaxation and meditation. Chamomile is especially useful if you're trying to get yourself calmed and centered—blend it with lavender if you'd like to ensure a night of restful sleep with calming dreams.

You can also use chamomile in candle magic. Pulverize the dried flowers, and use them to anoint a green candle for money magic or a black one for banishing.

Chamomile magic is only limited by your mind and inspiration. It’s one of my favorite herbs for a reason: it’s versatile and you can easily purchase it online in bulk OR find it in the grocery store tea or herb/spice aisle. Here are some more ways to do chamomile magic:

1. Chamomile candle magic

Chamomile is great to use in candle magic. Use the loose-leaf chamomile flowers OR chamomile essential oil. Anoint your candle with oil and roll in the dried herb OR anoint with essential oil. This gives the meaning of love, luck, money, ... Candles with chrysanthemums are often used for spells in the spring and summer.

2. Chamomile tea

This is the most noticeable way to do chamomile magic. Drink it as tea! What makes chamomile tea magical? All of the chamomile’s magical properties PLUS your intention while drinking it. Chamomile tea not only helps you regulate your sleep, but you can also use it to boost your confidence, personal strength, and self-esteem.

3. Chamomile magic dream pillows

Have you ever suffered dream pillows with chamomile and then had a wonderfully restful night of sleep? Apart from using herbal chamomile teas, you can use fresh Chamomile added to the bags and placed in pillowcases to solve chronic insomnia. Chamomile has a light, pleasant aroma that makes it easier to fall asleep. Alternatively, you can mix it with a bit of Mugwort in a pillow or a dream bag to augment prophetic dreams.

4. Magical simmering potpourri

Have you ever tried a simmering potpourri on the stove? It is easy to do right at home. You just need to put a pot of water on the stove, add some of your favorite herbs and spices, and simmer very slowly, to allow time for them to boil slowly. Steam and herbal flavors when boiling, their scent will spread throughout the space, making your home space as purified, fresh, fresh. At the same time, this helps release the magical properties of the herbs during boiling. When the pot of water has boiled, drop a handful of daisies, and continue simmering. Meanwhile, the scent of herbs combined with the aroma and essential oil from chamomile will night to a natural scent for your home space. A great way to cleanse your home of negative vibrations in the Sum.

5. Chamomile in the bath

Another great use of chamomile that you should try is using chamomile to bathe. Adding a little chrysanthemum to the bath will help you clean the aura, relax your mind, and clear up the negative energy of yourself. This is very effective, you should try once. It’s an association with the sun will leave your aura glowing!

6. Chamomile offers to Sun and Egyptian Gods

Since ancient times, ancient Egyptians knew about the medicinal properties of Chamomile. Therefore, they have effectively applied the medicinal properties of Chamomile during mummification. Therefore, chrysanthemum somewhat considered a suitable and meaningful gift for the ancient Egyptian gods. They are used to offer to the sun gods and goddesses Helios, Apollo, and Amaterasu. Chamomile essential oil is also used in important rituals and in daily life!

7. Chamomile Floor wash or sweep

Have you made floor washes and sweeps using chamomile that has always brought my family good fortune and health? Cleaning the house is a simple way to spread the features of herbs in your home space. You only need to cool and use the herbal essences from Chamomile flowers to wash the floor according to your intention. Alternatively, you can add some scent from mint and basil. This not only helps to release the fragrance in the space but also has the meaning of praying for money, cleansing negative things in life.

8. Chamomile magic handwash

Before playing gambling or playing hand games, try using a chamomile magic hand wash. This is a long-standing folk tradition in magic that attracts money. Just boil the chamomile flowers or make a cup of chamomile tea. Then cool and wash your hands in prepared chamomile juice before playing cards or playing games. You will see the effect when trying. It brings such good luck!

Other Magical Uses:

A bath with just chamomile and lavender will send you into a deep sleep.

Burn chamomile as an incense for calming meditation and sleep.

Good for protection, self-love, and beauty spells.

Place a full dried chamomile flower in your wallet / with your financial papers to have balance between in-comings and outgoings.

Place fresh or dried flowers in the bedroom for protection and to promote sweet dreams.

Sprinkle strong chamomile tea around your house to remove negative energy or curses.

Use in a pre-ritual bath (with lavender, mugwort, and catnip) for protection, purification, to induce visions.

Use it in the bath / as a face wash to increase self-love.

Used in spells to call down the sun / charge magical items with the sun’s energy.

Wash your hands with chamomile infusion to attract luck.



Wigington, Patti. "Chamomile." Learn Religions, Aug. 27, 2020, learnreligions.com/chamomile-2562019.




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