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Letā€™s talk tea magick! Are you more of a tea person or a coffee person? Hereā€™s a great article by Other Worldly Oracle about different correspondences and ways to use tea in witchcraft.

Thereā€™s magick in tea. The Chinese have used tea to treat illness for hundreds of years. In addition to treating illnesses and tasting delicious, tea is also used for magical purposes. This is called tea witchcraft (aka tea magick) and is gaining popularity in modern times. Itā€™s affordable and effective. Learn how to do tea witchcraft with simple tea recipes here.

Tea Witchcraft for Luck & Money

Who doesnā€™t wish they had better luck or more money in the bank? If youā€™re like me and want to improve your finances, drink a cup of tea. No, seriously. Money may not grow on trees (or so they say), but you can promote the law of attraction by drinking a cup of tea and meditating on monetary abundance. Tell the Universe you HAVE money already. NOT that you want it. Telling the Universe you have it already will invoke more money to come your way.

Rosemary Tea for Prosperity

Try a hot cup of rosemary tea. Rosemary is an herb that has been used for centuries in the Mediterranean for health, vitality, and prosperity. Itā€™s associated with the Mother Goddess: it was draped around the neck of Aphrodite at her birth and named after Jesusā€™ mother. Grow rosemary in your garden or in a pot, pick a sprig and pour hot water over it to make your own fresh rosemary tea. Drink to promote prosperity in your life.

More magical teas to promote good luck and money:

basil tea

peppermint tea

spearmint tea

chamomile and cinnamon tea

green tea

BONUS! Money Plant and Hair Tea

Grow a money tree, basil, or any of the herbs listed above and infuse your intentions for prosperity into the growing plant. In addition, to get more BANG for your buck, cut open used teabags and pour the contents over the soil as compost to feed your plants with magical money tea and increase your manifestation. You can also make money tea and use it on your hair as a rinse to attract prosperity to you.

Magical Tea for Sleep & Dreams

Trouble sleeping? In addition to ceasing the caffeine intake after 2 pm, drink a cup of tea to relieve stress and soothe you to sleep. Tea is magical, but it is also practical and has helped people fall asleep for centuries.

Teas for sleep include:



lemon balm


passion flower




Maybe sleep isnā€™t your problem. If you want to promote dreams and astral travel, try drinking tea before bed. Wise folk have used herbal teas to increase psychic dreams and premonitions for hundreds of years.

Teas to increase dreaming abilities:








Mugwort is the dreamerā€™s herb: it enhances lucid dreaming and astral projection abilities. I prefer mixing mint with my mugwort tea to cut the bitterness. Wormwood is a key ingredient in absinthe, AND it connects the individual with the spirit world. Absinthe was also called the Green Fairy, and some say this is because people hallucinated from it. I say itā€™s because the individual was put in touch with spirits beyond the veil. If youā€™re pregnant or nursing, you should not partake of the teas: mugwort, wormwood, damiana.

Tea Witchcraft for Love

Looking for love in all the wrong places? How about the bottom of your teacup? Drink tea to draw love into your life. Love teas are also called ā€œpotions.ā€

Love teas include:

cinnamon apple

red hibiscus

rosebud and rosehip






Fruity and floral teas are perfect to induce the feeling of love and to bring love into your life. Most of the ingredients in a love potion (tea) have been linked to love for hundreds of years AND are aphrodisiacs. Red hibiscus tea is a powerful lust-inducing tea and women were forbidden to drink it in some parts of the Middle East. Roses (rosebuds and rosehips) have presided over love for centuries and are therefore an obvious choice. Jasmine is an herb of love.

Tea For Vitality and Long-life

Green tea is the essential long-life tea, according to the Chinese. According to studies, if a person drinks more than one pint of green tea a day, it will lower the risk for heart disease. So drink up, folks! Whether hot or iced, organic green tea is best to restore your vitality and bring hope for a longer, healthier life. My personal favorite is Tie Guan Yin, a premier green tea imported from China.

Other tea witchcraft for health and long-life:



Pau dā€™ arco

Uva ursi


Moringa tea

Magnolia Bud

Green tea

Teas To Cleanse the Aura

Everyone needs a pick me up energetically, from time to time. The best way to get that so-deserved pick-me-up is not through a gallon of caffeine, itā€™s through magical tea! If our auras are not cleansed, we begin to feel weighed down ā€“ low on energy and low on life. Cleanse your aura with a little tea witchcraft. Drink blueberry tea on a Full Moon for powerful cleansing effects. Not to mention the anti-oxidants in blueberry tea are off-the-charts.

Other aura-cleansing teas include:



Tie Guan Yin





Blue lotus

How to Make Tea Magick

Making tea magick is as easy as choosing a tea that supports your intentions and drinking it mindfully. But if you want to add an extra kick to it ā€“ while waiting for the water to boil, draw a symbol that backs your intentions in the air above the kettle. For example ā€“ a rune for love, a sigil for health, even a word or number will work! While the tea is steeping, pray your magical words over it. Stir the tea in a clockwise fashion to move something forward, counter-clockwise to reverse it. Then visualize your intention while drinking. And as mentioned before, save the remnants and use them in other magical ways (feed your plants, as a rinse for your hair, add it to a ritual bath, etc.)

Tea as Offerings to the Ancestors and Gods

One of my favorite ways to make magick with tea is to craft tea blends for my spirit guides, gods, and ancestors. My matron goddess Cliodhna particularly loves rosebud and red clover tea. The ancestors also appreciate a nice hot cup of tea: my maternal line loves black and rosehips. My paternal prefers black tea over herbal. Experiment and see what your guides enjoy as libations. Learn more about crafting teas for the gods here.

Different Ways to Make Tea

If youā€™re new to the world of tea witchcraft, you might have noticed thereā€™s different ways to make tea and different contraptions with which to make it. You can purchase and drink tea from pre-made teabags. Thereā€™s also loose leaf tea and herbs you can buy/grow and then use a tea ball or infuser to strain the herbs out before drinking. A third option is to leave the tea leaves in the tea then read the tea leaves at the bottom of your cup. This is an ancient form of divination called tasseomancy.

How to use tea bags in magick

The great thing about having a stock of herbs for teas is that you can use those herbs in your magick too. But what if all you can afford is a box of tea bags from the grocery store? Cut open the tea bag and use the herbs/leaves inside for other things. For example, if I wanted to use chamomile in a dream pillow. OR you can make a bath tea. Literally throw the tea bags into the bath water and soak up the magick! Or make a simmering tea on the stove, let it cool, then put in a spray bottle. Spray around the house for cleansing purposes or to bring prosperity, peace, love, etc.

Where to Purchase Your Tea for Witchcraft

Purchase already-made tea bags from the grocery store, but choose organic or all-natural. Mountain Rose Herbs provides herbal teas and loose leaf herbs in bulk for affordable prices. What I canā€™t grow in my garden, I purchase from them. Grow your own fruit and herbs to make EXTRA powerful tea magick.





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