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A witch in the coven chat on Discord asked how can you tell if someone has put a spell on you? Here is an article that talks about different ways you can find out and what to do if someone did.

These are the signs you can look for to tell if someone put a spell on you and (more importantly) what you can do about it happening.

Forget Hollywood and fake understanding of what ‘real magick’ means. If you take our magick ability test we can help you craft custom spells and help you on your Wiccan path.

Why does someone put a spell on you?

Unfortunately in the world there is envy, this emotion is experienced by people who because of the lack of capacity to have empathy with people, they harbor it in their being, this leads them to envy what others have that they cannot have.

Comparing themselves with other people and feeling inferior to them fills them with selfishness and vanity, causes them great bitterness, and in that situation because of their negative feelings, they desire bad things from the one they envy, and seek ways to cause them harm.

Another reason why people cast a spell on others, is what has to do with the sentimental aspect, a man or woman who feel they are not attracted to the person they desire, easily fall into this alternative of spells, advised by others, or on their own initiative investigate the thousand and one ways of performing spells to achieve the attraction of the being they desire.

The success of the one who achieves it in any branch or activity, causes bitterness and anger in people who are around and feel insecure and overcome by the one who achieves outstanding triumphs, and becomes a motivation to try to minimize in whatever way those achievements are, and the most used way to counteract the success of another is sorcery.

But fortunately for the good ones there are ways to tell if someone put a spell on you, and also how to avoid the effects of those spells.

Ways to tell if someone put a spell on you

When someone has cast a spell on you, there are usually changes in our health, in our behavior, in what surrounds us, and even in the way we act.

Some signs that indicate or evidence that we are being spelled are

Everything goes wrong for us

The listlessness that we feel when we suffer the consequences of a spell, limits us and prevents us from fully fulfilling the activities that in a normal situation we used to do, of course this creates problems in studies, at work and in all other obligations that in the every day of our lives we must fulfill.

Lack of Energy

This is the main sign that we are suffering from a spell, and it is the first thing that our body allows us to detect, we come to lose interest in all things, and to be constantly with a discomfort that we do not know how to identify, discouragement, sleepiness, laziness and apathy for everything, complicating our lives in every way.


When someone is casting a spell on you, you start having trouble falling asleep, causing you excessive fatigue, not being able to sleep the necessary hours takes a toll on your body, affects your physical and mental health, nightmares continually come upon you and lack of rest complicates the situation even more.

Bad Humor

When things don’t go well, when everything you undertake fails, when situations in your life aggravate you, the most normal thing is that bad moods are present during all hours of the day.

These aspects that we have just mentioned can be considered symptoms that you are probably being cast a spell and to confirm that this is indeed the case you can resort to tests that exist for this purpose, some of them are

The Egg Test

Get a chicken egg and pass it through all parts of your body

Then break the eggshell and pour it into a glass of water

If the egg yolk goes to the bottom of the glass and the white shows a clean appearance, nothing happens, you are free of spells.

But if the yolk floats and the white becomes cloudy, you are under a spell.

This test is infallible and you must pay attention and take action to combat the effects of the spell that is being cast on you.

The water and oil test

This is another way to find out if you are a victim of witchcraft, and it is done in the following way

Pour water into a dish

Smear your right-hand index finger with oil

Place your finger with enough oil on top of the plate with water and verify that three drops of oil fall from your finger into the water of the plate

If the three drops of oil float, there is nothing to worry about, you are free from witchcraft

If the three drops of oil turn into more than three or if they go to the bottom, it sets off the alarms, you are under the effect of a spell, so in this case take the necessary precautions to solve this situation successfully.

What to do if you are being spelled

There are fortunately ways to eliminate the effects of the spells that are cast on you, and also to protect you from those that may be cast in the future, here is a very efficient one.

Use salt and vinegar

What do you need for this?

A red ribbon

Sea salt

A porcelain or glass plate



Tie a red ribbon around your left wrist for a whole night, and as you go to bed, say this prayer: “The Universe protects me from evil thoughts that circulate around me; do not allow my body and soul to be touched by negative energies. Take care of me as I take care of my dearest surroundings”.

Repeat this the next night, but change the red ribbon on your right wrist, and say the prayer again.

On the third night, place under the bed where you sleep, the glass plate with about three spoonfuls of sea salt, to which you must have added seven drops of vinegar, and over the salt, place the red ribbon that you used on each of your wrists the two nights before, and say the prayer again so that the Universe may offer you its protection.

After the third night, the next morning when you get out of bed, remove the plate that you placed under the bed, with the salt, vinegar and tape, this will have all the negative energy attached to the red tape.

Put everything in a bag and go out and find a place where the water runs, a river, a stream, or the sea, put your feet into that running water and empty the contents of the bag into the running water, and as the bag moves away, say the prayer one last time.

As you come out of the water, dry your feet to prevent any remaining negative energy from carrying them back home.

Get in the habit of keeping a glass plate with salt and vinegar under your bed, so that you will never be enchanted again.






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