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Here is another post with a bit more insight about working with deities. This article has the personal experience from the author from Medium.com. Are you interested in working with a deity or do you already work with one? What have your experiences been like?

Working with Gaia — my deity of choice — has been life-changing for me. She has treated me with kindness and given her guidance to me gently. I feel honored to be working with her.

This is the sort of relationship any witch can have with a deity. You may be lucky enough to have multiple deities throughout your life’s journey as some will only connect with you for a short time while others will be with you forever.

Reasons to Work With a Deity

If you’re looking for personal advice and guidance for your life’s journey and your craft, those are good reasons to work and connect with a deity. If you’re uncertain whether working with a deity is right for you, you might want to do some research on a few specific deities that you find interesting to start. You could also reach out to other witches for insight into some of the more popular deities.

A word of caution: If you are a baby witch, you may find it easier to work with a gentler deity for the first time over a more abrupt or blunt one.

How to Choose a Deity

When choosing a deity, you can either approach the deity you want to work with or they can approach you. In my experience, I approached Gaia after I saw her while meditating. I feel like deities can come to you in different forms, depending on what they think works best for you. For me, Gaia has long curly hair, dark skin, green eyes, and she is a little chubby. Her beauty is one of the things that drew me to her.

If you want to build a relationship with a deity and you’re unsure where to start, simply consider the common themes you’ve seen and experienced in your own life.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Do I want a more gentle relationship with a deity or a more rough one?

This is important because not everyone deals well with blunt advice. It’s important to understand what type of personality you will best receive guidance from.

What animals do I see a lot in my life and what animals do I like?

To recognize a deity who might be trying to connect with you, be aware of any animals you see often. For example, Hades and Loki are both associated with crows. If you see a lot of crows in your life, one of them may be trying to contact you. It can be easier to find a deity that is already trying to work with you.

How do I go about my practice with witchcraft?

Some deities might take a liking to your ‘style’ for the craft. For example, if kitchen witchery is your thing, a god or goddess that is more connected with the home and hearth would be good for you. Brigid, the Celtic goddess of home and hearth, could be a perfect match for you.

What colors do I see a lot in my life?

Similar to animals, some deities are associated with colors. For instance, the Norse god Odin is associated with purple, red, and black.

What common personalities do you enjoy socializing or working with most?

Are most of your friends shy or outgoing? Are the coworkers you enjoy most pranksters or workaholics? Deities can be similar to people in the way that each has their own personality. It wouldn’t be very helpful for you to try to connect with a deity that has a conflicting personality to your own.

Recognizing Your Deity

Before you begin searching for a deity to connect with, it’s important to know that it’s possible one may approach you without prompt. Sometimes it can take a while to figure out who is trying to contact you. Don’t get discouraged. Know that it is usually very rewarding once you realize which deity is trying to connect with you.

Recognizing Your Deity’s Signs

Some signs are blatantly obvious while others can be very subtle. They can be shown to us in a multitude of ways — physically, spiritually, or within our dreams.

A Dancing Candle Flame

When doing candle magic, your candle’s flame could be moving around. It’s possible this is a sign from a deity trying to contact you.

A Black Dog

Hecate likes to use dogs, specifically black dogs, to notify witches that she wants to work with them. Have you seen a black dog in need of help recently?

Bones Aren’t Just For Halloween

If you’re constantly noticing roadkill on your drives to work or the grocery store, Anubis may be trying to contact you. Although his way of reaching out is a bit morbid, it’s good to remember he is the Egyptian god of mummification and death, so, unfortunately, bones are like instant messaging for him. But don’t hold that against him. Anubis is a very wise and protective deity.

A few more ways to figure out who’s trying to contact you.

- Some witches use Tarot/Oracle cards to determine which deity is trying to connect with them. Others prefer to use a Pendulum. Divination is also a common way to identify the deity that is trying to contact you.

- Both Tarot/Oracle cards and a Pendulum are easy and safe to use. I recommend them to all, especially baby witches. Although Ouiji Boards are a type of Divination as well, I never recommend their use. Ouiji Boards can be extremely dangerous and are best avoided.

You should consider all the questions I mentioned if you want to work with at least one deity. Remember, this is all based on you and your experience. Do what is best for you. If you feel like working with a deity would be of great benefit to you, then go out there and put out your witchy application to the universe.






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