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Here is a 7-Day Breaking Habit Spell from Spells 8 that does not require many materials!

The Waning Moon is a key time to release, let go, overcome; fears, bad habits, and other toxic energies.

Below is a Waning Moon Spell to overcome a fear or phobia, or break a bad habit. This spell is adapted from the book A Spell a Day by Cassandra Eason.

7-Day Breaking Spell ✨

You will need:

- A long dark blue ribbon

- A pair of scissors

- Flowing water

1. Cut the ribbon in six places at regular intervals, so that it is almost cut through. Say:

"Seven by seven, you do not do,

you fit me no more, outgrown shoe.

[Say the fear, bad habit, or phobia],

soon your power will be through."

2. Tear off the first segment of ribbon, repeat the spell words, then throw it in an outside garbage bin. On days 2 through 6, repeat the spell and the spell words. Tear off a segment each day and dispose of it.

3. On day 7 take the final loose piece of ribbon and, while holding it, say:

"Seven by seven, you do not do,

you fit me no more, outgrown shoe.

[Say the fear, bad habit, or phobia],

now your power finally is through"

4. This time, take the remaining piece of ribbon to flowing water and cast it as far as possible. Say:

"Flow free, no more to trouble me,

flow from the river to the sea,

transformed be into positivity."





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