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When you think of fertility magic, one of the first things that may come to mind is: babies. Fertility magic does include babies, but it can also be fertility for birthing new projects, fresh starts, innovative ideas, and new beginnings. A witch in the coven chat specifically asked for more information on fertility magic, so here is a plethora of information! This can apply to anybody who is trying for a baby or bringing a new idea or project to life!

Here is a collection of various correspondences and spells for fertility magic. You can use these correspondences when you are performing your own rituals, spells or simply want to enhance your specific intention. For witches in the Northern Hemisphere, Ostara is around the corner, so if you or someone you know has been interested in performing fertility magick, now is the time!

Fertility Correspondences:

Symbols: Rabbits, morning dew, goddess statues, cowrie and auger shells, the colors, blue, red, pink, orange and green (for candles, sachets, ribbons and more), elements of water and earth, planets of Venus, sun, Jupiter and moon, silver fish charms

Herbs and Plants: Catnip, chickweed, poppy, sunflower, birch, daffodil, maca, violets, juniper, patchouli, pine, poppy, geranium, hawthorn, horsetail, rose, basil, mugwort, acorns, jasmine, mistletoe

Food: Blueberries, carrots, avocados, blackberries, cabbage, asparagus, eggs, sunflower seeds, pomegranate, walnuts, figs, mangos, elderflower, strawberries, cherries, peaches, lamb, fish, corn, apples, seeds, banana, peas, olives, almonds

Stones: Carnelian, rose quartz, moss agate, sunstone, moonstone, pink chrysoprase, garnet, fluorite, pearl, rhodonite, smoky quartz, turquoise, aquamarine, pebbles, hag stones, jade, nephrite, unakite, red jasper

Timings: Monday and Friday, morning, spring, Ostara, Beltane, new moon, waxing moon, full moons

Deities: Anahita, Hathor, Akna, Brigid, Rhea, Aphrodite, Osiris, Heqet, Artemis, Hera, Aine, Bona Dea, Freya, Min, Oya, Frigg, Isis and many more

Simple Spells & Tips to Promote Fertility:

1.) Keep a pot of basil outside your door or on your windowsill to promote fertility. 

2.) Eat basil to promote fertility

3.) Hang fresh basil over your bed to help with conception.

4.) Place a piece of bloodstone on your womb during a new or full moon. (Keep it there for at least half an hour to promote fertility).

5.) Create a talisman using a cowrie shell infusing it with your intention.

6.) Create a fertility sachet bag or spell jar by filling your container with herbs, crystals and other objects that you associate with fertility and infuse it with your intention.

7.) Bury a raw egg in your backyard that is charged with your intention.

Simple Rabbit Fertility Spell (Adapted from Rachel Patterson)

1.) Cleanse your space with incense that corresponds to fertility.

2.) Find a statue or image of a rabbit and place it on your altar.

3.) Surround your statue or image with crystals and other objects for fertility (optional)

4.) Light a blue, white, green, orange, pink or green candle (choose one or more!) and state your intention out loud for the gift of fertility. This is can be for a baby or to birth a new project, idea or new beginning into fruition. 

5.) Repeat lighting your candle and infuse it with your intention until your intention comes true!

Egg Fertility Spell (from Magickal Spot)

Things you need:

  • An egg (with brown or pinkish shell). This color identifies the reproduction of the human being in the universe)
  • A flowerpot (any small flowerpot may be worthwhile)
  • A little soil (suitable for the plant)
  • Grass seeds
  • Water
  • A green pencil (a green ink pen also applies. The green color symbolizes fertility)
  • Black thread or ribbon

How it’s done:

With the green pencil, draw the following elements on the surface of the egg:

  • The sun
  • The moon
  • The symbol of Venus
  • A cross
  • A five-pointed star

Once the egg decoration is ready, put it in the jar and cover it with soil. Then in this soil, plant the seeds of the grass. For nine weeks, water the pot, and put it on a sunny shelf. The point is making these seeds grow. As you do so, visualize how the seeds you have planted grow. Also, think about how the seed that will become your baby grows inside your belly. Optionally, it is also possible to recite the following spell aloud:

“In the same way these seeds grow,

that the child I long for grows up inside me.

So be it”.

When the grass sprouts have grown enough, cut them. Combine the handful of grass and tie it with the thread or black ribbon, making nine turns in total until everything is well tied. Finally, place this tied grass under your bed for as long as necessary until you get pregnant. Once the spell manifests or if you decide to recast it or cast some new one, get rid of these remains, burying them in a place away from your home. If, after a month from this casting, nothing happens, you can consider recasting it.

Napkin Fertility Spell (from Magickal Spot)

Things you need:

  • A white candle
  • A new white cloth or paper napkin
  • A ribbon or thread (preferably green)
  • A pinch of coarse salt
  • A lighter

How it’s done:

First, light the white candle. Remember that you need to start the process in a calm state of mind and be ready to achieve your goal. With the white candle burning, the room you are in, preferably a quiet place with no one around you, will be filled with positive energy. Then, put the pinch of coarse salt on the white handkerchief while reciting the following prayer to get pregnant:

“That positive energy, spirits, and purity carry a baby in my womb.

So be it”.

Pick the white napkin on four corners carefully so that the salt does not fall off. Then tie the ends with the green thread or ribbon so that it becomes a small envelope. To finish, keep the sachet under the pillow until you get pregnant. Once you get there, burn the bag and scatter the remaining ashes in running water. The ideal would be a nearby river. If you don’t have a river nearby your place, simply throw everything in the toilet.








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