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Let's talk about creative ways you can use a sigil! If you want to create a sigil that is permanent or semi-permanent, here are a number of ways you can use it! Destructive methods are one of the most common ways to activate and send out your sigil to the Universe, as mentioned in the previous post. This technique is especially great for when you want to banish something! Other destructive ways you could perform are writing your sigil on rice, edible paper or something that dissolves and place it into water, bury it in your garden, write on a bay leaf and burn, carve into a candle and burn,  or throwing it down the toilet or the trash. All you need to do is make sure that the energy of the destruction you choose is appropriate with your intention. Alright, let's look at different ways you can use your sigil once you've created one!

Use in Kitchen Witchery

Here are some ideas from Sidney Eileen on how to use sigils in kitchen witchcraft. She is, "It is easy to include sigil magic into cooking endeavors. This includes, but is not limited to magic for wellness, community, and manifestation. It works very much like any other component that you can add into your cooking magic. These are just some potential uses related to kitchen witchery."

- Draw the sigil in oil on the base of a pan or pot before cooking (will not work well with complex sigils)

- Draw the sigil into your dough or crusts

- Visualize the sigil as you cook your food

- Draw the sigil with a tool before, during, and/or after cooking

- Draw the sigil onto containers of food, spices, or other ingredients

- Engrave, etch, carve, paint, or wood burn the sigil onto tools, equipment, or surfaces

- Use a sticker with the sigil to seal packaging for edible gifts

- Stamp the sigil into cookies

- Decorate food items (cakes, pies, centerpieces, etc.) with the sigil

- Burn into wooden spoons

- Stir into tea or soup

- Spread icing onto a cake

- Carve into the bottom of pie crust

- Carve into an ice cube and place it out in the sun to melt (great when working with ice or water in your spiritual practice)


- Write inside or on the bottom of your shoes

- Stitch into your clothing or other fabrics (pillowcases, quilts, blankets, fiber artist projects, etc)

- Keep in your purse or wallet

- Place behind jewelry or a watch so it’s always with you


- Carve into wood or firewood

- Place onto rocks

- Bury them outdoors

Body Art

Sidney Eileen also writes how "Applying sigils as body art can be especially potent for sigils that affect the self (physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually), or for sigils that are very personal. If your intention includes “I need/want this thing”, be that for healing, manifestation, or banishment, then body art might be a fantastic way to go." There are many different forms of body art, and ways to apply sigils to your body.

- Draw directly on the skin using a temporary tattoo marker, permanent marker, body paint, or makeup

- Draw directly on the skin using consecrated oil or water

- Draw directly on the skin using a lotion and then massage it in

- Draw magically onto the skin using visualization, or by inscribing with a magical tool above or on the skin

- Print onto temporary tattoo paper and apply that to your body

- Tattoo your body

- Place on your skin (as a tattoo, with makeup, or something that can be washed off like eyeliner or mascara)

- Draw it with your foundation before blending it in when doing your makeup

Your Home

- Put around your home for protection

- Use ash from incense or smoke cleansing to write your sigil wherever you like

- Draw onto a foggy windowpane or on your mirror after you shower

- Draw with moon water on your windows

- Freshly poured concrete or DIY concrete pavers

- Beneath flooring or carpet

- Use when painting a wall in your home or behind wallpaper

- Place it on your altar

- Draw the sigil in primer or paint before painting the surface with your intended color (such as front and back doors)

- Draw the sigil invisibly using water, salt water, moon water, mineral water, herbed water, etc.

- Print out the sigil and place it somewhere

- Draw the sigil on any appropriate surface with pencil, pen, marker, paint, etc.


- Place into your Wiccan Book of Shadows, grimoire, or spiritual journal

- Carry it with you in a sachet, jar or by itself

-Make into a key ring

- Bring to place of employment

- Place into a book or on a bookmark

- Slap a sticker or decal on any appropriate surface

- Meditate on the sigil

- Visualize the sigil while focusing on its purpose

- Draw the sigil in the air with an athame, incense, wand, or other tool

- Place behind your phone case

Witchy Crafting

Here are some crafty ideas from Sidney Eileen for some extra creativity! She says, "You can use the sigil as a centerpiece or component of witchy crafting. This means using the sigil as a decorative motif or focus for something you make with your hands. Use your imagination and skills for your favorite crafty projects, and figure out how to incorporate a sigil into it for magical empowerment.

This can be incredibly useful for making magical gifts, or for creating enchanted or empowered items. Altar cloths, divination cloths, clothing items, ritual items, tools, altar objects, devotional objects, offerings, boxes and containers, and more are all possible with a little creativity and resources. These are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing."

- Engrave, etch, carve, paint, or wood burn the sigil onto tools, equipment, or surfaces

- Make a painting, drawing, or other empowered artwork of the sigil

- Embroider the sigil onto a cloth, wall hanging, object, or clothing item

- Mold it in modeling clay to use as an altar piece, ceremonial object, magical component, or utilitarian object

- Woodburn it onto something you can use in your practice

- Make it into a quilt

- Incorporate it into a resin piece

- Mod podge it onto a box

- Carve it into wood or stone

- Cast or forge it in metal

- Incorporate it into stained glass

- Knit or crochet it into an item

- Fabric transfer, paint, or silkscreen it onto fabric

- Incorporate it into a mosaic

- Print it out and color and adorn the sigil and paper

- Print it onto waterslide paper and apply it to candles, glass, plastic, or other surfaces

"Simply including the sigil into your creative work will imbue it with the magical power of the sigil, but taking additional ritualized steps will increase that power. Working at a consecrated space, in a meditative or ritual way, and with tools that have been dedicated to magical work, are all things that can increase the impact and potency of your sigilized arts and crafts."

Magical Activism and Changing the World

In the article, "On the Care and Use of Sigils", it is also said that "Sigils can sometimes be used to bolster magical activism or to affect change in the world. In fact, many sigils are created specifically to aid protests, protect marginalized and persecuted people, and create needed changes in the world. In these cases you are applying the magic of the sigil, not just to yourself, but to the society you live in and the world at large."

- Draw the sigil on signs or posters to carry with you at a protest or demonstration

- Use the sigil in magic or ritual intended to further magical activist efforts

- Wear the sigil on your clothing to visibly spread it into the world

- Use the sigil for body art, especially publicly visible body art

- Leave the sigil in public places (please do not vandalize or litter)

- Share the sigil through social media images

- Place the sigil prominently in magical community spaces

Incorporate the Sigil into Ritual or Spell Work

The author also states, "Sigils are extremely versatile, in that they can be used alone or incorporated into other workings as a component. First, make sure the sigil and all of its intentions are genuinely compatible with your ritual or spell. If there are intentions missing from the sigil, or intentions in the sigil that do not apply to your situation, be conscientious about including those considerations into your ritual or spell. Bring in other things that will fill gaps or ward against unintended or unnecessary effects."

- Print out or draw your sigil and place it under a spell jar, sachet or whatever you are using for your spell work

- Sew into an altar cloth

- Paint on the bottom of a spell jar or inside of the lid

- Carve into a spell candle and burn

- Use a spoon in a simmer pot to stir the shape of your sigil

- Use in your oracle or tarot readings for self-development

- Enhance divination and insight by using with pendulums and scrying mirrors

Go Make Some Magic!

Whether you are going to use a sigil you created yourself or by someone else, they are a great addition to your practice! Be mindful of the meanings of the sigils and what your intention is to make sure it is compatible. If you are unsure of what a certain sigil means, make sure you research, check with divination, spirit guides and allies before using. 

There are countless ways to use sigils, so if what you want to use feels right, go for it. Many sigils are active just by being here. Performing added rituals or spell work helps steer and focus the energy into one place to amplify the effectiveness the magic of the sigil. When you have the right intention, using sigils can be beneficial to help you manifest your desires. It is also important to really understand and know the motivation you have behind your intention, so it doesn't unintentionally backfire. Finally, remember to surrender and let the energy of the Universe work its magic!






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