🌝💕Spiritual Meaning & Rituals for the Libra Full Pink Moon💕🌝 (Patreon)
The beautiful and enchanting Pink Full Moon is on Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 2:57 P.M. EDT. If you feel like you've been caught up in stress, work, finances and other struggles, the loving and healing vibrations from the Pink Full Moon will hopefully help your escape this nasty hex and shift your perspective to view things with more love. In this post, we are going to talk about a crystal you can use that can help you harness these energies and other rituals you can do! Let's learn how the crystal Rhodonite and jewelry can benefit you with the energy of the Full Moon!
When is the Pink Full Moon?
Lisa Satin writes, "The Pink Full Moon appears on April 16, 2022. You benefit from this glorious Full Moon energy for the entire 30-day lunar cycle which spans from April 16 to May 16, 2022. You can observe the Full Moon for several hours throughout the day and night, weather permitting. To know the peak times of the April Pink Full Moon, visit the Lunar Time and Date site. There you will learn the ideal times to view the moon, depending on your location in the world."
What is the spiritual meaning of Pink Moon?
She also says, "You might think that the Pink Moon refers to the color that will appear when this Full Moon rises. However, that's not the case. Like the other Full Moons, the Pink Moon was named after Native American, Colonial American, and European societies.
The Pink Moon is a time when the wildflowers begin to bloom in the Northern Hemisphere. The barren winter landscape transforms into a springtime wonderland. Other names given to the April Full Moon are "Breaking Ice Moon", "Moon When the Streams are Again Navigable", "Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs", and "Moon of the Red Grass Appearing". All of these refer to the changing weather and landscape.
Additional Native and Colonial names for the April Pink Moon allude to the animals that come out to play in the spring. These include "Moon When the Ducks Come Back", "Moon When the Geese Lay Eggs", "Frog Moon", and "Sucker Moon" (after the suckerfish)."
How can I embrace these Pink Moon energies?
There are many Full Moon that focus on putting in work, making your frequency higher and pushing through challenges. On the flip side, this Full Pink Moon focus all about love! While this moon encourages you to get out there and do your thang, you may find it challenging to get back into the groove. This moon can help you harness your intuitive and spontaneous side! You are encouraged to let go, surrender and put your trust into the movement and harmony of the Universe.
Pink Moon Crystal of the Month
In Lisa Satin's blog, she writes, "The crystal that best vibes with the Pink Full Moon is Rhodonite. This pink gemstone is all about love, and not just romantic love. Rhodonite will help you enhance all your relationships. With this Pink Full Moon, experience self-love. Feeling better about yourself helps increase your vibrations. Everything else falls in line only after you love yourself. Rhodonite will boost your self-esteem and image.
That's not all. Rhodonite helps you find meaningful friendships, lasting bonds in business, and romance! The Full Moon cycle of April 16 - May 16 wants you to focus on people. Enrich your network and you'll be rewarded spiritually, socially, and even materially.
Rhodonite opens your Heart chakra to these many layers of love. It will also help you appreciate the small things in life. Find joy in the blooming pink flowers and the drops of rain hanging from rosebuds. Love can be found all over the Earth. Rhodonite opens your eyes to infinite possibilities."
How to Use Rhodonite for the Pink Moon
Do you have any Rhodonite? It is a gorgeous pink gemstone that has detailed topography with designs and patterns of grey and black on it. If you do not have Rhodonite, you can use these stones for your rituals, as well! Rose quartz, rhodochrosite, pink kunzite and any other stones for love are great substitutes.
Here are some tips on how to use Rhodonite for the Full Moon and after:
- Wearing Rhodonite jewelry or carrying Rhodonite stones with you may attract a romantic partner
- Rhodonite stones that are placed near the bed stand may enhance your love life
- For successful partnerships in business, place a Rhodonite sphere at your desk or workplace
- Meditate with Rhodonite crystals on your Heart Chakra to open up the flow of self-love. To keep your heart chakra activated all day, wear Rhodonite jewelry.
- Put a Rhodonite egg on display in the kitchen or home to promote and create a peaceful family environment.
If you want to amplify and enhance your magic with Rhodonite, pair it with any of these Moon Crystals...
What are Moon Crystals?
Lisa Satin explains, "Moonstone, Selenite, and Labradorite are the three mightiest Moon crystals. They harmonize with the Moon's frequency. You must use them during each lunar event and use the stones that call to you. Learn about how each of the three Moon Crystals benefits you:
Moonstone: This is the number one moon crystal. It is the staple crystal for all your lunar practices. Moonstone aligns strongest with the Full Moon. Its bright and luminous qualities show you the way ahead. Moonstone holds the power of a million moons and delivers it to the palm of your hands.
Labradorite: Full of moon magic, this dark beauty flashes with rainbows like the midnight sky flecked with celestial stars. Labradorite aligns with the New Moon, helping you find new beginnings in the darkness. Use Labradorite and feel like you are being guided by your spirit guides, angels, and all the beneficial beings of the unseen world.
Selenite: Named after Goddess Selene, this moon crystal glows with a glorious silky white sheen. Selenite aligns with the crescent moon, protecting your aura through the journeys of life. Use Selenite and feel hopeful that the world is working in your favor because you believe miracles do come true."
Moon Crystal Rituals for the Full Moon
Now that we've talked about the powerful magic of moon crystals and the unique crystal you can use for the Pink Full Moon and beyond, let's chat about how you can use them!
1.) Use the Full Moon to Cleanse, Charge and Program Your Crystals With Your Intention
Did you know that you can use the full moon to simultaneously cleanse and charge your crystals? After you have left them out overnight and gathered them in the morning, you can program them with your intentions. Now your crystals are mega-charged with your intentions to help you reach your goals throughout the month! You can charge up your jewelry, crystals, tools and other items this way, too.
2.) Create a Crystal Healing Grid Under the Light of the Full Moon
You can charge your crystals under the moonlight and you can also make them into a crystal grid to amplify your intention to make it more powerful! You can create it outside under the full moon, add flowers to really give your intentions an added boost.
3.) Cleanse Yourself Under the Full Moon
You can totally give yourself a full body cleanse and charge by sitting outside under the full moon or by the window! Place crystals on you too for a super cleanse and super charge. You can stay outside or by the window for as long as you'd like. You could even do a meditation, yoga, enjoy a cup of tea or read, too. Feel nice and refreshed afterwards!
4.) Crystal Ball Scrying Under the Full Moon
The moon is known for being magical and its psychic powers. If you have moonstone, selenite or labradorite as a sphere, try some crystal ball scrying! You can gaze into your sphere outside under the full moon or by a window and see what visions or messages you receive.
5.) Wear your Moon Jewelry during the Full Moon
An easy way to harness the energy of the full moon is to wear your moon crystals as jewelry! You can take the power of the moon with you wherever you go. Your jewelry will possess lunar power and can help step up the energy in your rituals, too!
6.) Create Moon Water Under the Full Moon
You can create an enchanting moon elixir by making moon water under the full moon! Place moonstone, labradorite or selenite on top of a lid container to infuse your water with the energy of that crystal, too. It's not recommended to place these crystals in the water to drink, but you can use crystal safe ones if that's what you choose to do. Make a lunar infused oil by placing them outside with your crystals for a magical concoction!
If you're not feeling any of these crystal rituals, you can make an altar that is devoted to Aphrodite and love! Spring is in the air with this full moon in Libra that focuses on balance and relationships. Here is how you can make your own altar for this moon phase:
Libra Full Moon Ritual: Aphrodite Altar
The AstroTwins say, "Energy flows where your attention goes, which is why visual reminders are always such an important cue in the manifestation game. With lovestruck Libra (an air sign), as the pilot light of this lunation, why not make an altar to Aphrodite, the goddess of amour? To create your altar, start with a base. You can use a beautiful cloth or scarf. We recommend a tray so you can move it to different areas of your home.
Gather objects that are symbolic of love and romance: candles, angel cards, crystals, jewelry and trinkets that stir the heart. Print artwork of Aphrodite or couples that inspire you; you can also place snapshots of you and your beloved on the altar. If you’re single, choose anything that evokes the feeling you hope to have when you’re in love. Objects from nature like leaves, pine cones or fruit can also be symbolic of bringing vitality to this area of your life.
During the Libra full moon, we love to burn candles on the altar. If you are releasing any pain from a breakup or a recent lover’s spat, use a black candle which will absorb that energy and transmute it. Then, after the black candle has melted down, burn a white one to invite new energy.
It can be helpful to write down on paper anything that you’re releasing and place it under the black candle—or even (carefully!) burn the list with the black candle’s flame. Simultaneously, write a wish list for your love life and place it under the white candle while it’s burning, then slip it under a crystal or another symbolic object on the altar. Meditate daily at your altar. Even a minute sitting with your sacred objects can do wonders to help you manifest your quixotic dreams."