⛓Cutting Cords to Reclaim Your Energy & Align With Your Higher Self ⛓ (Patreon)
You may already know how you cut cords with toxic people that are no longer serving you but did you know that you can cut cords with older versions of yourself too? You may have some toxic traits you no longer want to carry, so here is an article from Maria Erving about cutting energetic cords and a ritual by The Philosophie for you!
As spiritual beings, energy is shared frequently among other humans, places, things and other versions of ourselves. Sometimes they bring in positive energy and sometimes they make low vibrations in our energy field.
By sharing energy we create attachments or energy cords to relationships and things that either serve our highest good or block our growth. Energy cords are made up of mutual sharing, trust and love. As we are always in a state of growth, bonds have the potential to shift or transform as time comes and goes. It’s our CHOICE to decide when energy shared enhances your life or restricts it. Then you can decide how to move forward from there.
There are certain people and things you effortlessly align with and keep coming home to over and over and over again. Trust their love for you. Trust the joy they bring you. Anyone who you can pick up exactly where you left off and get DEEP into it—those are your people. Hold them close.
Decide now to choose YOU. Your joy and happiness. Nobody or nothing can rob you of your joy. Did you know that? If you feel the energy cord inhibiting you from living a life you’re meant to experience, let go. Create more space. More music. More baths. More nature. More breaths. More fun. More nourishment. Cut cords energetically for more love and gratitude to seep in.
What are some signs of unwanted energy cords?
Obsessive thoughts or behaviors around a person or thing
Negative self-talk or feelings with that relationship
Feeling drained with a person or a thing
You don’t feel like your true self around that person or with that thing
You hold onto to the hurt or pain in a low vibrational way
The relationship makes you physically anxious, tired or sick
The same way we can energetically attach to people, places or things, we can also physically attach. It’s our choice and birthright to cut any forms of an unhealthy attachment. Through connecting to your intuition and maintaining nourishing self care rituals and practices you’ll recognize where energy cords are strengthening or depleting you.
The best thing you can do is let go of feeding that person, place, trauma or hurt your energy through thought or emotion. Forgive them, forgive yourself and LET GO.
10 Things You Could Cut The Cords To And Be Done With:
1.) Self-pity
2.) Old career, job, or a professional role you play that you have outgrown.
3.) Addictions and addictive behaviors.
4.) Resentment and holding grudges.
5.) Unhealthy relationships.
6.) Self-loathing, blame and shame.
7.) Worrying about money and finances.
8.) Procrastination and indecisiveness.
9.) Fear of speaking up and voicing your opinions.
10.) Struggling with the process of spiritual awakening.
Instead You Could Choose To Embrace:
1.) Your ability to choose your perspective and your own innate power to make the positive changes in your life that you yearn for.
2.) A new way of self-expression and service to the world (a new career path or professional direction in life).
3.) A healthy and clear mind, free from addictions and self-soothing/medication by the use of substances (or food, mindless shopping etc).
4.) Forgiveness and letting go of the past.
5.) New, loving people and relationships into your life.
6.) Self-love and self-respect.
7.) Trusting that you will be alright and able to handle any challenges that might come your way from a peaceful and calm place within.
8.) Transformation and change, realizing that change is inevitable and essentially always good and it’s much nicer if you can make the choice for yourself than that your circumstances decide them for you.
9.) Yourself! Being who you are and saying what you think and feel from a place of authenticity and self-confidence.
10.) Letting Life/Truth take over the process of awakening and simply let it have its way with you.
There are so many things that you could be done and over with for good!
Think about what that could be about in your life.
Think of something that is weighing you down, that makes you feel drained and tired (or even exhausted) and imagine yourself being freed from it. It could be about events from the past, unhealthy habits, or the inability to move on from past hurts and pains (grief, grudges etc).
Would you like to be free from the ties to the past, the cords that hold you back?
Sometimes there can be something in your life that you don’t even know is holding you back, but you can feel that there’s something that has a hold on you energetically.
You just know you want to move on, that you want to start afresh
This can be a very freeing and empowering healing experience as you are freed from the energetic attachments to the situations etc that you wish to be released from.
A ritual for energetic cord-cutting (by The Philosophie)
Find a quiet place and light some candles then clear away negative energy with a cleansing bundle. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Then perform this visualization exercise:
Picture a thick cord coming from the center of your body, traveling deep into the earth and tying you safely to the core. Grounding you and protecting you.
Now imagine the person, place or thing you wish to let go. (This can also be a past version of yourself, too)
Visualize a physical cord with this relationship and imagine cutting it. Tell this person, place or thing that you love them and are grateful for them but will no longer be tied to them.
Remove the cords.
Visualize the cord you tied to the earth coming back to your center.
Bring your awareness back to reality and move your body (try a quick yoga flow or delicious stretch).
Finish by lighting some Sweet Grass (available here) and bring in new, vibrant positive energy into your home and the energy within.