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Here are some ways you can celebrate Litha! From going to the beach and growing fairy gardens, this celebration honors the Summer Solstice and Midsummer. This sabbat is on June 21st and the longest day of the year. In this post you'll find some activities you can do as a solitary witch, as well as, with friends and children! How do you want to celebrate? 

1.) Forage for Wildflowers, Elderflowers and Other Herbs

There are so many flowers in full bloom around this time! Elderflowers are a good example of what you may find now and they are associated with the Summer Solstice, the Mother Goddess and possess healing, renewal and personal transformation properties. If you're a witch who likes to cook up magic in the kitchen, you could totally whip up some elderflower champagne or a cocktail, too! (Adults only, though!)

If there's a field or forest that is local to you, check it out and see if you can pick some wildflowers! Pick mindfully, smell them, thank nature for its amazing beauty then add them in a vase for your altar or make a flower crown.

2.) Start a Dream Journal or Discus Your Dreams With Someone.

Sarah Starrs says, "Dreamtime is particularly potent during the summer solstice. Your child could draw pictures of their dreams or narrate them for you to transcribe if they aren’t able to write yet. How did these dreams make them feel? Do they relate to their daily lives? Has their dream inspired them at all?"

3.) Craft Flower Crowns

Another idea from Sarah Starrs is to create your own flower crowns! She says to "Buy blooms from the supermarket or pick some from your garden if you have one. You can use thin wire to hold them together and they’ll make the perfect adornments for your solstice celebrations. This activity is the perfect accompaniment to storytelling. Perhaps you’ll weave a tale about children going on a walk through a beautiful meadow on the longest day of the year and the fairies who weave flowers into their hair. Or maybe you’ll tell of the children helping their grandmother in the garden. She tells them about the magical properties of each of the flowers she grows and creates beautiful crowns for them to wear so that they can soak up this magic during the solstice."

**4.) Make a Fairy Garden

Through various folklore and mythology, it’s known for fairies to be close around the time of Litha! You can celebrate this sabbat by honoring faeries if you wish. Create a fairy house or a garden. Use a pre-made bird house you can get from the craft store and add paint, moss and flowers to make it magical. Hang your fairy house in trees or in your garden, but be careful not to place them too close to your house because fairies can be a bit mischievous.

5.) Create Your Own Sleep Herbal Sachets

Find a blue, purple, or any color that you associate with sleep sachet to make your herbal charm bag. Fill it with dried herbs, such as mugwort, lavender, hops, lemon balm, chamomile and other herbs that have magical properties for sleep. Close your sachet and place in into your pillowcase to promote sweet dreams and better sleep.

6.) Take An Herbal Bath

Similar to your sleep sachet, create one for your herbal bath! Fill your sachet or muslin bag with dried herbs of your choosing. Some good recommendations for relaxation and embracing the magic of flowers for this season are lavender, roses and chamomile. All you have to do is place your bag into a running bath to enjoy the calming effects of these herbs. The best part is there is no mess to clean up afterwards!

7.) Add items to your family altar or nature table.

Find some magical finds in nature for your altar! Make a sunny flower bouquet, oak leaves or find stones to paint sun symbols on. If you head to the beach, maybe you can find some pretty shells or other ocean treasures!

8.) Make everything yellow!

Celebrate the summer solstice and the longest day of the year by honoring the power of the sun by wearing yellow clothing! Wear clothes with sunflowers or sun symbols as an added bonus. Maybe you even have some jewelry with symbols of the sun or sunflowers, too?

Another idea is to create some artwork using the color yellow. Watercolors, drawing, chalk, knitting or anything else where you can get creative. Draw a picture that tells a story about the summer solstice and longest day of the year. 

One more way to incorporate the color yellow is by eating yellow foods! Bananas, yellow peppers, lemons, pineapples, cheeses, acorn squash and dandelions are some great foods to try out.

9.) Read about the solstice.

Sarah Starrs recommends reading "The Longest Day, Mermaid Dance, and Welcome, Summer!" with children to talk about the summer solstice. I'm sure you can Google some other good books, too!

10.) Create a feast that celebrates the season.

Make a meal that uses the lovely foods that are in season! Some vegetables that may be easier to find this time of year are carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, fresh herbs, mushrooms, celery, berries, and lots of greens. When you set the table, decorate your table with a sunny yellow tablecloth, place some bright flowers in the center, light candles and enjoy some mead or another seasonal beverage. Say thanks for your bounty of the season. You can say a blessing during your meal or have each person say what he or she are thankful for. 

Other Worldy Oracle says, "What is one thing that nearly everyone loves to do? Eat! A tasty way to celebrate Litha is to throw a feast. Our ancestors celebrated every holiday with a feast. Often the feasts would last for DAYS. Invite friends and family over (if you want to share) and have a large dinner or cook-out. Ask others to bring a dish for a potluck, this way you don’t end up buying and cooking food for lots of people. Some great summer dishes include: seafood (crab, shrimp, fish, oysters), beer-can chicken on the grill, watermelon, berries, lemonade, avocado, summer squash, and baked potatoes."

Here’s a lovely summer solstice verse to memorize and recite with your children from Sarah Starrs:

"The Light of the Sun sends Love to me,

It shines for all the World,

Let my heart shine with Light and Love,

And stronger ever to grow,

That in my heart a sun may shine,

With Love for all the World."

Do you have any rituals and traditions you like to do for celebrating the summer solstice? I’d love to hear them!










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