❄️🙏 Prayers for Imbolc 🙏❄️ (Patreon)
Happy Imbolc! Here are some prayers for you to celebrate! These two articles are from Magickal Spot and Learn Religions.
If you're looking for prayers or blessings to celebrate the sabbat of Imbolc, here's where you'll find a selection of original devotionals that bid farewell to the winter months and honor the goddess Brighid, as well as seasonal blessings for your meals, hearth, and home. Feel free to adjust or modify these prayers as you need to, in order to fit the themes of your own magical tradition and beliefs.
Imbolc is an amazing pagan holiday to focus on change things, especially at a spiritual level. But how can we honor and connect with this holiday in an easy practical way? You can pray! If you are new to prayers don’t worry!
What is a prayer for Imbolc?
A prayer for Imbolc is a way to state your commitment to the universe and to the spirits to show that you’re willing to celebrate this special time of the year.
How does it work?
A prayer for Imbolc can help you disconnect from the past and the darkness of the winter months opening yourself to the light and the new opportunities of the springtime!
Why should I honor Imbolc with a prayer?
In the wheel of the year, Imbolc is the gateway between winter, now in its decline, and the imminent spring.
This passage symbolically represents the transition from the “dark period”, characterized by cold, darkness, and death brought by winter, towards the renewal of the cosmos which is expressed with the rebirth of Nature.
The light that was born on the Winter Solstice begins to manifest itself at the beginning of February: the days get longer little by little and even if the winter season continues to hold its cold grip, we realize that something is changing.
What is the best time to do it?
The Imbolc festival is celebrated on the night between the 1st and 2nd of February. If you can do your prayer on this night, that would be great! Otherwise, do it in the days right after Imbolc but make sure you don’t wait too much to let its energy stay around and very high enough to connect with it!
If you want to commit to this moment of prayer you can make it a part of your daily ritual!
How to prepare for a prayer?
These steps below aren’t a must, but they’ll help you make your prayer work.
Clean and purify the house
Those who have not had time to cleanse themselves and the house do not waste time! Take a few clockwise turns around the house or rooms with a candle and light an incense stick to cleanse the room of negativity.
Decorate and add candles
You can decorate the place with spring flowers, candles, which are a symbol of purification. It is best to use candles of white and green shades that personify the end of winter and the beginning of spring. You can also use juniper essential oil.
Take a cleansing Imbolc bath
Add a few drops of juniper in the bath. Why juniper? Because it has an incredible ability to purify the person’s aura. Soak in the bathtub.
Try to relax, clear your thoughts and think only of spring and the awakening of nature. The bubble bath can be even better with a green, spring-scented bath bomb! After your bath, pat dry with a clean white towel.
Honor the Bridget’s cross
Some peoples have made the “Bridget’s cross” symbolic in the time of Imbolc. It was called upon to attract the goddess’ powers and strengthen cleanliness. The cross was attached above the doors of the house. For a whole year, it had the role of a protective amulet, and just before the party, they burned it, along with the negative energy that has accumulated in it. A new cross hung in its place.
Cleanse your mind with meditation and visualization
Choose a quiet and peaceful place in the open air, where no one will bother you, so you can be alone with yourself. It could be a park, a garden, a favorite tree, etc.
Take some seeds of the plant you like best and plant them in the ground in this place. It is better to take those seeds suitable for you according to the sign of the zodiac.
After that, light a small wax candle and wait for it to burn until the end. Look at the flame.
Eliminate your negative thoughts. Imagine that all your ideas are somehow connected with your future life and that you want to realize, and there is that seed that should grow. Meditate on what you would like to see grow, health, strength, success for yourself and your loved ones.
Prayer for Imbolc
“The darkness fades away…
I can see light…
I can feel rebirth..
I can sense nature coming back to life..
I choose to say goodbye to the past..
I open my heart… my mind… my body… my soul…
The blessings will come…
I am getting ready to receive them…
To embrace them…
To make them mine…
I choose to cleanse my soul and my space…
I am making room for the fresh energy made of light…
Blessed be”
What should you do after prayer?
After prayer, you can let the candle burn out completely. You can also reuse it, in case you decide to make this prayer like a part of a daily ritual. Keep Bridget’s cross with you or on display to honor her and don’t forget to celebrate light by keeping some candles lit all day long at least once a week!
And don’t forget to meditate and focus on your feelings and get rid of your past!
Did You Know?
- Imbolc gets its name from the Irish Gaelic Oimelc, which translates to “ewe’s milk.”
- Other celebrations that fall around this time include the Roman Lupercalia, Egypt's Feast of Nut, and Candelmas.
- Traditionally, this sabbat is held to honor the Celtic goddess Brighid, patron of hearthfires and domestic life.
Brighid's Fire Meal Blessing
The goddess Brighid is well known as a keeper of the hearth fires in the home. As such, she is often associated with matters of domesticity, including cooking and kitchen magic. If you're prepped a meal and you're getting ready to dig in, take a moment to bless your food in Brighid's name.
Brighid is the lady of flame,
the fire that cooks our food!
Hail to her and to the hearth,
and may our meal be good!
Thanks to Brighid Meal Blessing
In some modern Pagan traditions, it is customary to offer a blessing before a meal, particularly if it's being held in a ritual context. At Imbolc, it's a season to honor Brighid, the goddess of hearth, home and domesticity. Celebrate her role as a goddess of the homefires, and offer this simple blessing of gratitude before your Imbolc feast.
This is the season of Brighid,
She who protects our hearth and home.
We honor her and thank her,
for keeping us warm as we eat this meal.
Great Lady, bless us and this food,
and protect us in your name.
End of Winter Meal Blessing
Although Imbolc isn't truly the end of winter–and depending on where you live, you might be right smack in the middle of the worst weather of the season–in many traditions, it is a time to look forward towards the spring. It's a good time to honor the idea that the days are starting to grow a little bit longer and that soon, the harsh cold winter will be coming to an end. Feel free to hold off on this prayer until it's a little more seasonally appropriate for your area.
The winter is coming to an end
The stores of food are dwindling,
And yet we eat, and stay warm
In the chilled winter months.
We are grateful for our good fortune,
And for the food before us.
Prayer to Brigantia, Keeper of the Forge
The goddess Brighid was known by many names. In parts of northern Britain, she was called Brigantia, and was seen as a keeper of the forge. In this aspect, she is associated with smithcraft and cauldrons. She was connected to the Roman goddess Victoria, a deity who was the personification of victory in battle, as well as loyalty. In some legends she is invoked as Minerva, the warrior goddess. Although as Brigantia she is not nearly as famous as her Brighid aspect, she is seen as the goddess who bestowed the title of Brigantes upon a pan-Celtic tribe in England's border region.
Hail, Brigantia! Keeper of the forge,
she who shapes the world itself with fire,
she who ignites the spark of passion in the poets,
she who leads the clans with a warrior's cry,
she who is the bride of the islands,
and who leads the fight of freedom.
Hail, Brigantia! Defender of kin and hearth,
she who inspires the bards to sing,
she who drives the smith to raise his hammer,
she who is a fire sweeping across the land.
Prayer to Brighid, Keeper of the Flame
Among her many other aspects, Brighid is the keeper of the flame, and this simple prayer honors her in that role.
Mighty Brighid, keeper of the flame,
blazing in the darkness of winter.
O goddess, we honor you, bringer of light,
healer, exalted one.
Bless us now, hearth mother,
that we may be as fruitful as the soil itself,
and our lives abundant and fertile.
Prayer to Brighid, Bride of Earth
In many modern Pagan traditions, the Imbolc sabbat is a time to celebrate Brighid, the Celtic hearth goddess. Among her many other aspects, she is known as the Bride of Earth, and is the patroness of domesticity and home. This simple prayer honors her in that role.
Bride of the earth,
sister of the faeries,
daughter of the Tuatha de Danaan,
keeper of the eternal flame.
In autumn, the nights began to lengthen,
and the days grew shorter,
as the earth went to sleep.
Now, Brighid stokes her fire,
burning flames in the hearth,
bringing light back to us once more.
Winter is brief, but life is forever.
Brighid makes it so.
Smooring the Fire—A Prayer to Brighid
Alexander Carmichael was a folklorist and author who spent nearly five decades traveling around the highlands of Scotland collecting stories, prayers and songs. His most noteworthy work, the Carmina Gadelica, is an interesting blend of early Pagan tradition mixed with the influences of Christianity. Smooring the Fire is from Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica, published 1900, and is a Gaelic hymn to Brighid, honoring the tradition of smooring, or dampening, the hearth fire at night, and particularly on the night before Imbolc.
An Tri numh (The sacred Three)
A chumhnadh, (To save,)
A chomhnadh, (To shield,)
A chomraig (To surround)
An tula, (the hearth)
An taighe, (The house,)
An teaghlaich, (The household,)
An oidhche, (This eve,)
An nochd, (This night,)
O! an oidhche, (Oh! this eve,)
An nochd, (This night,)
Agus gach oidhche, (And every night,)
Gach aon oidhche. (Each single night.)