đłđŒHealing & Green Earth Day SpellsđŒđł (Patreon)
Earth day is on April 22, 2023 this year. This is a day that everybody comes together to celebrate nature and take action to take better care of the environment. We all know that Earth Day should be celebrated everyday and who knows that better than a witch! You may already tend to your herbs in the garden, appreciate nature, work with the elements and plant allies, use herbs in your practice, tea and cooking, and make offerings to Mother Earth and the earth spirits around you. Let's use Earth Day to make honoring and celebrating the Earth a little more special than usual!
Here are some Earth Day spells, which you could do whenever you want as well! Earth spells are best for money, abundance, prosperity, fertility, home, grounding, nature and growth. If you want to add an extra boost of Earth energy to your spells, you can use salt, stones, herbs, plants, soil, food and the Earth alchemic symbol. Some examples of herbs and stones you can use are patchouli, cypress, mugwort, aventurine, onyx and jet.
Charm of the Oak
This spell is intended as a way to connect to the deep wisdom and knowledge embodied in the oak tree. Itâs a more spiritual and somewhat intangible spell than most others. All you need is:
- 4 acorns
- Small bag of brown fabric
- Patchouli oil
- A brown or green candle
Best if you can collect the acorns yourself. Anoint the candle and the acorns with oil, and light the candle. While you hold the acorns in your hands, repeat the following:
Sacred oak
Blessed seed
Growth and wisdom
Mine indeed
Visualize a mighty oak tree, and all the things it may have to teach you. Place the acorns in the bag, and leave it near the candle. Let the candle burn out on its own, and leave the bag somewhere where you will see it every day. Opportunities to gain new knowledge will soon present themselves.
Fertility Egg Spell
A little magick can help in your quest to become pregnant, but donât be foolish and ignore any possible medical issues. Your supplies for this earth spell are just:
- A raw egg
- A whole vanilla bean
- Pencil
Write these symbols on an egg. Theyâre in Theban script, and read âripeâ. Go outside and dig a hole in your yard, and bury the egg with the vanilla bean. Make sure itâs deep enough that an animal wonât dig it up.
If you donât have a yard, use a large flower pot filled with earth. This spell works best if you bury the egg during a waxing moon, though you donât necessarily have to do it at night. Each night afterwards though, you have to go outside and water the spot so your spell can âgrowâ.
Indoor Grounding
Grounding is basically just releasing excess energy into the earth, often done after powerful rituals or any stressful day. Really, all you have to do is go outside and stand on the ground or touch a tree but if you are stuck inside, this can be a handy way to perform a quickie grounding without access to the outdoors.
Bag of potting soil
4 dried beans or corn kernels
Pinch of coarse sea salt
A ceramic, wooden or glass bowl
The bowl should be larger than your hand span, and made from a natural material (no metal or plastic). Fill up the bowl with soil, and then push the beans into the dirt forming the points of a square shape. Sprinkle the salt in the center of the square.
Place your hand, palm down, into the dirt. Press gently but you don't have to shove your hand right in. Visualize your energy running down your arm, out your hand and into the dirt. Let the Earth absorb everything. Repeat the following several times:
Drain from me, from my hand
Energy, into the land
Send it deep into the ground
Now it's gone, can't be found.
Repeat at least 4 times, out loud is best. Switch hands, and do it again. Make sure you concentrate on sending out that energy. You can reuse the bowl of earth, as long as you are able to cleanse it under the light of a full moon between uses. Either that, or just replace the earth.
Earth & Abundance
A typical Earth spell is all about bringing things to life and letting things grow, and that is usually summed up as "abundance". Sometimes it's money, but anything that develops in your life would count. If you need a little abundance, ask the Earth. Fehu is the rune for abundance magick.
A large plain rock
Green paint
Dried patchouli
The rock you pick should be at least as big as your fist, but bigger is better (within reason). You don't need to go nuts with boulders here. Set your rock up somewhere in your house where it won't be disturbed. An altar is nice but anywhere will do. The kitchen is the Earthiest part of the house, if that works.
Use the green paint to heavily paint the rune Fehu onto the top of the rock. While the paint is wet, sprinkle dried patchouli into the paint. Let it dry thoroughly, and blow off any loose herb bits. Your abundance charm is ready to go. Ask it to bring you new things into your life every time you walk by. Otherwise, leave it alone to work its magick.
Recycling Spell (from Llewellyn)
Sorting those soda cans and old newspapers into the recycling bin doesn't have to be a chore. It can be a new way to work spiritual transformation magic. If you're feeling downtrodden and in need of a boost, feel your frustrations and doubts and send those energies into the recyclables. Think about the recycling process, the way that the old becomes the new, and envision yourself reborn, free of negativity and full of fresh ideas. Say an affirmation such as, "Just as this can will be recycled into something new, so may my stale mindset be transformed into inspiration."
Banish the Trash Charm (from Llewellyn)
Picking up litter can be the vehicle for a powerful banishing charm. Be it insecurities, a bad habit, bad luck, or even a pimple, whatever you wish to cast aside will be out of your life a lot sooner with the help of the Banish the Trash charm. When you see some litter, visualize the thing you wish to banish and send this image into the trash. Keep your thoughts firm, peaceful, and positive. As you toss each piece of litter into the trash bag, speak some words of banishment; a simple "Be gone!" will do.
Magical Preparation Ritual (from Llewellyn)
Your personal power and your affinity with nature's magical energies will be strengthened if you use as little water, fuel, and electricity as possible in the days leading up to an important spellcasting or other sacred time. Enjoy a lights-off divination or meditation session every evening, put on your walking shoes, see how fast you can take a shower. Push yourself to conserve the Earth's resources as much as you can, and the forces of nature will lend you their power when it comes time to work your magic.
Repairing Ritual (from Llewellyn)
Restoring a section of depleted land can help a witch work through old emotional scars and emerge renewed. Find an area that needs help, and set aside some time each week to go to the place and work on restoring the natural ecosystem. You will likely need to do a combination of things, such as digging terraces to prevent erosion, spreading compost to add nutrients to the soil, and planting native plants to restore natural vegetation.
As you're working on the land, think through the memories that continue to upset you. When you are ready to let go of an old hurt, bury it in the ground. Place your palm firmly on the dirt and say, "Enough!" As you continue to nurture and replenish the land, you will work through your emotions and find closure, peace, and renewal.
Animal Friend Magic (from Llewellyn)
You can develop a closer relationship with your spirit animal or real-life familiar by helping other animals of their species. For instance, if a cat is your familiar, you might give a bag of pet food to the local cat shelter, or organize a community seminar to educate people about the needs of cats. If your spirit animal is the gorilla, you might offer your skills to causes that support gorillas and their habitats. You could organize a benefit concert to collect money to help protect the rainforest. You could volunteer to help with fundraising, or design a brochure or campaign poster to generate public interest. When you generously offer your unique talents and skills to help animals thrive, those animals will be happy to help along your magic.
These guidelines, spells, and rituals can enrich your Craft and befriend the Earth. By incorporating magic into your green living, and incorporating green living into your magic, you will enjoy the full benefits of sustainable witchcraft: more power, more methods for spell work, and a stronger bond between magic, person, and planet.
Get Your Hands Dirty (From By a Sea Shore)
One of the obvious and most practical ways to celebrate Earth Day is to plant something. To be more specific you might consider planting a tree (you can dedicate it to a deity or other purpose if you want it to be even more special!) or tending to flowers, vegetables, or herbs. This is the perfect time to get to work on that native plant garden youâve been putting off!
For this, I suggest finding a specific entity or living thing that embodies your relationship with the earth and nature to make your offering to. You might consider making an offering to a tree that has provided you shelter or a garden that has provided you with nourishment.
If you choose to make a special tea, recipe, or other compostable item during your celebration today, you might consider burying it in that front of that tree or in that garden. If you already compost, maybe take today as an opportunity to use it to fertilize the plants around you. If youâre a witch in more of a city setting, something as simple as a liquid fertilizer would make a great offering for your houseplants!
Bless a Garden
A growth spell or garden blessing can be a simple celebration that allows you to spend some time outside meditating on the benefits and life of the plants around you and in the energy of the earth while also promoting growth. Make a growth spell jar for your garden and remember to refresh it once in a while, too!
Summon Rain (by Mochi Panko)
Two things are great for nature in most cases, rain and sunshine. Of course, these two things donât usually coexist, so if youâre in an especially bright area, try your hand at a simple rain summoning spell to encourage some hydration to come your way, or if youâre in an especially soggy area, try to banish the weather to offer the plants in your area some sunshine.
One way to do this is to fill a bowl with water. Sit outside under the sky, and focus on the kind of weather you want. For rain, dip your fingers in the water, letting the droplets fall back into the pool below before stirring clockwise while meditating on rain. Once you are done, pour the water out onto the earth. To banish rain, you will want to stir counterclockwise and meditate on sunshine, disposing of the water inside.
Pay It Forward To The Earth (By Lisa Stardust)
Take a Selenite crystal (protection), turquoise stone (energetic healing), or a citrine crystal (energetic detoxing) and offer it to Mother Earth to show her appreciation for loving us and helping us unconditionally. Hold the stone or crystal up to the sky and say: âMother Earth, you gave me life. Now, I give you life, healing, and love. This stone or crystal was taken from you to heal and cleanse me. Now, I humbly return it to you. You are my Savior, now let me save you. Be healed, my love.â
Call Upon The Elementals (By Lisa Stardust)
Each of the elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water) are classified as beings unseen by the human eye who reside on the astral plane. Their aim is to enhance our environment and to protect us from danger. They are the most organic and pure force of energy. Acting as catalysts, these four entities are essential to the existence and cycle of life, which means they are important to the Earth. Salamanders represent the element Fire. Their purpose is to spark global change and evolution. Gnomes are the growers and harvesters of the elementals; therefore they represent the element Earth. Sylphs or Faeries represent the element Air. Their job is to purify and detox the air. Undines or Nymphs are the element Water. Their role is the most essential to life on Earth, as water provides fuel and serves as a fundamental component for all creatures and plants.
On Earth Day 2023, itâs important to honor the Elementals as they can help our planet cleanse and rebirth. In order to call upon the Elementals, we need to visit the astral plane (which lies in a world within reality as we know it). With your left pointer finger, create a circle of protection in the air. Close your eyes. Meditate on the Elemental with whom you wish to communicate with. Once you find the Elemental, join energies with them. Let their words inspire you to heal the Earth. Honor them for their generosity and kindness. Ask them to guide us and navigate us towards cleansing our planet. Pay tribute to them by thanking the Elementals for all they do. This will inspire them to help our planet more.
Renew The Earth (By Lisa Stardust)
Apples represent immortality, fertility, and abundance. If you cut an apple width-wise, you can see a five-pointed star â which is why they are traditionally used in harvest festivals to honor the Earth because they are considered a magical and healing fruit. In order to bring renewal to the Earth, we can use apple seeds to ensure a prosperous renewal of life by harnessing the ultimate maternal and fertile energy needed to harvest fresh life. Take a peeled apple and cut it into four wedges. Before eating each piece of the apple, place the seeds in a cup of water, at the bottom of a potted plant, or in the soil outside. As you place the seeds into the water or soil, chant these words: âApple of vitality, bring to be, that we shall see, love for Mother Earth and Me.â
Whatever you choose to do on Earth Day, know that honoring the Earth in whatever small way you can is enough. If you arenât able to do a large-scale ritual or plant a dozen trees, doing what you can for your small part of the world is just as valid as anything anyone else might do.
Image found on Pintrest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/135952482485205403/