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Let’s talk about ways to harness the energy of Mercury Retrograde! If you’re already feeling tired and disoriented—like you’re just not yourself—there’s a good chance you can blame it on Mercury Retrograde (and the Solar Eclipse!) Mercury will be in retrograde in the sign of Taurus from April 21st until May 14th. When the planet of communication and cognitive function is spinning backwards from our perspective here on Earth, it has a way of making your brain work twice as hard in order to function. This post has a spell for clarity and a spell for patience, plus some other simple rituals you can do during this time. I found these resources are from Llewelyn, House of Intuition and Eclectic Witchcraft to be extremely helpful and I hope you do too!

Lifestyle Asia writes, “The earth sign denoted by a bull is rooted in the materialistic world. Mercury retrograding in Taurus means that the finances of all zodiacs will be affected. The focus will be on business and career rather than love life. It is a particularly challenging period for signs like Taurus and Gemini, as their minds will oscillate between gaining control over their finances and fighting the urge to splurge on an expensive vacation or luxury items.

Overall, zodiacs will explore options to improve their financial condition and broaden their horizons in their work field. When it comes to relationships, all signs are advised to maintain boundaries with people to avoid triggering experiences and go into self-reflective mode.”

Mercury Retrograde Clarity Ritual by Narayana Montúfar

While this ritual can be performed any time during the transit of Mercury Retrograde, which lasts from April 21st to May 14th, there are some specific times in which it can be more powerful. Wednesdays are potent days to connect with Mercury. You will need a piece of Agate or Opal, a yellow pen, a yellow candle, a piece of paper, and some lavender.

First, light the candle and grab the crystal while allowing your energy to settle.

Meditate on the symbol or image of the planet Mercury, and once you’re ready, invite it into your space. Once you feel its presence, ask for Mercury’s help by saying: “Oh dear Hermes, I am here to ask for your guidance. Please allow the rays of the Sun to illuminate what I shall know.”

Once you feel ready, grab your yellow pen and start writing in the piece of paper in free flow. Simply just write what comes to your mind, without yet worrying about its meaning. What’s important is that you capture the messages in their pure form, as they will most likely make more sense later on.

Magical Ways to Harness Mercury Retrograde by Eclectic Witchcraft

If you’re not content to just sit and suffer during these chaotic astrological transits, there’s good news! There are a few ways to make the most of Mercury retrograde, and witches have the best ways of all. Just use a little bit of magic!

Light Some Incense

You can light some incense to create a protective space. Incense can also help you refocus your thoughts on what’s important, and use the power of scent to attract luck during this stressful time!

Incense can protect, cleanse, and banish negative energy. You just have to choose the right incense!

Clear Your Space

Mercury retrograde is a time for reflection, but it can also be a time of messiness. Don’t let your space become filled with the chaos of the retrograde! Cleaning your space can have magical effects, and it’s an activity you can easily do every day.

Cleaning everyday is also a very witchy practice! You just have to decide how you want to approach the process. Using incense like I said above, you can cleanse your space of negativity.


Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you to get through the madness of Mercury retrograde. You can meditate on your purpose during this time, or meditate on positive energies that will bring you through the next few weeks.

Meditation is one of the easiest ways to cope with stress and re-center when the world seems to be falling apart. That means Mercury retrograde is the perfect time to try meditation to clear away negative energy.

You may choose to focus on your purpose, or to work on your joy when things are dark. Mercury Retrograde can be when you’re at your most connected with yourself spiritually. It’s all up to you how you want it to look!

When things get hectic or crazy in your everyday life, (which they often do during Mercury Retrograde) it’s always important to ground ourselves. There are many different ways to do this, but meditation can really help us achieve that.

You can meditate anytime, anyplace – I find that I’m drawn back to meditation when things get really crazy, so I encourage you to try it every day!

Protection Spells

Protection spells can ward off bad things and negativity- which is what we’re trying to do when Mercury Retrograde hits. You can find protection spells all over the internet, but simply imagining an egg of energy around you is one of the simplest and most effective protection spells out there.

You can even do something as simple as wearing black to block out bad energy. Or you can use protection crystals or make a protection jar spell.

Use Your Power Of Positive Thinking

It’s all about blocking out the bad vibes. The power of suggestion can have a powerful effect on your life. Our thoughts and visions about the future have a major impact on what we see when we look in the mirror.

This is why it’s important to use care when thinking out loud, because what you say and think about yourself during Mercury Retrograde may just come true!

It’s easy to get into the habit of worrying when Mercury Retrograde begins, but by being mindful and using positive thoughts, you can overcome evil events. Manifest positivity instead of chaos!

Do Shadow Work

Shadow work journaling is an act of introspection and reflection. It is the process of writing about your thoughts, fears, and emotional responses to any events that happened in recent times. It can also consist of reflecting on past events that contributed to your current state.

This is the best time for shadow work because it provides you with space to think about all your current issues without them weighing you down. Shadow work may not solve all your problems but it will make dealing with Mercury Retrograde easier!

Focus On Flexibility

During Mercury retrograde it’s important to be flexible because you never know what type of high stress events are going to happen.

Manifest a spirit of flexibility within yourself during these chaotic weeks. It’s a lesson that will carry through the rest of the year and serve you even when times are good.

During Mercury retrograde, you’ll find that your plans may fall through or you’ll deal with delays. If you plan for this, you’ll have an easier time during the retrograde and outside of it too!

Spell For Patience

To survive Mercury Retrograde, it is important to use spells for patience as a way of preventing stress during the retrograde. A spell that you might like to try is:

Mercury Retrograde Spell for Patience by Llewelyn

Mercury Retrograde can often be stressful for some on multiple levels. It’s a good time to perform a patience spell. You will need a pink candle in a holder, rose oil, and a small rose quartz. Bless and consecrate your supplies. Anoint the candle and yourself with the oil. Light the candle.

Follow your breath and focus softly on the candle flame. Hold the rose quartz in your hands. Attune to your heart. Feel yourself fill with peaceful, patient energy. Imagine a filter around your heart that screens out and disposes of any harmful words, gestures, or energy sent your way but allows friendship, joy, and goodwill to enter. Imagine any negativity sent your way bouncing off like rain on an umbrella.

Ground yourself by standing with both feet on the ground and imagining any excess energy flowing into the earth. Take a deep breath to center. Be sure to extinguish the candle or let it burn down. Carry the rose quartz with you throughout Mercury Retrograde.

Slow Down

One of the most important ways to survive Mercury Retrograde is to slow down. Focus on taking one step at a time, don’t try to multitask if you can avoid it, and double check your plans before you act on them.

Slowing down like this can help you to avoid the sort of mistakes that can lead to tech problems or plans falling through. Choose to be mindful in all that you do, even if it means taking a little bit longer. This won’t protect you from EVERY mishap, but it’ll save you from a lot of them.

Carry Crystals

Crystals can be a great way to help you calm down and take advantage of the chaos during Mercury Retrograde. Emotional healing is something that can happen when we’re in tune with our bodies and give them time to heal themselves.

Crystals like Tourmaline, Sodalite, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite are all excellent choices for this type of meditation because they have been known to soothe frazzled nerves and calm wild thoughts.









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