✨How to Use a Pendulum to Discover the Names of Your Spirit Guides✨ (Patreon)
Here is a exercise to discover the names of your Spirit Guides using a pendulum! If you don’t have a pendulum, you can either make your own or use a necklace that has a pendant on it instead. This resource goes step-by-step through the process of using your pendulum to ask your spirit guide what their name is.
"Many of us grew up hearing about guardian angels. The idea that someone or something was watching over me gave me a sense of comfort. While studying and practicing the spiritual arts, I became aware of "helpers" around me: not just angels, but souls who were close by to offer guidance when asked. I refer to these souls as guides. I believe we all have at least one and, in some cases, several." ~ Cathy Tigges, CTACC
At the request of Ask Your Pendulum, the following has been graciously provided by Cathy Tigges, CTACC, intuitive spiritual healer, inventor of the Soul Healing Technique and author of "You Can Talk to the Other Side", a workbook designed to help you unlock your intuition and contact departed loved ones.
You can obtain the names and gender preference of your guides by using the Guides Chart (below), list of questions (also below), and a pendulum.
For this task, you'll need a pendulum that's programmed for yes/no answers – though save out the clockwise signal (don’t use it for yes, no, or maybe) as it has a special purpose in this exercise.
In addition to the standard Yes/No/Maybe signals, you will also need to program your pendulum for a "Clearing Action" signal using the clockwise circle. This signal will indicate that Spirit is clearing something as per your request. The Clearing Action may be to eliminate blockages to using the pendulum, raising your guides to the highest level of consciousness, removing negative energies, etc.
State your intention: "I ask that Source surround and protect me during this process and anytime I am using a pendulum. I request that my two major guides be assigned at this time. I ask that my guides be elevated to the highest level of consciousness and downloaded with the latest knowledge, wisdom and understanding from the highest level of consciousness. I ask that they stay with me during the process of discovering them and anytime thereafter when they are called upon."
Use the following questions to ask your guides to come forward or be assigned, and be present as you read how to obtain their names and become familiar with them.
1. Ask: "Do I have guides?" YES [____] NO [____]
If you get no, ask that your guides be assigned to you and then repeat the question.
2. Ask: "Do I have more than two guides?" YES [____] NO [____]
If you get yes, ask that you are assigned only two guides, who are at the highest level of consciousness and can be most helpful for your soul. Repeat the question.
3. Ask: "Do I have only two guides?" YES [____] NO [____]
If you get no, ask that only your two major guides remain assigned to you and that all other guides be released. Repeat the question.
4. Ask again: "Do I have only two guides?" YES [____] NO [____]
If you get yes, move on to number five. If you get no, ask that any blockages by you, your subconscious, angels, or any entity or energy that prevents you from obtaining this information be cleared. Repeat the question.
5. State: "I ask Source to please elevate my guides to the very highest level of consciousness." The pendulum may go into clearing action.
6. State: "Please remove and clear any extra, hidden, multiple, and attached souls from me and my guides." The pendulum may go into clearing action.
7. State: "Please update and download my guides with new wisdom, knowledge and understanding from the highest level of Source consciousness." The pendulum may go into clearing action.
8. State: "Please clear all entities and souls coming through with negative energy or blockages that would prevent me from receiving clear, concise, and loving contact as I am working my pendulum." The pendulum may go into clearing action.
Here is a link to a Guides Chart you can print out and use (click on this download link). It is free!
9. Using the chart above, hold your pendulum over the bottom center half circle on the Guides Chart.
10. Say to your guides, "I am going to ask you to spell your names using the pendulum and the chart. If your name is too long or complicated for me to understand, please abbreviate or give me a nickname with less than twelve letters."
11. Say to your guides, "Please spell the name of guide one, showing me one letter at a time." After the pendulum points to each letter, stop the pendulum action and confirm by repeating the letter and asking, "Was the letter ___?" If you get a no response, repeat that step for that letter. Each time a letter is confirmed, write the letter down.
a. Guide One Name: ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Say to your guides, "Please spell the name of guide two, showing me one letter at a time." After the pendulum points to each letter, stop the pendulum action and confirm by repeating the letter and asking, "Was the letter ___?" If you get a no response, repeat that step for that letter. Each time a letter is confirmed, write the letter down.
b. Guide Two Name: ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
12. If a name is too difficult to pronounce, take some of the letters given and create a nickname, then ask the guide if this nickname is suitable or ask the guide to point out letters for a nickname that humans would be able to pronounce.
a. Guide One Nickname: _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
b. Guide Two Nickname: _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
13. After you have the names, say to your guides, "I would like your gender. Please show me by pointing to either male on the left top side of the Guides Chart or female on the right top side of the Guides Chart." If either guide indicates gender neutral, by not pointing to either the left or right, remind the guide that on Earth, it's preferable for us to have a reference point of being able to use he or she, and then ask again. (If it still isn’t going to either side, you can ask if they would rather use the term they, perhaps!)
a. Guide One Gender: _____________________
b. Guide Two Gender: _____________________
NOTE: You can obtain more information about your guides by using the Guides Chart. For example: ask if their last incarnation was on Earth, what their line of work was, if they were married, if you knew each other in a past life, etc. The better you and your guides know one another, the more successful you will be when working with your them.
Troubleshooting - If the pendulum doesn't go into the appropriate action:
• Confirm that only your two major guides are assigned, and all other extra souls or energies have been removed.
• Confirm that there are no blockages to using a pendulum with the Guide Chart.
• Confirm that there are no hidden or attached souls.
If you still encounter a problem getting the appropriate pendulum response, ask that two new guides be assigned, and then repeat the steps.
NOTE: Don't be alarmed if you have to repeat this process. Sometimes it takes more than one attempt to get guides assigned that are best suited for the individual. Guides are souls with personalities and free will too, so they want to be assigned to the right person for them as well.